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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. B) Salsa would rather eat every body's food than her own,:ohmy: She is our "Fastest Running Bird".... Jay
  2. :ohmy: The only tail fanning you see from Salsa is her running from Joeys cage after stealing his food, with Joey in hot pursuit of Salsa's tail...:laugh: Jay
  3. Jayd


    Do you have "styptic" powder? keep it on hand and use immediately if it starts bleeding again. It should be rinsed in a solution of "hydrogen peroxide" 20 parts water to 1 part hp, than rinsed for a couple of minutes with clear water, then dry, "not to warm of water", you can then apply "Neosporin Cream" [NOT Ointment] very lightly.... Better yet, go to vet.....A Grey can bleed-out in a few minutes, get the baby to drink some "Pedialyte" [Gator-aid,Poweraid] product, full strength at first the 50/50 water dilution to help build blood.....Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/11 01:27
  4. Good, that depends on who says it to you.....:whistle: Jay Karma
  5. This link is from Jillybeanz, she posted it in the Amazon Room, which I love, and I would like to share it here. Jay:) Thank you Jillybeanz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZRtPNSro9g
  6. Thank you for this post, it really is good to watch and makes a good point;) Jay Karma
  7. :unsure: I'm surly getting senile in my old age. I picked 4 sites at random with out even reading to show there was info available on the net.:whistle: Sorry, I should have explained...Jay
  8. I'd like to take a moment to personally thank everyone involved in this thread.I felt it was very important that these questions be asked, And all the reply's were more than outstanding....A special Thank you to Dan [danmcq] for all his time and contributions. Karma Dan.... [6hr's from now. LOL] Thanks Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/10 20:40
  9. :P Wonderful, tears of happiness for you...:laugh: Karma...Jay and Maggie
  10. :P Wonderful, tears of happiness for you...:laugh: Karma...Jay and Maggie :ohmy: QPPS.....<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/10 16:17
  11. Karma's and thank you so much. Never stop posting, it's always welcome on the forum, bird or not... Jay
  12. Salsa, we were raising 4 Zon's, Salsa and her bro and 2 large Blue fronts, when we raise other peoples birds, we try no to bond with them, we failed that rule with Salsa.[spock here, "Prime Directive", shame] Salsa looks like a "center" on a football team, fat like me..In a earlier post we told how she picked her own name. Advice,get one, their laid back, self entertaining vacuum cleaners...:laugh: :laugh: Jay
  13. Your post is a pure pleasure....... :P Jay
  14. Thanks, I wish there was a better word then "work" it's work but it isn't :unsure: It's love and giving and sharing...2 kids and a few fids later, not work... Jay and Maggie
  15. Wonderful post, I typed "clay for my parrot" on the net, here's what I got!!! [1 PAGE] http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/04/06/ 1017206270310.html http://www.inkanatura.com/macawclaylicks.asphttp://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm http://www.24parrot.com/Natural-Clay-Mineral-Block-for-Parrots- A starter...:)Jay
  16. 2009 was quite a year, we fledged over 35 babies not counting our own, they comprised of a Hawk-head, Major Mitchell, Macaws, Umbies, Grey's, Amazons, Sun's, Half-Moon's, Green-Cheeked conures, Senegal's plus our own Grey, Amazon, 'Tiels, and Budgies. Last year we re-homed a few beautiful companions and took in some rescues and a re-home we kept. A few times a week, as we could, we help socialize young birds at a pet store, this was all volunteered, each one of you would do the same thing we know, nothing special..... This year Maggie and I are going to retire, no more breeding and feeding. We'll help out with socializing young bird's, but no more rescue and re-homes. [spock here,BS] We'll advise and make phone call's, but were tired..Last year we lost some of our older birds and some babies, to many tears. So, we'll spend more time with our fid's and all of you, our friend's... Jay and Maggie
  17. Thank you Jilly and each and every one of you.... Jay and Maggie
  18. Okay, how did you come about getting your Amazon? Store, breeder, friend, flew in your window?? What compelled you to give your bird their name? Does he/she look or act like anyone in your family? And lastly, What advise would you give to a perspective or new 'Zon owner?:unsure: Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 23:46
  19. B) Ok, a thought, say we know apple seed contain cyanide, does the fertilizer, and pesticides they use to grow the apples contribute any new or extra dangers that might complicate the problem? Jay Note: This means all foods were discussing...<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 22:16
  20. All of you thanks, we read your posts to Spock... Spock is basically on his own, not to many answers other than his body isn't absorbing nutrients, and we have to watch out for secondary infections....She wants to see how Spock is after he's been off the antibiotics for a few days... This morning Spock weighed 448 grams, this has been his morning weight for the last 3 days, this is good!!!He's quit active and noisy!!![bless him] Jay and Maggie Note: His symptoms are similar to PDD...[Macaws wasting disease]<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 22:04
  21. Greetings, sorry I jumped on-line late today, had fids to take care of..Don't you just luv it? You people are fantastic, I myself have learned so much and hope to continue to do so from this thread...No answer or question to to short or to long. I just read the Subject of the post and it says 'What you feel..... Ramsabi wrote: An unintended slip Jayd ? Ramsabi, what I wrote is what I intended to say, many times during this thread I've amended or added questions the same as others have, isn't it great...Ramsabi my friend, there's so many questions that this thread can bring forth, lets bring them, lets learn... What Dan says about temperature killing above 108 degrees is my main concern about a pellet only diet. Pellets are processed at high temperatures, it must damage some of the ingredients..Any answers? Dan, thanks for this info we can trust and learn from. Jay Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 21:48<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 22:24
  22. Pearllyn, Your posts are always good, luv them. Point well taken Joolesgreyuk, I also feel as you do, we feed all our fid "Zupreem" and a seed mix, the one we use is "Volksman no sun" as the name suggest, no sunflower seeds. One thing we do, is prepare a lot of different veggies and fruits and foods. I'll do a separate post on our "Fid's Feed". Jay Note:I've tried Harrison's 3 times this year alone at great expense on all our birds, no luck... Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 05:04<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 05:09
  23. Thank All. Spock's normal weight was 472 avg...He has 2 more shots, and gets checked next week, his appointment was changed...Your prayers are helping!!! Jay and Maggie:)
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