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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Spock has no infections, More "smears and blood were taken",more test planned in next couple of weeks... They took him off the formula, it was passing right through him [not diarrhea] Main guess is it's internal and his body has stopped excepting nutrients...Jay and Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/17 20:57
  2. The last shots were "Baytril", and Spock is 1yr 16 days old...
  3. Sorry all, I have to stick with my interpretation of *comparison* The post was meant to be light and hear your opinions and feeling...There's nothing on-line to back-up my question like Dave007 has. Dave, I stand corrected. Karma to you... Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/17 20:43
  4. The only "Qualification" needed, Is to love birds and want to learn!!!!! DO-IT....Jay:laugh:
  5. I've been a avid follower of your post's, Emma,how wonderful... Jayd
  6. How true.....Jay Karma
  7. I wish I could say I had your strength, I don't. What your doing is good. It's hard for me to just reply to your posts... Jayd
  8. In comparing an Amazon to other birds I have had (past and present), I like to think that they are most like some Conures. They are not overly demanding like Cockatoos or Greys can be. They can be verbally corrected like you would a dog and it appears they know right from wrong. They do have their evening "war cries". They are easy to feed and very low-maintenance. They definitely let you know if they want something, when they want it and will let you know if it is not right. They will live in any cage available to them and they have a marvelous curiosity about them. They don't require the constant attention and if you have to leave them alone, they will keep themselves occupied and happy until you can come back to them without begrudging you the time away (to a point). Don't get me wrong, I won't trade ANY of my birds for another. I need each of them and their various personalities and idiosyncrasies in my life. But, I truly believe that if I was only going to have one bird in my life, it would have been an Amazon. What are your feelings on the subject?:whistle: Jayd
  9. Visit this Site!!!http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/amazons.html One of the best info sites on Amazon's.... Jay
  10. I guess I should clarify The post "Were Retiring", Being I'm almost the same age as "Mose", our intent is to spend more of our time with our own fid's. All our past endeavors have been "Volunteer", and what I used to do all day long, takes me all day to do now... You must understand, I'm posting to hear what I have to say to myself...Jay
  11. Jayd


    CINNAMON-- Exerts mild anti-fungal effect on candida and other types of yeast, and aspergillus. It also has a mild anti-bacterial effect against strep and staph bacteria. Aniseed-- has antiseptic properties and is also a digestive aid. Chewing the seed is an ancient breath freshener;) We give all our fids these goodies. Cinnamon we use as a powder and sprinkle on there soft food, or a stick as a treat... Star Anise, it's enjoyable watching them eat it...Serve both as is, out of the bag... Jay
  12. So glad Dan's ok, you can't hold a good man down, we all love him. And for the "GREYT" "GREY FORUM", that's what it is today and we'll always be, a group of people dedicated to the "Health, safety,and well being of our Feathered Friends...
  13. Hello again, Remember Danmcq? we'll he disappeared a number of years back, he did that post "What are they [CorpWorld] really putting in our bird food?", Thanks to him and Dave007, Talon [remember her?she started it all], and the list goes on, started the "We Want to Know" riots on the Forum,which brought down "Corp World"... A few years back a group started collecting "DNA" samples of all the companion birds in captivity and putting them on ice, They want to bring back "real" birds and keep them in a sanctuary for all to see, we'll the battle still rages on in courts around the world , I'll keep you posted... Jay
  14. Really good post, have you read the one's on hand feeding? I remember just last year, I was feeding Maggie-Mae, 7wk old 'Tiel, I was using a syringe, she heard a noise, jerked formula went down the wrong way, she dropped, flopping to the ground,formula got into her lungs and she was choking to death, wasn't my fault[?] she moved, thank God she was ok, nothing got into her lungs, she didn't die or get pneumonia!!!Last summer, feeding a 12wk old Green-wing Macaw, big eater,he stopped pumping and choked, luckily he spit it out on my face... Have you seen a Crop "Burn-through" or "crop Impaction" ? All things that can happen with out warning and with nothing but "Good" intention....Question? How many weeks of training by a Breeder is needed to be considered trained? In the hundred plus birds I worked with last year, you can not tell which one was hand fed!!!I'm not trying to be callous or mean, but it's hard to believe how many people I think to myself, "I told you so"..[and I shed tears each time] It's my personal opinion, it's not worth the risk... Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/16 03:10
  15. Update, forgot to mention Judygram broke the 2 million post record a couple years back, nice going. Kudos to you. At the new "HoloDome" at Disney/20Flags, someone let a real Grey loose and it bombed a couple of guests [LOL]. They commented on how realistic the "Dome" was.[sic] When they cut the work-week to 4-days, everyone thought they would be able to spend more time with their Greys. No-no, they posted a law that everyone had to donate a days work to "community service". I understand a parrot org from a hundred years ago are making "ILLEGAL" trips to the Congo to view Real African Greys, you know some people have never seen a "Real Grey"....Till next time... Jay
