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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Finally I found time to watch this and show it to Maggie, don't know what we'd do with out them...When we don't intervene, they have there own life and agenda... It's nice to sit back and watch... Jayd
  2. WHAT A SWEETHEART...I love the color and name...
  3. There is now question in my mind that you'll come out of this with flying colors.... Luv Jay and Magggie [Wonder Bird Women]
  4. Jayd

    Rare Macaw

    I haven't been on for a while, been kinda busy in the Amazon room...I do something like this about Amazons in the Amazon Room so I thought you all would like something like this here...Hope you enjoy.... Spix's Macaw or Little Blue Macaw (Cyanopsitta Spixii) is a rare and possibly extinct in the wild. The last one seen in the wild was a male in 2000 and it has not been seen since. There are about 60 in captivity. Spix's Macaw weighs approximately 360 grams and it is approximately 55 to 57cm. Its native habitat is a small area in Northeastern Brazil. You can find out more information and see photos on the sites listed below... Enjoy....{Feel-good-00020069} Jay http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/profile/spixs_macaw/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spixara.jpg http://www.amazingmacawsandparrots.com/spix.html
  5. {Feel-good-0002006B} That's ok baby, we luv you anyway!!!
  6. There's approximately 2,500-10,000,Here's a site to check them out... Jayd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow-shouldered_Amazon
  7. Thank you, Karma, "PICTURES" [PLEASE]. Wonderful story.... Jayd
  8. B) There are cool!!! I have a email for info: RogerBringas@yahoo.com :) Wait till next week!!!:whistle:
  9. Thank you Dan and all the others for your comments. It is so nice to have everyone from all over the Grey Forum to participate in this room. It is so sad that in some cases, there are more pictures than actual birds... Don't forget, New Amazon coming next week... Jay
  10. Karma to you 1st post....They breed true... Jay
  11. B) The Blue Beauties Blue Mutation Yellow-Naped Amazon were originally found in Honduras in the wild where they occur naturally. Two young Blue Mutation were found [in two consecutive years] and in another stroke of luck, they turned out to be a male and a female! They are all blue where they would normally be green and they are white where they would normally be yellow or red. When two of these Blue Amazons are bred together, all of the offspring are always blue.These naturally occurring color morphs are precious. They are somewhat larger than a normal Yellow-Naped Amazon. Jay {Feel-good-00020069}
  12. You been giving the best by these good people, nothing they've said can hurt your baby, only make it better....Time is the cure......Be patient.....Be calm..... Jay
  13. Hello again, don't be to concerned with a large diet change right now, let your bird decide when she wants to pearch you, take things "Easy and Slow". When using aloe juice,[refrig after open...] "SOAK [the water/aloe needs to penetrate to the skin.] to your bird, wait 2 or 3 days, "Soak" with "distilled water", then again with Aloe in 2-3 days etc. By rescuing this bird is the best thing you could do, now give her time.... Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/15 15:00
  14. Thank You, please visit us often.... We love photos...Jay, This is great....
  15. ;)Karma, To bad you couldn't see this rare Amazon... Jay
  16. Karma, and welcome to the "Amazon Room" How old and what type of amazon are they? any photos? Jay
  17. When Dave speaks...We all listen, good advice he has brought forth to you...I to have older rescue fids, some are plucker's, time and patience are the ingredients required from you, don't give up... Jay Karma
  18. Salsa weigh's 389g, 11mo's old, her brother weigh's 460g, their "Hybrids", daddy was a Yellow-nape and momma was a Orange-wing. As it turned out, Salsa is a Orange-wing and her bro has the traits of a Yellow, including his talking and size....Great subject... Jay
  19. :laugh: 9 months, some amazons start talking as early as 4 months old. Would like to hear a "Duet"!!!:ohmy: Thanks Jay 1st post Karma..
  20. :blink: Can amazons sing? Opera, rock, pop ? Famous for it, they love opera, and seem to pick up the ability to sing on their own. Most amazon parrot's have a extremely large vocabulary. Doe's your amazon sing?... Jay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWh_2Iit3Ek?&feature=related
  21. We all have Bragging right's, this is the best group of people brought together in one spot, birds included...:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  22. As always your posts are always informative, Thank you.....Jay
  23. To clarify my statement that if a person doesn't wish to feed their parrot something, it's "ok" this choice is ours to make...On this subject you have "promoted" what you believe is right as I have. To clarify my "read post", it's for our readers so they might know what you said... We have both made our points clear. Let's leave the posting now to others, and sit back and listen. After all, that's what this forum's all about... Jay PS. I believe the apple subject has been pitted to the core...:lol: Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/14 02:38<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/14 02:41
  24. Dominica is about 850 mile from Haiti, hopefully no damage. Here's a map site, still checking...Jay http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/caribb/dm.htm
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