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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Glad to have you back, hope you've been ok. Miss your threads and posts and photo's and videos' Jayd
  2. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    If you would, please post their morning weight. Always weight them after their big poop each morning before feeding!!! You can get a digital food scale at Walmart, etc, fairly cheap, the spring scale don't work good. If they won't hold still get a small bowel, weigh it first and then weigh them. Thanks Jayd, Here's Spock at about 10 weeks old, they grow fast!!!
  3. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    It's grey't that these babies are playing with their solid food so well. Unfortunately their not eating enough to keep them alive. Read the label on your formula and see all that's in it. Spock took 26 weeks to stop eating formula, plus all the other bird food and veggie' we gave him...A lot of babies stop at 16 + weeks. You can't rush the weaning time, the babies will let you know when they don't want any more formula and that,s a long time away. When your babies get ready to fly, there going to want to stop eating, everything, They'll be more interested in flying instead of eating, you have to make sure them don't stop eating. Eating the formula also stimulates solid food eating. Jayd
  4. If I may make a suggestion? Don't worry about training, and eduction, let the baby unpack and learn on it's own...... Love him, talk and play with out expectations...He may never be that "Super Grey", enjoy him, hold him, let him be his self until 'He's" ready to accept you training, expect a little less right now. Accept this young one the way he/she is....Love him, get him some good old junk toys, let him kick back!!!Jayd
  5. Yeah and the taste of them coming up again!!!:eek:
  6. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    YES feed them.....Don't stop hand-feeding,[or miss a feeding] this will go on for a long time, a couple of months or more, I'll advise you when to drop a feeding. You must be patient!!!! It's a lot harder job to wean a bird then get one already weaned.. Jayd
  7. Happy Birthday, I haven't seen 21 since 1821!!!! Jay ,Maggie Spock and The Flock
  8. Jayd

    Two greys

    Read our threads on Joey and our other rescues, What we do is [after quarantine] is to introduce the new baby to the flock leader [buster] from then on , Buster comes first in everything, feeding, toys, if you buy a toy for the new baby, buy one for buster and Buster gets it first...Buster gets greeted first,etc. When you move them into the same room, there's no reason to not let them out of their cages, 9 out of ten times, they'll ignore each other! just keep a open eye. Plan on spending a lot of time observing both of them, your going to have to know each of their differentence, and treat them accordingly. To save a rescue or re-home is love......Jayd
  9. Danmcq wrote: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?121453-HUMIDITY-IMPORTANT-TO-YOUR-GREY-S-HEALTH/page3 Check this out......................And Dave007 wrote:.No, you can use both as long as the machines aren't next to each other. That would defeat the purpose. Humidity will make dust heavier. A purifier won't pull in a lot of dust even though you feel a difference Purifiers are meant to suck in the type of dust that's floating around a room and stays floating around until it nears the purifier. That type of dust is invisible and it's in most rooms. In a bird area, there's constant dust and dust that's in a bird room is actually dander which is heavy. It's not the type of dust that stays in the air. It's heavy, falls on furniture, on the cage, all over the floor and everything that's near the general area of the bird/birds. You'd be better off having an exhaust fan that will really pull all sorts of dust in, heavy or light. When purchasing a purifier, there's different sizes specifing the amount of space that it'll cover so a purifier works best in that amount of space which usually involves a room that's enclosed. And those purifiers never state anything about their success with bird dander. Bird dander is much heavier than .003 microns.
  10. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    This is grey't, the little guy will catch up on his eating, keep doing what your doing Mama!!!!!
  11. Good morning, hope all is well.........Jayd
  12. They indicate during the time the bird was molting there was either nutritional imbalance or high stress. Spock has been a very sick baby. We wrote threads titled "Spock updates"etc if you would like to read them..Jayd
  13. Keep them together till a few days before you separate them, they'll teach each other, we'll talk about that later plus a lot more. Love them both, you have plenty of time to decide....thanks so much....Jayd
  14. You're a fantastic "prront"...you really are doing a "greyt" job...sorry I wasn't home. My time right now is 8:13pm. Keep check on their breathing...they can stay together forever...Thanks Jayd
  15. Tanya, it sounds like he was overheated, how has he[they] been since this happened? Jayd
  16. DOES ANY ONE HERE except a few people know how hard it is to feed a 3 day old baby? See if you can get some photo;s for us, Thanks Jayd
  17. Just got home, sent you PM, Sounds like he was over heated,,,,,,, Do you still have lamps on cage? What was house temp? What did you keep the temp at in tub? Jayd.......Room temp should be kept at 72-78 degrees
  18. Ok, here's Salsa playing in Joeys cage....LoL
  19. Hear what Dan says! Don't even pick up a feather out side..........
  20. Ok, here's Spock's 1 red feather bum, stress marks and all. 2nd photo, Spock being Spock......LoL....Jayd
  21. Don't forget the smell, due to age, I'm stuck with electric................Jayd.................Can't wait for photo's....
  22. Jayd

    phoebes babys

    From now on, you'll be amazed at how much they grow each day, soon there puff [down] we'll be gone and they'll look like small adults, then the eyes change, keep the camera ready, in a few weeks no more babies...........Jayd logging out for lunch.
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