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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. You have a flock mate there [lol] I see it in all our bird's, some like to preen, other rather be left alone, always keep a eye on them, are they the same sex? Too cute!!!!!:laugh:
  2. Greeting's, Aloe is well worth the money, it has a good shelf life, don't worry if it darkens. Aloe juice should already be reduced, if it say's "Pure Aloe", reduce with "distilled water" [no alcohol]. Talon has a sweet baby she's so good with animals. When we bathe our birds we should soak them and not blow dry them, the same with aloe, wet to the skin, if we use a dryer, it dry's the skin and feather oils out, irritating them which can led to plucking etc.Get a room warm, around 76 degree and let them dry, the best year round temperature for our babies is 72-74 degrees,[or higher] no cold drafts or large drops in temp.[adjust bathing to suit you and your bird] Amazons were made for bathing...[lol] <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/12/25 15:44
  3. Sunshine,' a good looking baby...The blk looks the same as Salsa. We raised Salsa and her brother and 2 other amazons at the same time, Salsa's bro is stating to molt now, 1 stared last month,1 hasn't started yet,and 1 finished last month, 2 are talking, 1 just started, Salsa doesn't talk yet, all the same age. Talon brought up a good point, "bathing" like I mentioned we use aloe, we give a water shower than 2 days later a aloe spray then 3 days later shower, 2 days aloe so-on...Salsa's the little one on the left... It was fun hand feeding these babies for 12wk's.. <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/12/23 20:45
  4. It's common for a amazon to have a 1st molt and a long one around 6mo's old. In the wild there on there own at this age like the TAG, where a CAG doesn't leave the flock till around a year old. Note: Our indoor fid's should receive 6 to 8hr's UV light a day. Salsa's vet checks are A OK, he's my best supplier of info. <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/12/23 15:13
  5. Hibitane (chlorhexine) is a disinfecent for animals and humans alike. There is a lot on the net about it. It is mixed 1/10 to 1 distilled water for a parrot and wiped on the feathers. It's used both internally and externally for all kinds of animals. Here we can get it at CVS pharmacy. Salsa :side:
  6. Hi, Jay and Maggie here: Salsa hasn't molted her wing feathers yet so, yes, she still has the black on her feathers but not as bad. Another possible cause is a fungus on the feathers caused from oil from your hands and transferred through over-petting. We suspect over-petting in Salsa's case. There is a animal medicine that you can apply to the feathers. We will get back to you on that because we are still researching how to get this in a smaller quantity rather than a gallon. Everything you are doing is great. After researching on the net about dosing and administering vitamins, ect., we have read a lot of negative feedback about dosing in their drinking water. The reason for this is bacterial growth and a lot of vitamins lose their potency when mixed with water. Also, how much does your fid really get? We adminster meds etc in a 1/2 teaspoon in mash, mashed sweet potato or organic baby food, whatever they like best. As far as where you pet the bird, they preen the area that you petted them and then preen the other areas that you haven't. We have also been told by a CAS (Certified Avian Specialist) that is may be genetic.(?) We do not believe it is a precursor to something more serious. (By the way, Salsa is not talking yet but she is our little acrobat! LOL) The following is what we are doing for Salsa and it appears to be working for her (these are only suggestions) * Vitamins: During molting, (stressful) so vitamins are a good bet. If the bird is doing good in all other ways than vitamins are not necessary. We like to use probiotics. Some baby formulas have it, plain lowfat yogurt used in moderation is a good source, and we like to use Primal Defense by Garden of Life. You can get it on the net. The dosage for that is 1/10th of a teaspoon. You can also use Cluturelle, this is available in supermarkets in the US in the vitamin section. This is also a probiotic. We give this to all of our fids. We also give them organic hulled sesame seeds. * Salsa is on a diet; so she only gets one to two nuts a day and no sunflower seeds. Also during molting, amino acids are more important than vitamins so anything like kelp, spirulina, anise seed, etc are beneficial. * We spray her with aloe vera juice or aloe vera gel mixed with water (we spray all the fids with this). We will keep this post open and research this subject some more...here is a current photo of Salsa Thanks, Salsa, Maggie, Jay and the Fids :laugh:
  7. Hi, Salsa here...Sunshine, you are lookin' so good!!! Mouthful again, sorry! Found out that my mama was a Yellow Nape and my daddy was an Orange Wing and boy, under my wings have turned bright orange and I have blue coming in on my forehead, still have my yellow streak. I'm 10 months old now! Happy Holidays and so good to hear from you!:laugh:
  8. Jayd

    Tango Here

    B) Tango here...Thank you all for your nice thoughts, Jay and Maggie thank you very much too. OOOPPPSSS!! Salsa, that green thing is crowding me out...:evil: Salsa here, Hi Sunshine and y'all, what's hangin'? Sunshine, you're looking good (WOW!). They always take pictures of me eating. They need to take some of me when I'm sleeping...Sheeesh!:woohoo:
  9. B) Every time I look at Fred, and now your baby, it brings a tear to my eye, Freddys almost 18yr's now.The one thing we know you'll do is give Chatot exactly whet is needed plus extra love.....Jayd
  10. Jayd