  16. B) Good question...If they have no experience at hand feeding, than I would have to say no!!! There are so many risks involved. I can't explain what it's like to have a baby die in your hands...Please read the posts in "Nursery". At around a year old, a CAG leaves his family unit, [a timneh around 6mo's] so they're leaving one family to join there life family, it could be the same as getting a weaned and fledged baby? Go for the weaned... Jay
  17. B) Sitting here thinking how amazing science is, in less than a hundred years we have the "Century-Plus" pill, [that's how I'm here to right this post, LOL]. All the rain forest and natural bird and animal habitats have been restored to original pristine condition. Poaching and illegal bird and animal trade are a thing of the past... Now we have wonderful "Designer Parrots". You pick out the colors, size, attitude and abilities, and it's programed and in a very short time they give you a container of appropriate size [can you imagine the size of the container is for a "4ft Josephs' Multi-colored coat Macaw] you plug-in, and in a day or so, wham, you have your life companion...(?) What do you want? a Iridescent Pearl-White Giant Triton Cockatoo, a Quad-Yellow Headed/Naped Amazon, or how about a Platinum-gray Grey Congo or Timneh African with a Glow in the dark Red Tail???? So simple now, just program it... No more psych problems/feeding problems only one pellet and it self-adjusts to the birds[?] needs. Every one complained about what to feed their birds, veggies, pellets, seeds, some of all. Science solved the problem. With the advent of the "Psych Drugs", no more worry about if your Grey will adapt or talk or worry about "plucking" [glad for that], Wing clipping, no need, flying isn't even programed into the bird's genes, they don't care. A hundred years ago we wanted the perfect companion bird, didn't want to take or spend the time not only adapting the Grey to us, but adapting us to the Grey...We solved that problem with "The Designer Grey". All the intellect, Talking ability, and character of a real Grey without the need of all the time of interaction and training of both the Grey and the owner...Isn't science wonderful?....Let's see dark-gray/light gray? Accent?, Vocabulary... Jay
  18. :kiss: Hi, Tango here...this is so exciting! I haven't ever been this close to this machine before. This is so much fun... Freddy here...Move over...they say I am a plucker...that's not true...I am just trying to keep my weight down and I want to get a tan for summer... (Tango) Oh, Freddy, get real!!!...:angry: Tango, move over, you had your chance...boy, the food here is great!! So much variety and I get to climb around on the curtains and the couch and the floor. Our parronts don't like it when I chew the couch or the wall molding. They don't understand that I am trying to add my own flair and use my creativity...everyone's a critic...:whistle: All right Freddy, you had your say, now it is my turn...what a show-off that bird is, always yelling "over here" or "Freddy's here" and dancing. I am more restrained and polite. I just raise my voice and let them know what I want. It is great here, though. I get all kinds of veggies and seeds. For eight years all I got was mainly pellets and now all this good stuff...WOW! Well, they just put a block of wood in for me and a bag with surprises so off I go...Toootles....Tango;) Whew! Fred here...what a woman!!! Don't tell her but I love big women....and she has some nice....:whistle: Oooops! Got to fly...Freddy
  19. :huh: Greetings, I am Joey...is this really necessary? I have to talk to these other guys all day and now my parronts tell me I have to contribute something. This is my quiet nap time and I use this time to contemplate and instead I am here talking to all these aliens. Well, a bird's got to do what a bird's got to do. If Spock can do it and Salsa has her own room (unbelievable):pinch: , I can do this. How are you? I overheard my parronts talk about my favorite seeds (pomegranates) were out of season but they brought me some liquid that tastes just like those...and yes, it is very yummy. They bring me a spoonful every night and it is very relaxing. I read what Spock wrote...why would anyone want to bomb their parronts? How juvenile! There is a time and place...as for toys...I enjoy mine and don't mind sharing up to a point. Well, this was fun but I have my meditation time coming up... Joey:whistle:
  20. B)Spock here...okay, this is greyt! We have to remember though that the Forum has rules. And, even though we know better about ourselves and more logical (some of us), it's our parronts computers and some of us have to sneak to use them... Being a Grey, and logical, I have no interest in politics or what the president does. [whats that?] My interest lies in food, and health and food and toy's and food and my parronts and my cage, and snacks, and what you all do for fun, and especially to learn more about Grey's... I have nothing bad to say about anyone unless some one hurts or abuses one of us..,.First question I would ask is,"WHAT NEW TOY'S DO YOU HAVE?" and "What did you have good to eat today, Plastic? Hair pin? Earring?, I won't tell your parront's...Did you bomb them?[hehehe]:evil: Spock P.S., I do like a good joke...[ssshhh, emotion..] :whistle:
  21. Spock's morning weight is down a little to 444 grams the last couple of days, he's cut down on his night time feeding from 30-40cc's to 15cc's, keeping a watch. He's been "Bitting again. Jay
  22. This is a definite read, we feed all our fids "cilantro" as a caution..Jay
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