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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. There is 256 shades of gray the human eye can see. Grey's from different areas of Africa, are a different shade of gray! A Grey also see's "UV", When a Grey looks at another Grey, it has color. Ask Danmcq to post some photo's and explain it....Jayd
  2. You might want to look into a "Aviator Flight Harness" ...Thanks Jayd This is just 1 of many threads on the subject....... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189789-Aviator-Harness
  3. Please don't get me wrong about re-homeing, I just want you to be completely aware. There's joy and reward in both a new baby, and a re-home. You got what it takes.. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock!
  4. Thank You, A day to remember!
  5. Here's some threads that might interest you, There somewhat about what to expect with a re-home. There's a lot of post's here to help you decide. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?104988-THE-MEANING-OF-RESCUE http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189660-Newly-adopted-Grey-keeps-jumping-off-hand-or-shoulder! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189841-14-week-CAG-advice-please! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?183810-A-Rescued-Parrot-s-Poem http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?143978-A-MUST-SEE-for-anyone-who-wants-or-has-a-parrot http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189315-Ten-Reasons-Not-to-Buy-a-Bird http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?59053-A-Parrots-Bill-of-Rights http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189819-Light-a-Fire-Under-Your-Butt! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189782-Just-Realized!!! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?103135-Before-purchasing-your-baby-grey. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?109327-CAGED-BIRDS-AND-THEIR-RIGHTS Thanks Jayd
  6. Welcome, you have a good heart. fid= feathered kid. I commend you on your choice to maybe get a rescue. There's some good posts on rescues right now. A rescue, especially a Grey can most of the time be trying to say the lest. Your husband, in my opinion should be as enthusiastic as you, at the minimum. My personal opinion would be to get a weaned and fledged baby for now, you can always ad a re-home at a later date. Please read all the posts you can. I have to go right now, but ill post more about this latter today. We have some grey't people here, and thank you.... Jayd
  7. After looking at the photo, he defenently has enough wing to fly in a draft...... Please get a harness or outside cage!!!! Jayd
  9. A bird can fly with clipped wings, ......
  10. Thank you Judy so much. I forgot to mention, part of the fledgling is not only learning to fly, but learning to balance!, Grays are some what clumsy, especially if they have never flown! A suggestion, at bedtime, remove all objects from the bottom of his cage and don't put a perch under another one that he might fall on.... Your doing Grey't.... Jayd
  11. Thank you, It can take time..Keep a check on his weight, and his eating, Don't hesitate to call a vet if something doesn't seem right! Jayd
  12. Thank you, these are grey't. Jayd
  13. Here you go!!!!! http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?89533-HOW-TO-POST-PICTURES-photo-tuturial
  14. Yes, please let them grow out at least long enough for him to fly. [i don't clip] Don't worry about the towel right now, concentrate on having him with you, keep the playing and talk going a lot right now even if he don't seem to respond, a Grey is always thinking! You will read in the forums most breeders encourage new owners to spend as much time as possible while the baby is growing up! Yes, he is scared and unsure, but this we'll pass. HaHa, You'll never be the boss, your Grey is in charge...[Read one of Spock's threads] Yes, he we'll build trust quickly, just keep doing what your doing, and remember that a Grey can sense emotion, and if your unhappy around them, they know it!!!!! Only your Grey we'll determine how much touching he will allow you... Jayd
  15. When bringing a new object into a Grey range of sight, or changing a room or moving furniture or cage, a GREY can "FREAK OUT", sometimes they never get use to it. It can be a simple object, it sounds to me , the TV is the culprit. To bring or move something in the home, sometime you have to take you bird to another room, then slowly introduce them to the change slowly. Jayd
  16. Your baby is just adapting, has to build trust in you. Did you visit him a few times before you brought him home? How was he then? A Grey when fledging will lose weight, all they can think about is flying, your baby can't, so I believe this has put a little weight on his shoulder, he could also be blaming you because he can't fly.[?] Keep up with all your doing, don't give up!!!! Waiting for your response's. Do you have any pictures you can upload? Jayd
  17. Thanks Talon. That we'll help in the possibility of being found quicker.
  18. I hope you'll reconsider the wing clipping, there's some good "Pro and Con threads and posts here... Pad around the floor where ever he falls, they can split their keel, [breast bone] touch him there and see if he's tender or sore! colored pellets can change their poop color. It sounds like he's trying to fledge, wanting to fly, this is something they never forget, and at the very least should have been taught to fly before clipping, a breeder saves money and the chance of injury by clipping before 1st flight! Your baby's young, keep hand feeding till "He" stops himself....Even if he eats all the food you give him, don't stop , let him stop! Here's a thread on Abundant feeding, might help explain: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding! PM Dave007 and Spinner, there a wealth of info Jayd
  19. Question? HAS HE FLEDGED? Tried to fly? A fledgling will lose weight before flying. Hows his poop? Describe it, Does he eat colored pellets? Has his poop changed? Sometimes a Grey will be a one perso bird, don't worry still really young! Jayd
  20. Thank you so much!!!!! A Amazon is a low maintenance bird, you can correct them in a normal manner, and they don't have as many secrets as a Grey. Whats nice is, sy the word "Food", and they say "Where"! Thanks Jayd
  21. This is true, but no bird can fly till it can deliver lift..From your picture, the flight feathers aren't long enough. A bird that flaps their wings, and goes down and forward due to lack of lift, isn't flying. Hand-feeding to improve bonding, is a myth. At around 1 year of age, a CAG, will leave the nest to start their own life, [a Tag, at around 6mo's] some parrots "kick" their young out as soon as their fledged, a good example is a Green-cheek Conure,[and others] a hand raised baby usually doesn't bond well with the person who raised them. A hand-fed Grey,bonds no better than a weaned Grey! Thanks Jayd
  22. Make your water hotter than the desired 109 temp, have a bowl of ice water that you can set your glass in, stir your formula till it reaches 109, [check twice] start serving. When formula temp reaches 105, repeat.Thanks Jayd NOTE! Don't Microwave, to much chance of getting hot spots!!!!
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!! Maggie and Jay

  24. Thank you....Jayd, Maggie,Spock and the flock
  25. Your doing so good, hope you had a good time tonight. Their eating fine, Don't worry!!! I'll be posting new things for you in the next couple of days;; Luv ya all. Jayd
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