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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Stick to the same reply each time. Yes, make them simple and to the point. Your doing Grey't, keep up the good parronting.... Jayd
  2. This is worth a try!!!!! Ginger is good for their tummy if they get car sick....•GINGER-- Excellent to prevent motion sickness when parrots must travel. Use a few drops of ginger extract in the water, and slices of fresh ginger offered the night before the bird must travel. Very useful against nausea and regurgitation. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww24eii.htm Very good post... Jayd
  3. Everything everyone posted is really good, What Dan said [and he knows] is very important!!!! Always tell you baby what your doing, in time he'll relate to what you say. Jayd
  4. Every one here has tried to offer you advice, the best they could, there's no book to tell you when something is going to happen with a parrot, nor with children! We have a rescue 'TOO, who hasn't been quiet for 19 years,[ because of 1st owner] We have to be with him at 7am each morning, 365 days a year, forever! because of noise, and the abuse some one caused him....Listen to these good people, it's against all I believe in, Do what Dan asked, please!!!!!!! Jayd
  5. No, I'm sure a breeder would never lie. And yes, surely a CAG can fly at nine weeks old, like you said " I think she is going to be a big very smart bird.... :-) , Sorry I should have known better, It's good to see everything is going good for the two of you. Keep up the good work!!! Please keep the forum posted on your new baby.....My personal feelings are still that there should be a law about selling babies before it's weaned. A good way to tell if a baby is ready to fly, is his flight feathers reach the tip of his/her red tail feathers. Jayd
  6. We can only answer what is posted in a thread! Your thread said Nala was 9 weeks old.... Jayd
  7. How old is your baby? a 9 week old CAG doesn't fly!!!! Jayd.
  8. One thing we've noticed about the forum, every one has so much to contribute, no less then we do, we all have a great love for all creatures, even each other....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock........
  9. Thank you, I know your doing good. The cage is Grey't, Go ahead and move them up "2 fingers high". Place mats, if their feet won't get stuck in the bottom wire, remove it. You do what ever you have to do......Picture time....Jayd
  10. OMG, Please, take her to the breeder, she should be eating 50cc's plus 3 times a day!!!!!! Take her back till she is weaned and flying.......... Please read: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189724-Phoebe%28tanya%29-babys&p=195993#post195993 http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189414-*A-Plea-to-all-Members*-Hand-feeding... These breeders who sell these babies before being weaned should have there license revoked... Please keep us informed....Jayd
  11. :DGet-er-done OK, it's house cleaning time, I'm sure you know about a "Bird safe house" It's no longer your home but your birds!!!LoL. Get some supply's, styptic powder for bleeding, apple cider vinegar for cleaning cages and food dishes and veggies. A carry-all to take your bird to vet and outside etc. Flight harness if you so desire. On windows and mirrors you can put "Sticky's" so your new flying babies don't crash into them, also big screen TV's can be a danger when there turned off, your babies are going to fly "Where no birds have flown before!". Tanya, if you would, I'd like 1 [or more] question a day from you. Hope you and the Twins are OK! Jayd
  12. Lyn, yes your correct. Hitting a bird or using a stick or some other object is probably the most commom of abuses, second to: not feeding, abusive language, putting in a closet and dirty surroundings. One of the biggest abuses to me is people who buy a bird knowingly on a trial basis, oh well, it don't match our wallpaper![this is true] Especially with Gray's, they don't understand, one or 2 days with people who showed no positive emotion?, to quote Spock, "not logical!", if a Grey is yelled at or locked in his cage, he can figure that out, but here today and gone tomorrow, they have nothing to base what happened on or why! I have fids that don't even trust you to feed them!! Joey, a couple of months ago said when I was in the other room, "Raymond, are you going to feed me? There's Freddy, 1 of our TOO's, some of you have seen his photo's, 19 yr's old, he'll never fly, and Maggie is finally teaching to perch, kind of! When you turn the lights out, he screams "DARK, DARK", and if your out of sight or sound to long, he cries "Freedy here, Bob, Bob, Freddy bad". More later.... Jayd
  13. "Rrreeaaarrrrreewewewwwt" Simple, he's remembering his ancestors, "Jurasic". Keep all red meat away from him for a day or two....... Jayd
  14. Sitting alone today, going over some of our poorly kept notes, I realized something really sad. I can not prove this, but I believe this sincerely. I've notice this in al most all our rescue and re-home bird's, especially with CAG's, they make it so easy to see..Stockholm Syndrome! a term I and others like to use is, "baggage"[?] I've noted in my notes that a re-home/rescue never forgets they're previous owners, good or bad. This really shows in a CAG, or TOO, ETC, These poor babies when they don't think your listening or around, bring up names, or questions, or say things that are down right scary. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome isn't the right word, I'll have to research it. I've seen it in most all the birds we've worked with, it's so sad now that I realize it. I'll post examples later............ Jayd
