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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Online again, We want to thank you all for your sentiments, Will's surgery was a success, hope they work...... Jay and Maggie
  2. Happy to be back:) Karma's for great answers....Dave and Renate......Jay
  3. :laugh: Back online yea,. Ok, contestants please post your *Bird of the Week* entry here....Now tell every to come here and vote for you!!!!!!! Good luck and good job...Jay;) Extending till:Post till the 24th, and vote till the 28th!!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/19 20:55
  4. Your piano is waiting.... Think positive:P ..... Jay and Maggie
  5. Jules, this good, so happy for you.... Jay and Maggie
  6. Sgt.Will Sheppard, our youngest son served from 1998 to 2009 in the U.S.Army. He was wounded in Iraq in 2004, He continued to serve his country for another 5yr's, until he could no longer preform his military duties due to wounds incurred in Iraq, at which time he was discharged with full honors. 3 day's ago in Germany he went through *Experimental disc [back] surgery*. He's doing Great, going to his German home tomorrow. This photo was taken in 2006 in Iraq right after he received his *Purple Heart* Love him.... Jay and Maggie
  7. {Feel-good-0002006E}That was really clever!! We will be using that a lot!!!! If we get another Amazon, we are going to name her ZENA (Warrior Princess). :laugh: Now, if we can just get Salsa to use a napkin instead of my shirt, we'd be good!:laugh: Jay
  8. Hello! We are in the beautiful city of (Where the Heck is) Bullhead City, Arizona. We are within 15 miles of California and Nevada. We are on the lovely Colorado River, (the River of No Return). In Nevada, a stone-throw away is Laughlin, Nevada, an old Las Vegas style gaming city with stars, shows, All-you-can-eat Prime Rib Buffet Dinners for two for $9.95 (US dollars). Fifteen miles north-east of us is Lake Mohave which stretches 100 miles to the world famous Hoover Dam. One Hundred miles north of us is Sin City (Las Vegas). In tiny Bullhead City, across from Laughlin, Nevada, we have an International airport.:woohoo: Bullhead City is in the center of the Mohave Desert. Temperatures range from the 20's (degrees) to 130+ in the summer. (Hell!) Fifteen miles east of us is Oatman, a ghost town with the hotel where Clark Gable and Carol Lombard had their honeymoon. Within one-hundred and fifty miles is the Grand Canyon, a multitude of ghost towns and real cowboys and Indians and reservations (With all due respect to their wonderful handicrafts). Naturally, Laughlin brings in Off-road racing, boat racing and all kinds of venues. Southern California starts less than 250 miles from us. (Disneyland, etc.) Last but not least, sixty miles south-east is the new home of the London Bridge:laugh: Lake Havasu City. Hot Spot for spring and summer breakers (Girls Gone Wild!):woohoo: Note: We have fishing, hunting, spelunking, boating, water-skiing, prospecting for gold, silver, turquoise and gems. Whew! This is just at our back door...and two inches of rain a year... Jay and Maggie<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/16 23:56
  9. :blink: As far as birds go, I only have 20 fingers and toe's so I have to wait for Maggie to get home so I can have more to count with. then there's Maggie and Rollo our Min-pin. [full size Dobie in a tiny body] Dan, you said 2 Koi? is that counting the one the Egret visited? :woohoo: Jayd
  10. lOVE IT, WE BOOKMARKED THAT PAGE......karma Jayd:P
  11. That's great, good weight gain... Jay
  12. Something we do with all our fids, is to carry them around the house and put them down in different spots, talking to them and telling them about all they can see. We do this a couple times a day so they don't think they're going to the cage each time we pick them up... Maggie
  13. :ohmy: It's amazing how well Amazons use Tools.Notice the coordination, how she brings the spoon to her mouth!!!!!.....:lol: Jay <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/15 18:58
  14. {Feel-good-0002006B}Give us a try... Join, make a post "I Like Birds" and see all the welcomes you get.....B) Jayd:)
  15. Ok Renate (Sunnybird) is doing the *Guadeloupe (amazona violacea)*, Janet [luvsparrot] has chosen *St.Vincent*, Jill [Jillybeanz] has chosen the *Cuban-Amazon*. Let's extend the posting date to Wednesday, March 17th. You can post from the 17th to Saturday, the 20th. The forum (your peers) can vote from the 20th (Saturday) through Wednesday, the 25th. On Wednesday, the 17th, I will post an *Amazon of the Week Entries* and you can start posting them. Tell your friends, Amazon owners or not, so we can get a few more entries. Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/15 17:42
  16. Karma, great video, they're so playful, more like a puppy than something with feathers...Thanks Jay:)
  17. Judy, your so right, 1st, 2nd or 3rd, a Grey will assume he's number 1.....Jayd
  18. Thank you all, Guests, become one of us!!!!!:laugh: Jayd
  19. A very good analogy,crossfit wrote Saying an animal that bites or is aggressive is like a pit bull is similar to saying "all Grey's are clumsy" or "all Greys are feather pickers". Grey's are famous for being at the top of the list for being *Plucker's* and are very *Clumsy*, just as some *Pit-bulls* are known for being aggressive... Jayd P.S.Our neighbors Pit-bull whom he has always treated extremely well, just bit his mouth causing a need for 36 stitches and Spock just tripped over his own feet...<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/15 02:38
  20. Hows Kopi? how are you?
  21. Adding a second bird, how about another Grey? To start with you first Grey has been with you since day one, your home and everything in it is his/hers as far as it's concerned. A second child, what do you do, first off you explain to you first child that a new addition will be joining you, same with a Grey, you tell #1 that your bringing home a new friend, move the new cage and toy's in before you bring the new bird home, and make sure you lavish #1 with new toy's and treats, at least the same as the new bird's. You have to make #1 feel he/her "is" #1...He must never doubt it. all attention goes to he/her first. Please remember, quarantine separate from #1 and this is a good time for 1st vet visit. Jay
  22. What a beauty,how old? Murphy's law.:ohmy: Jayd P.S.nice work on perch stand....
  23. B) Spock here,Welcome, What a beautiful young lass. I hope you know I'll be teaching her how to get the most from you... Spock Live long and prosper Karma to you...
  24. What a wonderful post Jill...The first part of this article talks about what your going through right now. http://www.africangreys.com/articles/overview/beauty.htm Here's a clip from Margaret T.Wright on Grey's, *:none of the material I had read could have completely prepared me for the experience of owning a Grey. Nurturing a Grey is more like dealing with a child than a pet. I found myself relying on some of the child psychology courses I had taken in college. But Greys are not children: they are intelligent, wild animals, once or twice removed from the wild at most that need to be taught how to be good companions. Grey's possess an enormous ability to pick up on our thoughts, feelings, moods and energy, and they force us to face ourselves because they reflect in their behavior what is going on in and around us.* The way we teach our Grey's is in so many ways similar to the way we teach our children. Each day it amazes me in how much human like Grey's really are....Uh, sorry about Spock, he's going through his terrible 2's. Jayd<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/14 00:51
  25. Thanks all. she really is a sweet baby.. She act's like the other bird's aren't even there, and they stay away from her cage ha-ha.
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