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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Most threads, ropes etc from retail store's are chemically treated for color or manufacturing etc, this is poison to our fids. Leather can only be veggie tanned! Exmaple, smell a cord of hemp or twine fro a retail store...embroidery thread, they might get there feet or legs tangled in it! Here's one safe store, there's many! Thanks Jayd http://www.cabirdnerds.com/
  2. Amen....................................................
  3. Don't forget !Only use "Bird Safe" rope's etc!! Not home Depot or Walmart, ETC!!!!! T hanks Jayd
  4. On a CBC, you can have one done every 2 days, and get a different valve!!!!!, Calcium sounds pretty good from what you say about you bird, When a vet or Doctor reads a blood work up, they do the same as you, compare! They know each variance test levels can be...The best thing to do is to call your vet and ask " Him/Her" your concerns!!!! Thanks Jayd P.S.Don't forget the stress levels on this poor bird
  5. Glad all is well. A Grey will be clumsy at least till after they fly. In the new cage don't place a perch directly above another, so if they fall, they won't fall on the perch bellow!!, remove all toys on bottom of cage when they go to bed. Thanks jayd
  6. Shes going to be a talker, just wait......Jayd
  7. Jayd


    Dandelion greens and leaves, are the number 1 dark green leafy veggie for parrots. Most markets sell it. I wouldn't recommend picking it out of your yard unless it's a container plant you planted! From your yard it could have saliva, dog and cat droppings, etc. Always remember to rinse in Organic apple cider vinegar or GSE .Thanks Jayd
  8. Haven't heard from you in a while, hope all's well!!!! Jayd
  9. Looking good, I love the eye's in the last photo....
  10. I thought that's what you were using. I hope to write a book some day so I'm comparing photo' of Grey's at different ages. Babies from different back grounds look some what different from each other, and when age is given in weeks, that can be off by as much as 3 days either way! I'm very sorry, no offense was meant to you, nor was I doubting your word!!! As far as the temp is concerned, that was also just a question I asked, some people keep it on the high side of 90, others on the low side...At my rescue we keep it at the high side. Sorry again, I have no doubts about the great care and devotion you'll give this wonderful creation!!!!! Sorry Jayd
  11. Thank you for this wonderful thine your doing....Rope perch's would be grey't, a small cargo net on one side of the cage,[homemade], and short 3" long bolt on perches. Thank you... Jayd, Maggie, and Spock and the flock
  12. Welcome!! Thank you for your rescue effort!!! We have two TOO's,[LoL] both rescues, one is a sever plucker. One of the best first things to do, is a visit to the vet to see what kind of a plucker your baby is! Thanks, need photo's... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  13. You can't get a better answer!!! For what to feed: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189737-What-our-Fid-s-eat...This is one of my post's, I advise you read all you can, all baby's are different, and you may prefer different food's. Thanks Jayd......Photo's please
  14. How wonderful. What type of brooder do you use? And what's your control temperature? It's a young lt's a young looking 4wk old! Thanks, more photo's.....Jayd
  15. I'm so sorry!!! I forgot... Old Age!!! For your baby, starts a 5yr's old.....Sorry again!!!! Jayd
  16. Jayd


    Take care of your needs, so sorry, prayers to yours...Jayd and Maggie
  17. So glad you've hand-fed Baby Grey's before, at 4 weeks it's so hard......Congrats....jayd
  18. Jayd


    The amount 1 Grey eats of veggies and fruit a day is very small! Mash's and smash's in ice cube trays like Judy said,is great!!!! Thanks
  19. Jayd


    All fruits and veggies have not only dirt, but pesticide's, germs, oil's etc on them, Vinegar and GFS are disinfectants! Thanks
  20. Jayd


    Please don't forget the fresh food!. Some veggies get stronger tasting after freezing, such as broccoli..Please make sure you pre wash with organic apple cider vinegar, or "GFS" [Grape Fruit Seed Extract!!!] Thanks
  21. A Grey becomes mature between 4 and 6Yr's old, And yes, most Grey's love to shred paper! Thanks
  22. Glad your back, really missed you, hope all's well, Jayd, Maggie,Spock and the flock
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