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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. Thanks all for putting up with me thur all this. It is quite a relief!
  2. I do believe Slater is feeling better in his new room. He starting to play with his toys and hang upside down like the goofball I know he can be. Sooooooo good to see him this way. And Chili well, he has been doing great from day one and still is. He's actually started hanging upside down for the first time so there is a little bit of goofyness in him too that is finally starting to come out. I feel sooo much better now that my boys are starting to settle in. What a relief!!!! I just love hanging out with my boys and watching and hearing their happiness. Warms my heart.
  3. That is a great idea Ray!! Next item i'll be buying.
  4. For a short while I thought Slater (CAG) was doing really well with the move into his new bird room. However he's is a nervous wreck. I'm sure he probably senses my worry. He is a nail biter and he has been biting constantly (not hurting himself just constantly has his toes in his beak. I understand he needs time to adjust. I just need to hear that he'll be ok and to find out if there is anything I could do to make this easier on him. Anyone else deal with a nail biter?
  5. Hi. Thank you. I got the chains from Home Depot. Is there one by you? You buy on line at parrot supply stores too but you probably pay more. The only downside is I could only fine the chain in yellow and if you buy from online stores they have a lot of colors. Try Lowes Home Improvement too.
  6. Thanks. I called in sick today so I could spend another day with them. Glad I did. he is doing sooo much better today. He's talking, eating, drinking and moving around. Not playing like I know he can play and hasn't ventured off his cage but hopefully in time.....
  7. Here is a video of Slater and how he is adjusting. Also attached is a picture of Chili Pepper and some of the room. Still in the very early stages of figuring out where I want everything and what works best for the boys. The ceiling fan is far enough away from everything and will NEVER be turned on when they are out of their cages.
  8. I wish Slater was happier. He's a nervous wreck. I'm worried about having to go back to work tomorrow and leave them although Chili (DYH) is completely fine. Will I have a featherless bird when I return? No one can say. I have seen him preen, he has spoken, he will sometimes take his favorite treat. Will not move around to investigate just sits. I tried to situate the cages and the net very similar to the way it was before the move. If he recognizes his net (which was his most favorite place to be) he's sure got me fooled.
  9. Chili (DYH) is not phases at all. Slater as expected is very nervous. At the moment however he is sitting on his cage door on one leg.
  10. Ok everyone. You've all seen how much vine I have.what would be the easiest way to add something to the vines so they don't look like snakes as Malikah suggested. Pictures would be helpful.
  11. I can't wait to share those pictures.
  12. Yes. I do have ro keep reminding myself. Thanks
  13. Sooo upset:( I'm seriously thinking about repainting the room a solid color. Slater just hates the room. I haven't moved them in yet and won't for another week our so. Maybe I'm just not giving him enough time and being too impatient. He won't eat his his favorite treat when in there all he does is look for an escape route. Perhaps it is the echo in the room, maybe it's the tree branches, heck I don't know. We go into the room several times when I get home from work. He holds a death grip on my hand, he leans and his eyes are huge.
  14. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. I can't wait to finish. I figure a couple more weeks tops. Then I can start moving the boys in.
  15. Hi Beginning to detail the plants and then the trees. Will be adding flowers for color then the birds (painted birds) and then we'll be done!!!!! Can't wait.
  16. Hi Here are two of many plants and flowers. After all the trees, plants, vines, birds etc are drawn and painted I still need to go in and detail everything. Hoping to make a dent over the weekend. I'm having fun.
  17. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments. Will keep you posted on my progress
  18. Hi Everyone I've been very busy working on the birdroom. Here are some pictures of my progress. I am a little concerned about Slater. He seems to be afraid of the images on the walls. I would hate to think that after all this he will not be happy. Each night we go in the room with Slater's special treat. I hope that he will eventually be desensitized and feel more confortable. I have a LLLOOOTTT left to do before the room is complete. Hopefully this will give Slater time to adjust. Also hopefully when Slater and Chili's cages and toys are moved they will be familiar to him and make him feel better too.
  19. Hi if you have pictures I'd love to see your room. Thanks
  20. Thanks. I started taking the before and during pictures. As soon as I get further along I promoise to post pictures. I have to pull up carpet, repaint, draw, etc, etc, etc. Long project but very excited!!!
  21. Yes I am still here:) This is very exciting for me. Right now the boys are in a balcony area. It nice but too small. The boys have their net to climb all over but it is going to be so nice when they have their own room!!!! My husband is an architect so he is very opinionated about some of the things I have talked about doing in the house so having a bird room gives me the freedom to do whatever I want. When you're ready you'll do the room.
  22. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I didn't disappear and fall off the face of the earth. I'm in the beginnign stages of turning my oldest daughter's vacant bedroom into a birdroom for Slater and Chili Pepper. It's not the perfect situation (it's upstairs) but it will work for the time being. I'll post pictures of the before and during stages. May take a long while for the "after" pictures so be patient. Hope everyone and their birdies are doing well.
  23. it's just not worth the risk. No more. I will have to find another treat he likes as much. Thanks
  24. thanks everyone. The weather now is just beautiful here. It won't be long before it gets unbearably hot. It gets so hot and humid here I can't have the birds out long before they start to pant then it's inside.
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