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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. it makes you want to cry, most of he's wing feathers are gone, so sad...
  2. This is fantastic...karma
  3. B) Here's some good shots of Fred and a short movie... :laugh:
  4. Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Fred, a 17 year old Cacatoa Galerita (Greater Sulfur Crested 'Too). I've kinda had a rough life. My first owners locked me in a closet because they said I was too loud. I wasn't loud, I was just happy with life! My last owners kept me in my cage with no toys. He liked me but his better half didn't...so I ended up at Feathered Friends. He would come to see me for a few minutes and then leave for a long time and that made me very unhappy. Carol told him that he needed to take me home or let Carol place me with Jay and Maggie. So, okay, yesterday, I went home with Jay and Maggie. No more rescue, I've got a home now! I can tell already. They gave me a piece of fruit last night (Pear) and it was SO GOOD! I can't remember when I have had such good food, fruit and veggies! Wow!!!! They said I can't have too much fruit because of my plucking. Plucking: I don't have many feathers. Closet Time does that to you! They spray me with this aloe stuff and it sure feels good! I didn't pluck all night and all day. I heard talk but if I could, I would tell them that I will grow back as good as new because I am happy here! (From Jay and Maggie: Fred's wings are basically skin and bones with a few feathers. His chest, legs and back are basically plucked. He has a beautiful full tail, head and top-notch.) I like to dance, I can really shake it and I like that they play music. They leave my cage open so I can come and go and I get along well with the others. They tell me things are good there. You ought to see Spock and I eat our morning and night smash at the same time out of the same spoon. We don't mind sharing...there's plenty...I'm really good at bathing and I don't mind Jay holding the food while I nibble...I'm not a one-person bird...Maggie sings to me and I dance for her. I really think I'm going to like it here. I can't remember if I can talk or not, I say "Fred" but that is all right now. I am very quiet and today I started dozing with one leg tucked and my top-notch down....OH BOY!!! got to go...snacks are on the way!!!!! Fred [better photo's soon]
  5. Thank you kind people... after we realized how Spock responded to our mood change we were concerned, he did have a change, we put smiles on our face and talked to him a lot. He would perch on my leg and preen after a while, no permanent change.
  6. B)Spock here, Haven't been on puter to much, to many things going on. A little over a month ago my slaves came home one day with no smile and little talk, I didn't understand so I did my best tear-able twos, making them ask me two or three times to do something, getting into things etc.I over heard them say they were "Robbed" [whats that?] Well it seems someone took master slaves bag out of the handicap cart he was driving and it had his wallet, computer, check book, camera etc [no pictures!!!] ,he said he was to slow to catch them and store had no video facing right way... Oh well, I didn't know what sad was, know now, I was acting my age, but things weren't right, so I tried to cuddle and talk to them and they would laugh, I felt better, so now when they don't smile I bop there nose and bleep.[no camera!!!] I'm trying to talk so hard, Jim is teaching me, won't be long...We talk back and forth to each other, he'll do one half of wolf whistle and I'll do other half..[cute] I have ordered slaves to write a post about me.. Spock Live long and Prosper :evil:
  7. Thank you all, we love all our fid's like all of you, there our life, they give us life.....
  8. Well, Jim's been with us for over 8 weeks now, what a change, talk about coming out of the closet...He now eats his veggies, pellets, and mash, he comes out of his cage on his own and plays outside it [on it]. He plays with the toys we got him and loves to forage, he lets us clean his cage with out trying to bite us, and no more plucking..He "steps-up onto our hand in his cage, and let's us scritch him both inside as well as outside his cage. Some of the things he does really amazes us like, cognitive ability, he makes the sound of "running water" when he wants a bath, he bobs his head when he wants us to sing to him and makes the sound of the microwave when he wants warm food. His communicating ability is really surprising, when he wants us to hold him he says "come here", he says "gimme a kiss" and makes a smacking sound and waits for you to reply with a smack. When he wants you, he says "come over here and give me a kiss [smack]" you go over to him and he smacks your nose. If we're not in the living room by 5:15 each morning, he calls out "Hello, are