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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Greetings, thank you for homing a older rescue grey,. This is the place, alot of us have rescues and older birds. Ask, and you'll be surprised how quick theses great people will respond with good solid answers... Jayd
  2. Thank you...Before writing thread, click icon of tree, when pop-up appears,[computer] click select file, pick photo and click "open" then "upload file"... To upload from a URL [Photo Bucket], go to Photo Bucket, "left click direct link [high light]" right click [copy], go back to forums and paste in "URL" click, "Insert Image" Then type you post!!! Jayd
  3. Really nice photos, my cameras so old it's called "Etch-a-Sketch" Jayd
  4. :cool: In all our thread about Full Spectrum lighting, did we mention that our grey's *See* in the UV range and who knows what other colors!!! With out the Full Spectrum lighting, are we blinding or limiting our grey's eye sight? :confused: Jayd
  5. They can look pretty ruff if they have a bad molt. Don't worry about the little white feathers, save them and make a pillow...Wait for a reply from Dave007 and some of our other fearless leaders.... Don't Worry, Be Happy...Jayd P.S. I miss the smileys...
  6. Hi, I'm doing a "Rate this Thread" test.. Rated "Excellent". Jayd Good, showed 5 stars on main page...
  7. [ATTACH=CONFIG]17936[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]17937[/ATTACH] Upload photo test, 1st photo from computer, 2nd photo from Photo Bucket. The seems to be a photo size limit from Photo Bucket, can any body see them or view them? Jayd
  8. When Spock And Joey doe's this, it scares me to death, there so trusting....Jayd ?Wheres the photos???
  9. Hello Michelle an Sky, bless you for taking on this challenge, it sounds as if your on the right track, lots of attention at Sky's own pace seems to be working...Wait till you meet this great group of people. Thanks Jayd
  10. Jayd

    I know what you mean, so many things you have to click on or off !!!!, We'll get it worked out soon LOL....Jayd

