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Everything posted by fidsandfrats

  1. You're welcome all. He loves hanging upside down.
  2. Thanks everyone. I came across a picture of Chili when he was just weeks old and it amazes me how much he's changed
  3. I am his chosen one so he wants to be with me always. If I walk out of the room he flies looking for me. I like to play hide and seek with him. I'll hide then I call him from wherever I am and he comes looking for me. He gets so excited when he finds me-lol He says quite a few words and a lot that I don't quite understand yet. I especially love when he sounds like me when I call for my daughter Lindsey several times and get no response. He sounds just like me with the voice influction and all-LOL Lindsey......, Lindsey.....LINSDEY!!!! Here of late he's been letting me scritch on his cheek or head. Gooooood boy!!! I've been trying to get him to give me a high 5 for a treat and he's doing good. He's just a little cutie.
  4. Thanks RayP for remembering Chili Pepper:) Just now coming across this post.
  5. You know what happens whenever I say never? LOL
  6. Oh yes!!! Most defintely loved to death. He is the life of the party.
  7. Has it started already???? Could that be why Chili Pepper is acting so onry - not wanting to step up when asked, flying like a acrazy bird all over the place? Hmmmmm....
  8. Just one here - One zon is enough for me-LOL
  9. Hi all you Amazon lovers!!! I would like to hear from owners of DYHs. Male DYH since everything I've read suggests that they are more aggressive than females during the breeding season. So tell me about your male DYH. Don't sugar coat it, I can handle it. I'm interested in their behavior during the breeding season. I want to hear the good, the bad and the very ugly. Is your DYH's hormonal behavior hardly noticeable or does he turn into a weapon of mass destruction during the breeding season? How do you best deal with your DYH hormonal issues? Do they return to their fun loving self after the hormones have settled down? I've heard that after 10 or so years the hormones settle down for good. Is this true? I did my homework/research before bringing Chili Pepper home and most of what I read was a little scary. However, I just had to have a DYH in my life. Chili Pepper is coming up on 2 years old. The hormonal issues may be just around the corner and I just don't think I can be too prepared. Look forward to your comments.
  10. I would like to hear from owners of DYHs (particularilly males since they are supposed to be more aggressive than females) and get their first hand experience with dealing with hormonal issues. Maybe I'll start a thread!
  11. My birds are kept in their own room. I ripped out the carpet and put down vinyl tile. I used to put newspaper paper down in the concentrated pooped on areas but I think that it's more work. So they go where they go and I spot clean every day and mop the floors once a week.
  12. Thought I'd post more photos of Chili Pepper. Look at all the yellow he's gotten on his face. What a cutie!
  13. Cricket is a blue front correct? Oh and also I've read that the females are not supposed to be as mean as the males. Chili is a male. We shall see.
  14. awww Cricket sounds wonderful. Well Chili is not a rehome. I've had him since he was 6 weeks old. He is such a hoot, such fun, has a wonderful personality and is such clown in the birdroom. Yes he's young (almost 2). A lot of what I read on the internet say he's young just you wait.... some say they would never own a "hot 3". I hate that they give such a bad rap to some species. I really hope that Chili won't turn into some monster the internet portrays his species to be:( I know he'll have his hormonal periods and I am prepared for that but I'm hoping they will be mild. I'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.
  15. You should. I bet your birdies would love it especially Louie!
  16. You are very welcome!!! So glad you made it and even happier that Nilah likes it. My Slater has never gotten on it but my other two love it. However now that I rearranged my room (video under Cages and Homes) maybe Slater will eventually get on too.
  17. Oh WOW!!!! Great job!!!!!! Looks like Nilah LOVES IT!!!! Did you use rope or wire?
  18. Hi What I do is let them watch me put their favorite treats in their food dishes just before they go to bed so that they want to go in their cages because they know there are goodies for them.
  19. Hi everyone, Hi everyone, I think I mentioned I removed the ceiling fan which has helped greatly with Slater's behavior. I also rearranged things over the weekend. Slater is moving around the room more than he ever has since he's been in the room! There was a time he would not venture off his net. Removing the painted trees/limbs/vines made a significient difference in his behavior but he was not where I would have liked him to be and I could tell there was something still bothering him. I didn't realize how afraid Slater was of the that 5 legged bird-eating octopus we call a ceiling fan. Sometimes it is the simpliest things that may frighten them, things that we know are perfectly harmless. I would never have thought painting on the walls would frighten him. You and I know it's just painted on and is harmless but it is obvious to me now that birds think so differently than we do. One really has to try to think about how they preceive things. Bird room - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD4UThJmY3c&context=C3774d95ADOEgsToPDskIeup7An1DEruTNjuF88m_x
  20. That makes life a little easier. Thank you!!!
  21. Happy to share. Sounds like it is coming along nicely.
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