  15. Amen.........................................................
  16. If I may say so, all the reply's have been correct, you couldn't get better advice, Janet's remedy and Judy's explanation are right on the money... Heed what these lady's say........Time..... Jayd P.S. There is no time limit, your baby is a wild animal, a older bird, some what confused and reaching out in the only way he can. Most of the times it's the new owner who has to make the most changes... There's no time limit ! Only love and patience...
  17. Alfie needs a manager!!!!! Good show....Jayd
  18. Joey does this to, lazy bird, doesn't want to get his beaker dirty.... Jayf
  19. Ha Ha Joey and Spock do this, they also sneeze, cough, and clean they're sinuous...... Jayd
  20. Jayd

    Morgan's biting

    Judy is completely right... If you wish to try and keep Morgan on your shoulder you should teach him the only time he can be on your shoulder is when he's invited! Teach him the same way as "step up", perch him on your finger, chest high, ask him jf he would like to "step-up" to your shoulder, place him on your shoulder with "step-down", in 1 minute, tell him "step-up" and remove him. Any beaking, is "I don't like that!", and removal. The only way he gets on your shoulder is by " your finger and step up.... Jayd
  21. This is the 4th of many.........Jayd
  22. That's great...was waiting to hear from you. If you would, would you read the post I made on Abundant Feeding today? http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding! This is to explain what Abundant Feeding is...Tomorrow I will posting one for you and others in this thread on preparations. Get some rest because the weeks ahead are going to be busy. Remember, if you have any questions, either post here or email me, 24/7... Jayd
  23. Go ahead with the food, at this stage they do more playing with it than eating but they will start eating...remember to remove your soaked pellets after 2 hours. I don't suggest adding anything to the formula other than a 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter if the baby is underweight. The formula actually stimulates the desire for solid foods. Tanya's babies at 8 weeks is doing very well with the munchies...every baby is different. Does your baby have big feet and large bones? Spock has extremely large feet...he always has... How many times are you feeding your baby a day? My personal feelings are no...I worry too much about stretched crops. I've seen it too many times. The crop should be spongy when you touch it with your finger...not tight. Another concern of mine regarding feeding formula is I've seen incidents where too much formula has been given and it cools too fast and impacts which sometimes can be resolved and other times not. In the early ninety's with the impending law to stop all importation of new birds to the US, the bird pet industry went into overdrive to captive-breed existing parrots. During this time, we were paid $20 a day to feed 80-100 babies a day. This was with a Gavage needle inserted into the crop. This is definitely NOT my way of feeding unless I have a sick or injured bird. Keep up the GREYT job! Jayd
  24. Abundant feeding, is exactly what the name apply, To have enough food available for your growing baby that they'll never have to search or worry about food. The change from "Rapid weaning" to "Abundant Feeding came about in the early "90's". A study of wild and hand raised Hyacinth Macaws showed that hand raised H macaw's of the time were stunted, smaller, and out of proportion. At the time, rapid weaning was in favor, hand feeding would be cut to force the birds to wean and eat solid food sooner. Through these studies, Abundant feeding came about. What is Abundant feeding? At all times you have more food available then is needed for the babies, yes some food is wasted, but you have a healthy bird...Have plenty of pellets and seed's available at all times, fresh veggies through-out the day, and most important, hand-feeding as long as the baby wants it, no exceptions. Jayd
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