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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Not to be outdone by Spock, Fred decided he wanted a sandwich too. :laugh: Fred is starting to put on weight and he has some new feathers growing in. Just like Spock, he likes fancy white albacore tuna sandwiches.
  2. I was fixing sandwiches for Jay and I and Spock loves fancy white albacore tuna (which I found out the hard way:laugh: )I had to fix him a sandwich (no mayo)too. Maggie <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/11/02 22:12
  3. Here's current photo's of them, Pistachio has become quiet friendly, Buddy still won't have anything to do with us..They're so pretty....
  4. We love or Amazon, Spock and Joey have nothing to do with her, she loves "jalapeno peppers". Karma:)
  5. What beautiful birds......
  6. B) Greetings everyone, Spock here...I have been very busy and my slaves have not let me near the computer (I just can't resist popping those keys...they are SO much fun!) I have been on a limited diet and I have been taking Baytril for a little tummy infection but I am doing lots better. Jay has so much good stuff to eat and I can't have anything!!! The other day Jay was feeding the other birds some smash...my favorite and it looks so good...I have to settle for cooked pasta with cinnamon and sesame seeds...Salsa was holding her spoon as usual and eating with gusto...I couldn't stand it any more!!! I chased her into her cage while Jay laughed and laughed...I guess it was funny to see Salsa run with a spoon in her mouth but she wouldn't share!!! I tried but she would not give up her spoon so I went to another cage to see what I could find....Joey doesn't mind sharing but he ate all of his so I went to Freddy's cage but he didn't have anything either! I got revenge though....Jay was eating his peanut butter sandwiches (he had two...) and while he was holding it, I flew by and bit off a big bite as I passed. Then, I flew over to him and climbed down his shoulder to his hand. I beaked him and when he jumped, I took another bite and flew off (hahahahaha).:evil: I always have fun with my pasta...they leave it for me so I can go back and eat when I want. They don't seem to mind that I have fun with my food...I fling it here and there til I find the exact pasta stick that I want. Besides, I think that the kitchen counter, wall and refrigerator look a lot better with my version of modern art. I even think that Jay looks better with all that pasta all over him. I like to share. I like to playact too. I have a new idea for an interesting video. It will be called "BIRDS IN CHAINS" and it will be starring me. I practice in my cage and I know my acting is good because Jay freaks out when he sees me do it. I lay on my back in the corner of my cage, grab the sides with my talons and thrash my head and body back and forth like I am tied down and trying to get loose. Who knows? Maybe there is an Oscar in my future...I hope that is like peanut butter, that is my favorite. Well, I have to go now. I am going to try my Vulcan Mind Meld on Freddy...he seems receptive...:whistle: Live Long and Prosper Spock <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/10/19 22:00
  7. B) Thank You, Spock's getting read to make a post...karma
  8. :P Great vid,,,all our fids love the camera..:ohmy:
  9. He is doing better, lots of new feathers, he plucks mostly his chest. :unsure:
  10. It was sweet hearing them coo...Thanks:)
  11. Thank you all, karma and congrat's Judy:laugh:
  12. They speak foe themselves.....:sick: :cheer: :silly: Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/10/15 20:12<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/10/15 20:13
  13. All Spock ever wanted was to be preened by another bird!!!!! Here's a sweet movie of his wish. We posted some photo's of Spock and Fred on "other bird" <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/10/15 19:53
  14. B) Joey here, [formerly known as Jim] You couldn't ask for better advice then you've been given.If you'd like you could check out some of our post's.[Jim, Spock, Fred]. When your precious starts to speak, watch out for negatives,, we don't repeat negatives we try the start-fresh approach...Karma...
  15. Jayd

    Freddy Here

    ;) General, I sure hope your feeling better, this "Smash" is great, especially if you can get them to spoon feed it to ya..[ha ha]. Thanks all, Pat,luvparrot, and General:laugh:
  16. Jayd

