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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Thank you "TPU" for your informative post. "NO" challenged accepted, that's not what were here for. The purpose of this forum is to learn, pass on info and insight, have fun and share...My answer to your post was a honest thank you and my opinion,not who has a bigger car nor criticism. If some one believes that apple seeds are poison, and decides not to feed them to there birds, this hurts no one, You wrote: "Bottom line is that is a short sighted response that I will not go into at this time."[please read post] The good people here are not short sighted!!! It might be of interest to you, we have 2 areas where you can "post" you business where are readers can visit... Thank You Jay
  2. Thank you, were down to 19 fids right now, no more unless a new rescue comes along...When we awake each day we are welcomed with 6 "hello's". "how are you","gimmie a kiss","good water",etc, won't repeat what Buddy say's :woohoo: All day, till bed time...I remember the old days, we fed 80-100 babies a day, were paid $20.00 per day,in a clean safe environment, and inspected all stores who bought the weaned babies... Thanks Jay PS. It still scares me when I hand feed, no more...
  3. Bragging is ok here!!! Salsa is almost 11mo's old, I just checked her brother a few day ago, he speaks about 60 words, Salsa say's "step-up", luv her!!!:laugh: Jay
  4. Greywings wrote: I'M AFFRAID TO ASK...Jay
  5. That's great, so cute, smart baby...My Salsa say's ?, [nothing yet!!!] Jay
  6. Thank you for your input. Many recent researches show the inherent danger to our fids ingesting apple seeds etc, there is a number of reports on the net showing death from this cause... It is best to use caution, it only takes 1 mistake....Jay
  7. Yes, great for all, Renate is 100% correct, no seeds...Theirs a lot of info on the net about the benefits of apples, it's the "Pectin" that doe's the trick, apples have a lot of sugar,[i'm diabetic] so what we do is use organic apple cider vinegar, we use 1 tsp per 16oz water. [this was vet recommended] Here's one site of many... http://www.webmd.com/diet/apple-cider-vinegar<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/12 20:38
  8. APPLES, for our chunky buddy's, High in fiber and pectin, they contain anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory agents. Apples can be a weapons against high cholesterol. In some animal tests, the pectin in apples has lowered or normalized cholesterol and triglycerides. Jay
  9. luvparrots wrote: YES!!!! Every one "Strut your Stuff" Show-off your Zon....Great Idea.... Jay Karma
  10. Hiya Sunny...if it wasn't so far, I'd fly over to Greece to see you...:laugh: Yea, I've been hangin' around all morning and even got a nice bath out of it (these parronts are so slow though, I had to give them a bunch of hints by diving into my water bowl...sheesh!) More pictures please!!! :woohoo: Luv ya, Salsa BYE-BYE.... <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/11 22:34
  11. This week's Amazon is the: Imperial Amazon of Dominica. This is definitely one of the most distinctive Amazons. Their local name is "Sisserou". Their habitat is the Caribbean island of Dominica. They are a large Amazon, 45-50 cm in length, males weigh up to 900 g: females about 650 g. Conservation Status: The current population is about 150-250 birds. Three are in captivity in Dominica's capital city, Rosseau. <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/11 20:34
  12. B) Explains itself....:laugh: http://cuteoverload.com/2009/10/10/get-it-on/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakapo {Feel-good-0002006E}
  13. This is a real good point concerning amazons, when over-stimulated, they can be violent. There's many cases on the net and in magazines of this...Thank you for this post;) Jay
  14. :)Salt, something we watch very closely giving to our fids, it's in everything. Peanut butter has 150g's of salt in 3tbs, [6tsp][for a adult] if we give our birds 1/10* of this, 1tps equal 15g's of salt, we give our guys about 1/2tps a day. We all give our birds a bite of wheat bread, [example] 1 slice has 110g's salt, so if we give a 1/4 slice to our birds, it is equal to about 27g's...PB is so good for them... Jay *1/6-1/10 is a formula to calulate human to bird dosage..
  15. This is really good, Coopers special, but this is a good example of how a amazon should behave!!! Jay [Karma]
  16. B)You ought to see my tail, greys are quick... [fun]
  17. Karma to you for seeking advice, already you have good answers. The key word here is "Patience", the amount of time this will take is up to your baby...Pretend like everything is alright, don't force any thing...Sing, talk, laugh, ever one in your home do it, when you approach your baby, have a treat and when he goes to bite, give it to him, change the subject. Time is the secret.... Jay
  18. Hi, Aloe has a fair shelf, if it didn't get to warm, its ok. If it changed to a "dark color" I'd dispose of it.... Jay
  19. :(Shaun, 3 things you didn't mention: Time, Patience and Love..... Jay{Feel-bad-0002006A}
  20. MY FIDS.....MY HOME...... ALWAYS.....
  21. Jayd


    This is really great...Thank you... Karma
  22. You both deserve a treat.....
  23. Don't stop, I know we all love them!!!!:lol:
  24. :ohmy: Another week gone, I know I've learn a lot from all your great posts...Each week I'll post a tid-bit about a different amazon. St. Vincent Amazon parrot. En-danged, In captivity they lay 3 egg's and usually 2 are infertile. They lay them 3 days apart. There from St. Vincent Island. It's a large amazon at around 16 inches, and they weigh between 660-700 grams. There has been only 3 births at the Houston Zoo since 1978. Theirs 2 morphs, green and brown.Around 800 exist in the wild.... <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/01/09 16:17
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