you ok?" and expects an answer..He has begun to yell for Spock, saying "SPOCK, COME HERE !" He and Spock communicate with bleeps and whistles. His voice is very clear and precise, and his sentences are filled with inflection, and he has 2 different laughs. Some of his other phrases include: see you later, I love you, good morning, good night, I want a kiss, etc, with all these he expects a reply. Whats really funny, like all greys, he likes music and his favorite song is "The Hokey-Po-key" he not only dances but sings the first line of the chorus and laughs after wards: "You do the Hokey-" ROFLOL...He says a few negatives that we don't repeat or encourage, such as : "YOU LIAR", "GET A LAWYER YOU CAN'T HIDE","GET OUT OF HERE" . His spoken word count is close to a hundred and we're going to start recording soon.He sounds more human then bird. He's really come a long way, and we really have high hopes for him. Jay & Maggie
  9. :laugh: Really Great, Question? Edible Tree? What kind?..............:ohmy:
  10. ;) Can't find you post!!!:ohmy: lol
  11. :woohoo: Bird safe tree that we'll last after first CAG visit.......OK Roll with this post. Suggestions:evil: ?????
  12. :laugh: Ours are horizontal, Spock and all the other fliers land on them and peek between them while having a chew or two.....:blink: :blink: :blink:<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/09/28 21:17
  13. The decision you have made is one of both mind and heart, It can only be the right one because you made it taking all into consideration. As you can see, these good people stand behind your decision. Right or wrong, it's the one you feel is right. The choice you made is to help another not yourself. In all my myriad years of working with birds and others of God creatures,I've seen good decisions and bad, but those chosen out of love and concern seem to always be right. Right now I have two CAG's, one with clipped wings one without, There both doing great. I feel it's how you treat the outcome that makes the difference. You may laugh, but we pray for our fid's and those fid's and caretakers on the post in need. Your decision is yours...In these circumstances, Id make the same decision. Jay
  14. B) Hi, Salsa here, Que Pasa! I'm just hangin' here having a good time. I've been a little grumpy lately because I've been hurting with all these new feathers coming in...I'm glad to have my daily baths though. They use aloe vera with distilled water and it feels really good. I am able to glide around now and land real good even though I was clipped after I fledged. Jay and Maggie got me a new toy the other night. I heard them talking about it, calling it a foraging box. I just call it a toy. They gave one to Spock and to Jim too. Boy, were they surprised the next morning and found out I opened it up by the tabs instead of tearing it apart! (Spock and Jim think they are so smart. They took a couple of days to shred theirs. Who's smarter now?) :laugh: They refilled it and I opened it up again...oh well, no challenge in that...and my color is green, not grey. I like to feed myself in the mornings too. When everyone else is getting their smash, I have my own spoon and am feeding myself while holding it. When I am done with that, I sneak into Jim's cage and eat his seed/pellets, sneak into Spock's cage and eat his veggies and fruit and find all the fruit and veggies that Maggie hides all over the cage...what a life! Adios for now....
  15. It never would have happened with out you Pat...Tyco, you can only go up..The sky's the limit...: Karma to you!
  16. Great job you have done, Keep posting and post more photo's. When you need help, these people are here for you......
  17. We recently had experience with lack of fluid, the vet told us to use "Power Aid" Our bird's liked "lemon-lime", it has more electrolyte and a longer shelf life,then "Pedialite" Try them all,you can also use "GATOR-AID. Prayers be with you.<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/09/26 03:33
  18. Every one told you you would meet your challenge head on and you have, and succeeded in style.....Karma...
  19. Jayd

    New Rescues

    Thank you all so much, Love is something that cost so little to give, and we've seen the love and kindness you've all given many times. If man/womankind could only accept love the way our fid's do, it would be wonderful. Jay;)
  20. Jayd

    New Rescues

    ;)Can't stop, yesterday we brought home a parakeet with a nostril injury, a cockatiel with a wing injury. In a couple of days were getting a 25 year old Sulfur-Crested 'too. who was abused, his name is Fred, he has some plucking on chest and thighs,his 1st owner would lock him in a closet, 1/2 of his present owners don't like birds. He is a sweet baby, he lets both Maggie and I, "scrich" him:P .Hope to have some pictures soon...
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