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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    I am Angry!

    I wish to thank Talon/Penny ! I also wish to offer my personal "I'm Sorry" to Fredgrey.... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  2. :)Hi, and thanks for joining this wonderful forum...A Grey and a Macaw can coexist in the same room with each other. Problem might be that both being emotional bird, each demanding their " requeried time" and needed attention by each, you could end up with psychological problems with one or both! :(To start with, with introduction of any new bird, you have to show your Grey that he's head bird, he get's everything 1st, the other bird always gets 2nd's. I don't think the chances of a Macaw accepting this are to high. I'd be more than happy to go into this more if you'd like. I would suggest you get a lower maintenance bird, such as a Amazon, they can be very rewarding. We're here to help in any way we can... Thanks Jayd, Maggie, and Spock and the flock
  3. :)You couldn't get better answers then have been posted here!, As a side note, sometimes in screaming, biting and similar situations, the bird "thinks" you like it, so they do it to please you! Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't! Jayd
  4. Good Jilly!!! Thank you!!!! Jayd
  5. Don't worry, this takes time, your baby hasn't even unpacked the baggage yet. keep doing what your doing, don't rush and don't lit baby know it upsets you. Grey's don't usually cuddle, so if you get a cuddle, your one of the few. Things are going to change, some you'll like, some you won't. But yes, with trust, there's a good chance you baby will come around to you!!! Jayd
  6. :(Please don't let your baby in your mouth, It can kill it!!! Please don't let it even drink from the same glass, or eat from the same spoon!!! This is very life threatening!!! our body chemistry is vastly different. Thanks jayd
  7. :DHaving a number of parrots, We've seen parrot biting happen a lot. We've noticed that Grey's to Grey's go for the beak,! Grey's to Amazon's go for the tail and feet! Amazon's to Grey's go for the tail and eye's! And the worse, TOO'S to TOO's, go for the tongue! So our flock are members of "Bite Me Club"!!! Thanks Jayd and Maggie
  8. Thank you from our heart!! Jayd and Maggie:o Cockatiels believe in God!
  9. Diabetes is known to happen in our birds,The Pancreas doesn't produce enough Insulin to counter sugar in the blood, this is called "Hyperglycemia". [increased levels of blood sugar] ie: sugar rush!!! Spock in turn has hypoglycemia, not enough sugar in the blood, the opposite. This can be caused the Pancreas not being able to control the amount of Insulin it produces, too much insulin, so sugar, [engery] Vitamins, and food of nutritional value don't reach the blood stream and organs. Spock eats a lot of carb's, carb's = sugar= energy, Spocks supplement increase appetite, increase food and nutrient's [sugar]= weight gain and absorption of everything needed to keep the body healthy! So, with out being aware of it , we've been keeping Spock alive by what we feed him! We have to wait and see if we can control this with diet alone!!! Thanks Jayd
  10. Yes, a radio or cd loop would be grey't, one problem! you have to find out what kind of music your baby likes?LoL, Sasha might like "Talk shows". Jayd
  11. I can't read, ;) I luv looking at birds and feathers, post away!!! Jayd:rolleyes:
  12. ;)The post's you've received are Grey't advice.. If I may, go into the bedroom, dim the lights, sit on the bed and place Zoe on the other side, read a book to him! don't try to touch or pick him up, just say something like "Mary had a little...."While looking at the book, It can be People Magazine, it doesn't matter! If he comes to you, pick him up. After a few days, have you wife leave the room. Do the same thing around his cage, just sit there and talk to him.Try this to start. Jayd:o
  13. :cool:Nothing! When it's not free flight time, the little guys are in their cages and the big guys come in and visit. The big guys have been taught...Don't hassle the babies! When it is free flight time, their door remains closed so they can fly without fear of being hassled.
  14. Thank you Ambassador, once more you've brought the world together in on place. yes please, Photo's and details!! Luv Jayd and Maggie [Me too! Spock!]
  15. ;)I'm so happy, we'll say a special pray!! It's so wonderful to be wrong.............Bless you Jayd;)
  16. I'm sorry, I hope to God it's tomato! It doesn't look right to me, please let me be wrong, plese let me be a fool and be wrong!!!!!!! Jayd
  17. That's two of us!!!LoL Jayd
  18. :)Sasha has gone through a major change, something that can be hard for some Grey's. You answered most of the question yourself! Do you have a window you can put him by? Do you leave the TV on? he's not in hir home, this is all new to him! keep doing what you doing, it'll take time... Jayd
  19. :)Your post is right on!!! Very useful, and you explained it so even I cold understand, thank you. Dave just recently did a post on Humidifier etc, that might be interesting. Jayd
  20. :)Greetings, Welcome, May I suggest that you send a PM to dave007, he could get the answer for you...Jayd;)
  21. Our birds are weird, when they eat tomato sauce and pasta or Gnocchi, it looks a little green brown, were lucky? Jayd
  22. Oh thank you, I love Picture's Jayd
  23. That's a good weight, Yes, Add your formula to the hot water like you do, then min in approx 1/2 teaspoon, it stirs in real easy, nice and creamy, if you feel it's to thick, add a dab of water..Thanks Jayd
  24. Oh yes, their no mama's boy!!! Jayd
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