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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Thanks. Chili does not like getting into the harness but once in he loves to be outside getting a bath in the sun.
  2. Awwww Rocky is such a cutie!!!! Don't you love that they love taking baths?
  3. It was BEA-U-TI-FUL in Houston today. The birds got some sun and a bath. Here are some pictures of Chili Pepper
  4. Hello everyone. I'm sure it depends on the bird and their circumstances but generally is it possible for a grey to mellow as they age or once a nervous grey always a nervous grey? Thanks
  5. Hi everyone, Slater (CAG) is 2 and is fully flighted. I've only recently (in the last week) started training Slater to recall. He seems to really like banana chips so I've removed those from his diet to use in training only. He'll step if my hand is close enough for him to reach and has even stretched pretty far for the banana chip but that's as far as he'll go. If he has to hop to my hand to get the chip it's not happening. He'll pace and turn around like he really wants the treat but won't make the hop to the hand. I'm thinking the banana chip is not a high enough reward, he scared to make the hop or he just needs more time. If anyone else has dealt with this I would realy like some suggestions?
  6. Thanks. You would not believe how long it took Slater to get used to his new place. Still not sure he is confortable in there. Greys can be so complicated.
  7. Hi everyone, I finally got the chance to get Slater on video biting his nails. He's been doing this behavior forever. I've been told by many that this is a grey trait. Let me know after seeing him actually doing it if you still think it's a grey trait or something else. I am probably reinforcing this behavior but for the life of me I don't know what I am doing to reinforce it and I cannot figure out how to get him to stop and I sure don't want it to escalate.
  8. Took these of Slater foraging this morning.
  9. thanks very much. Birds are a lot happier in their new room. Slater gets a lot louder. This is nothing. Glad others experience this sound too
  10. I know what you mean. The first time I heard Slater do it I ran to him thinking he was severely hurt. Then like I said he righted himself and immediately said good morning boys.
  11. Hi I was able to get him on video tonight. Is this what "pterodactyl imitations" sound like?
  12. Did they get along from the start or did they have to get used to each other?
  13. Hi! Thanks. Let's just say they co-exist. They are out of their cages all the time. They even sleep outside the cage. The only time they are in their cages is to eat and drink. How long has Corky and Cricker been together? Maybe over time they will become better friends. I don't think they will ever eat out of the same bowl at the same time but that would be awesome if they would.
  14. I'm going to see if I can get it on video. Scared me to death
  15. Found this on youtube. This is very short but kinda what he sounds like.
  16. It catches my attention! VERY loud and it sounds like he's hurt but he's clearly not.
  17. Something that Slater does that I don't quite understand is he'll be talking away all happy then he'll hang upside down and grab his tail with one of his talons and start screeming as if someone is grabbing him all the wile in the upside down position. Then he'll right himself up and continue talking and carrying on. It's the weirdest display. If you could hear him you would think that someone was killing him. Sound familiar to anyone?
  18. Happy Monday to you. Took these on Saturday.
  19. Hi Bran, I am referring to my CAG who is 2 and that I have had since 3 months. Good advice. I think I have that book. If not will check it out. Thanks
  20. I'll try a cover to separate him from others at night. When he gets in his moods there is no treat or toy or anything he wants. It's very frustrating.
  21. From the pictures I post of Slater one would think he is always happy and has no issues. The fact is he does have issues and I am nearly at my wits end and don't know what to do or how to handle him. Slater was 2 in May. He came to me clipped (severely) and never flew until recently. He is now fully flighed but doesn't fly because he wants to, he flies only when he has to like when he is spooked. If he wants to be with his favorite person or he wants to be in another location instead of flying there he'll sit flapping his wings, make his high pitched chirp and bite his nails (been doing this for a good year). Why doesn't he just fly to wherever or whoever he wants instead of acting like a drama queen? When it's time to go to bed and I say "nite nite" he starts biting his nails and acting nervous. I don't know what's going on and wh he doesn't like going to bed so much. I've tried different things. I've tried covering him, not covering him and closing his cage door, or leaving the door open, etc; however, once the light goes out he takes his position in his cage on his swing and he good for the night. I do leave his cage door open so he can come out in the morning. Every morning I go into the bird room and visit with the birds before work. I greet Slater first and he is very sweet and wanting to be pet and I enjoy this time. When I get home from work he acts like a different bird towards me wanting nothing to do with me. I'm not sure if he is 100% ok with the room still. I recently added a Red Fronted Macaw to my flock which probably didn't help matters. I cannot move him or anyone else out of the room so that is not an option. I have to deal with his issues in that room with him and the other birds there. HELP!!!! I'm at my wits end.
  22. Hi Everyone, Chili Pepper turned a year in May. I'm starting to see very, very little yellow come in around his beak and there's a tiny, tiny spot behind his ritht eye. I would have thought that I would be seeing more yellow on his head and red on his shoulders by now. Anyone have pictures of their DYH both as babies and older showing color progression? Curious about coloration.
  23. Thanks very much. He's so funny. When I say "where's my upside down bird" he assumes the position. LOL
  24. Awwwww thank you! When I walk in there I feel like I'm walking into another dimension. At first I was going to use dry rub transfers but after figuring out how many we might need it got expensive plus I really couldn't find very many different designs I liked. My husband is an architect and much more artistic than me. He drew free-hand everything. He helped with the painting. We are not 100% complete but close enough.
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