    Freddy Here

    Thank you, Our "Smash" is just one variation of a old recipe,it's so adaptable. We use, in this case,: sweet potato/yam cooked in oven or microwave, [cut in half add 1/2" water till mushy], mix peanut butter[we like organic] 1/4 cup tater,1/4 tsp p-butter, 1 slice banana or organic baby applesauce....You can serve warm or room temp. Now you can serve as is, or add what ever your bird likes, sesame seeds, vitamins, veggies, yogurt, egg, etc.....We feed all our bird the basic recipe and add what ever is needed for pluck,stressed, or birds that don't eat veggies...Ww also use this to help wean...This also helps put and keep weight on.It tastes good.. Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/10/12 19:50
  17. Jayd

    Freddy Here

    {Feel-good-000200A2} Hi, well, ....I KNOW I am out of the closet but I'm still afraid because it has been such a short time that I have been treated so good. They feed me new stuff, some I like, some I'm not sure of but most of it is yummy and there's always plenty of it! I know they really worry about me and I am trying hard to stop plucking. If they keep giving me all these nice toys and wood and love...and wood...it won't be long. They spray me with this stuff and it is so smooth that I don't itch and it feels so good. They moved me and my cage yesterday just because I redesigned their counter by chewing a hole in the counter wall and the panelling on the counter. They laughed at me but they moved me to the middle of the room. They said they were tired of walking around my cage for two days so they moved me where I am now. (That's okay because I started on wall behind me.) They bought me new toys and a few blocks of wood. I don't like any of the new toys yet but the blocks of wood are fun to chew up! My favorite new game is to try to bite Jay's butt as he walks by. It is a lot of fun but sometimes I miss and I get his hand or arm instead. I went over to visit the green things next to me (Green-Cheeks) but they were not very friendly...they kept biting my toes! Spock comes over to visit me when Maggie or Jay is holding me and we preen each other a little. He is pretty cool. I don't think Joey likes me though because he growled at me the other day. There is the tiny one they call Chloe who flys over to visit Jay while he is talking or playing with me. I don't really have much to do with her. Salsa is really something...she doesn't seem to like anyone but Chloe. That's okay, she stays on her side and I stay on mine. Well, got to go...looks like they are bringing that orange smash stuff and that stuff is really good. Jay says it will put meat on my bones. I don't think I want meat, I just want feathers... Bye all, Freddy {Feel-good-000200A1}
  18. A lot of good comments here, Two Gentlemen Dan and Dave have given you psychological, spiritual, practical and personal reasons not to clip, they would not lie to you. They are both knowledgeable and well respected. Choosing any one reason, is a good choice. Let me give you examples of clipping and possible consequences, if not at least giving them a year of flight. We work mostly with babies to fledglings and injured birds. Mostly all our birds are handicapped or we hand raised them. Joey (previously known as Jim) He was deeply mentally abused, At two years old he was withdrawn, couldn't fly and a basket case. His wings were butchered when clipped, after 2 plus months ,working with him, giving him wing exercises, it has built his confidence and he has become quite sociable, he still can't fly yet, but his attitude and expression while holding on and flapping reflects sheer joy... Spock, read any of our posts to get his enjoyment of flying.. Salsa, never allowed to fly, it's sad, He flops to the ground, he can't land safely And she bleeps to get you to show her around. It's going to be hard to teach her how to fly when her flight feather grow in, I'm not a bird, but she loves her wing exercise. Fred, our new SC-TOO, (NOT GREY) has been abused for 17 years. There are very few feathers on his wings, just bone and skin, he's never flown, he weighs half what he should and he'll never fly, he lifts his wings to have them rubbed. (Tears..) Listen to these men...at least give your baby a year with wings. He will thank you. Jay
  19. Ahhhhhhh, poor baby... [birds just wanta have fun!!!]
  20. Your a good man Dan..... Spock,,, yea,, he's going to be hard to live with....Jay:S
  21. :pinch: {Emotions-000200B8}Well I took Buddy for his check-up and ran into Buddys Breeder, she asked how was her "MITERED" conure doing?:ohmy: All the young ones from his family look like "crimson headed". My hat off to you my friend, I truly am sorry... For the last month, Jim has been saying "Hi Joe(y)",many different ways. After research, I found out his 1st owner is "Joe",and his name is "Joey", soooooooo, It's "Captain Joey Kirk" :sick: Oh well, sorry.....[sorry Spock] Thanks all Jay p.s. Have to do a lot of explaining.......:blush:
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