    Tango Here

    Let me introduce myself; I am Tango, a beautiful Sulfur Crested 'Too (if I do say so myself) I am 8 years old and Spock's slaves adopted me about 4 weeks ago. I have settled in with everyone nicely although it is a little strange to me that my slaves want to touch me and hold me. I never realized that all this physical stuff was so great and I do like my scritches. This is the first time I've been held or touched by humans. I have to train these slaves to do things in order though...when they hand me a veggie or fruit in my hand or on a plate in my cage, I pick it up and put it first in my seed bowl and then take it over to my pellet bowl. After I pick it up and drop it a couple of times, I pick it back up and put it back in my seed bowl and then back in my pellet bowl again before I eat it. Sometimes, I take it over to my water bowl and dunk it a few times for extra flavor before eating it. Yummy!!!! I especially like my toast like that...I will eat the top layer of bread with the peanut butter on it and when I have a shell left of the toast, I dunk it in my water a few times before eating it. Those silly humans get so funny about me doing this but I have my ways that I like to eat and they don't understand that. Oh well, have to get them trained right... All the flock here is nice but my favorites are the Green Cheek Conures next to me. When Maggie cleans their cage, I am right there to protect them. I don't know what she wants when she pulls their cage tray to clean it but I don't like it and will try to get it back from her when she takes it away. I think she knows I don't like it because she always brings it back. I also protect them when she takes their food and water dishes. At least she brings them back...I think she is trying to play with them. I also watch out for them at night and when Maggie covers them up, I take the covers off for them. Spock is okay, he flys all over and likes to dive-bomb all of us...not cool!!! Wait until my feathers come in (hahahaha)....Freddy is just too bossy...Joey is the calmest bird I have ever seen, at 2 years old, he is like the scholar of the house...Salsa, well, she is just GREEN. They also bring out this thing that makes the weirdest noise I have ever heard and Salsa screams in time with it. It sucks things up and I am not sure I like it. I do my best head-banging dance in and out of my cage and try to throw water out on it but Maggie just keeps on moving it around the floor. When she is all done, there is no more food on the floor so I have to throw it back out of my bowl....sheeessshhh!! A bird's work is never done... <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/12/13 22:00
  11. BIG and BEAUTIFUL........ Karma
  12. Before we even read your post we prayed for you and your baby. All will be well......
  13. Thank you, my slave Maggie started working with me with colored blocks a couple of weeks ago.... Spock Live long and Prosper Karma
  14. Happy Birthday..... Our baby's are almost a year old, thank you for helping Spock grow-up..
  15. YOU ARE THE BEST, AND VERY WISE......[get away Spock, leave the computer alone!!!] He's right.. Jay and Maggie
  16. B) NOTE: Smith's/Kroger market's sell a "Organic peanut butter with palm oil" under the "Select" label.....
  17. B) NOTE: Smith's/Kroger market's sell a "Organic peanut butter with palm oil" under the "Select" label.....
  18. Thank you, Salsa eats her's by herself.....:ohmy:
  19. B) HD to you,HD to you, and many mooooore!!!!!!!!:whistle: \ Spock Live long and Prosper
  20. Jayd

    favorite foods!

    B) Spock here. Welcome, Anything I can get my mouth on...Veggies, all veggies, especially sweet taters and corn... Live long and prosper Spock :laugh:
  21. Greetings: Spock here: Here is some of my favorite Fids recipes that I get my slave Maggie to make... (some of these recipes are adaptations of other recipes that we have changed to suit our birds) SPOCK'S SMASH: (This is also great for mixing medication in for your babies) Here are the ingredients that I check out personally before Maggie gets started on it. One large sweet potato or yams, organic peanut butter, banana and/or ripe soft pear, organic sesame seeds, organic baby applesauce, assorted organic baby foods. Here is how she prepares it: She puts the sweet potato/yam in a dish in the microwave (after she cleans off the bite marks I made while checking it out). She cooks it for 15 to 20 minutes until it is soft. To make enough for us 5 big Fids, she uses 10+ heaping tsp. of mashed sweet potato, 1" slice of banana, 1/2 tsp of peanut butter. She also substitutes a fruit for the banana (like applesauce, pear, etc.) She smashes it all together and warms it. This is where she fights me off as she divides it all up. (If you add any meds, vitamins, palm oil, etc) it would be after you warm it.) She also adds sesame seeds, and cinnamon. She puts in cooked orzo pasta if our poop is too watery and takes out the fruit. If it is too watery, she know we got into the grapes, hehehehe, and we get cooked Orzo pasta with cinnamon (ooohhhh! Tasty!) She feeds this from almost weaned babies on up. She adds formula for the babies or sick birds (ones who need extra nourishment). As a logical adaptation, you can add anything you want and serve it cold or warm, thick or thin... Live long and Prosper Spock B) Joey
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