  11. Thanks Jill, I tried it and it worked, I probaly have something turned off, here's a test photo...Jay[ATTACH=CONFIG]17935[/ATTACH]
  12. Jayd here, Please keep a eye on Paco, they usually molt they're tail feathers at around 1 year old. [hopefully others will add to this] Spock started pulling his tail at appox 10-11 months old and over preening his chest feathers, and top feathers at the bend of the wing. Don't worry, just keep a eye on him... Here's 2 photos of Spock for reference[ATTACH=CONFIG]17930[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]17931[/ATTACH]...Jayd Tried to PM you, you need to set it up,,,
  13. This weeks "Amazon of the week" will be *Talon, Amazon Princess*......[ Spock, when Jay find's out I wrote this!!!] Spam fryer, I mean fighter!!!
  14. Jayd here, loud and clear, going to try a post.... Thanks jayd
  15. Welcome, wait till you meet all the grey't and helpfull people here....Jayd and Maggie[spock]
  16. All our fids love Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, All they're veggies ad bowels cages etc are rinsed and washed with it, it's a sanitizer...It contains "pectin" which is good for all. We put 2 drops to a cup of they're drinking water...http://www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com/ Jayd
  17. Spock here, don't talk to Salsa, I hid her hatch day present, they think they lost it, [he-he] Could I borrow your Alex toy? Sorry, HAPPY HATCH DAY from all of us....SPOCK I KNOW YOU HAVE SALSA's TOY!!!!!
  18. Dan is a what the forum is all about...His words can always be counted on. He says what needs to be said even if it's not what we want to hear, and with a smile to boot! Our Friend... Jayd and Maggie Kudos Judy for this post..<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/11 03:31
  19. Red-lored AmazonYellow Cheek Amazon Family: Psittacidae This week's Amazon is the Red-lored Amazon, also known as a Yellow Cheek Amazon is definitely a beautiful bird, no matter how you look at it. Whatever the name you prefer, it's fitting as the lore (forehead) is red, the "cheeks" are yellow and the crown is blue. The Red-lored Amazon or Yellow Cheek Amazon has an overall green coloring. The wings are a spectacular array of color; green with red in the middle and blue on the outer edges and on the tips. The eye is orange with a white ring around it. The beak is gray but with a yellow horn color on the upper portion and the legs are greenish gray. Juveniles will have less red on the lores and forehead, the cheeks may have some green, and the eye is dark brown. These Amazons are found in Central America from eastern Mexico to the peninsula of Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. They inhabit the canopies of woodland and forest trees in tropical zones along the Caribbean coasts from eastern Mexico south to northern Nicaragua. There are a number of subspecies including: + Salvin's Amazon Parrots, Amazona autumnalis salvini (Salvadori, 1891) # Northern Nicaragua south to Colombia and Venezuela + Lilacine Amazons, Amazona autumnalis lilacina (Lesson, 1844) # Western Ecuador North of the Gulf of Guayaquil + Diademed Amazon Amazona autumnalis diadema (Spix, 1824) # Lower Rio Negro area, central / northwestern Mature birds are about 13 1/2 inches (34 cm) long from the head to the tip of the tail with a wingspan from 15 to 17 inches (38 to 43 cm). The average weight is 310-480g. This beautiful amazon is regarded as a wonderful pet, being very gentle, affectionate, and loyal. They display less aggressive behavior than many of the other popular amazons. Although capable of being quite loud at times, the Red-lored Amazon is not considered to be the best talker. Some will be good talkers while others will only say a couple of words. As is true with all Amazons, they are very social and enjoy the company of people as well as other birds. They will form very strong bonds with their owner, becoming fast friends and exhibit total confidence. They are also a hardy robust bird and can do well in either a cage or an aviary. http://animal-world.com/encyclo/birds/amazons/RedLoredAmazon.php'>http://animal-world.com/encyclo/birds/amazons/RedLoredAmazon.php http://animal-world.com/encyclo/birds/amazons/RedLoredAmazon.php http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/profile/red_lored_amazon/
  20. Pearllyn, I don't know if this will help.... http://paganismwicca.suite101.com/article.cfm/bear_powerful_pagan_symbol Native American Bear Symbolism Bear symbolizes introspection and intuition blended with instinct. The Lakota Sioux call Bear “Tob Tob.” To this tribe, Bear is a symbol of wisdom. This animal reveals the interrelationship between the person within the environment of creation, personal truth within the clan and the universe. Bear helps people recognize personal truth and when to stand up for rights and when to walk away. According to Chippewa tradition, the grizzly, Mudjekeewis, is the Spirit Keeper of the West. This totem symbolizes introspection and strength and imparts inner knowledge that makes it possible for people to seek alternative paths to their goals. Celtic Symbolism of Bear Like Wild Boar, Bear is both female and male; however Bear’s powers are the same for both genders. The Celtic people had two goddesses who shapeshifted into a bear, Andarta and Artio, names derived from “Art,” the Celtic word for bear. The male counterpart of Bear is associated with King Arthur. Art symbolizes the blending of intuition with instinct, which is in accordance with Native Americans' belief. S/he represents primal power and autonomy. Art defends people with fierceness from all dangers. S/he imparts the ability to use intuition to find truth. Strength or primal power and intuition merge into one uniting star and animal powers under the auspices of this power animal. Read more at Suite101: Bear, a Powerful Pagan Symbol: Bear: Symbolic of Introspection, Primal Power, Awakening Unconscious http://paganismwicca.suite101.com/article.cfm/bear_powerful_pagan_symbol#ixzz0khptoW7y Jayd<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/10 16:10
  21. Joey was wing clipped before we got him, pretty bad clip and inner flight feathers have been real slow coming back in. It's taken a year for them to grow back as far as they have...It's kind of neat that on his first flight he flew to me.... Jayd<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/04/10 14:32
  22. Jayd


    Found these on the net: Tapioca. Tapioca, if not processed properly, can be toxic. It contains a natural source of cyanide, whose precursor, linamarin, is rendered harmless if properly dried, soaked, and baked.[Human] http://gbwiz.com/ Harrison's Power Treats Ingredients: *Peanuts, *Sugar, Tapioca Maltodextrin, *Corn, *Hulled Gray Proso Millet, *Sunflower Kernel, *Hulless Barley, Split Green Pea, *Toasted Oat Groats, *Brown Rice, Chia seed, *Alfalfa, Montmorillionite Clay, Calcium Carbonate, Sea Kelp Meal, Vitamin E, Natural Trace Mineral Salt, *Spirulina, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Niacin, Vitamin B-12, Riboflavin, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Menodione Dimethylprimidinol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite. *CERTIFIED ORGANIC INGREDIENT [Good Site] Cassava. Cassava, manioc, or yuca (Manihot esculenta) is a staple source of starch in tropical countries. It contains the toxin linamarin which is metabolized to cyanide by enzymes in our gut. Cassava is the source of tapioca. In Brazil and other parts of South America they prepare farinha from it. The process of preparing these staples is long and requires the squeezing of the toxic liquid from the grated root. Boiling destroys the toxin. This liquid can be make it safe, by boiling it for two hours or more. Local food connoisseurs then use the detoxified liquor to prepare many dishes of their local cuisine. Perhaps the best known of these is Patos do cupi, i.e. duck cooked in this detoxified broth. http://caiquesite.com/Foods/dangerous_human_foods.htm Jayd:)
  23. Wow, and less than a year old!!, We need videos!!! Salsa only says: step-up and pretty bird, I wonder if it's because she's a "Hybrid"? Her brother talks good... Jayd
  24. Thank you all. And thanks Dave, hope you recover all you've lost!!! We love your photo's and posts... Jayd
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