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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd

    just asking

    Question, they should be walking around? Don't worry about seeds and pellets, it's ok to put them both in the cage.Jayd
  2. Jayd

    just asking

    Tidbits........Walmart and Petsmart sell a small fleece blanket, Talons don't get stuck as bad! Start warping your babies in a small blanket to get them ready for a vet visit, hold them on their back and nuzzle them!, In a couple of weeks, get a pop-cycle stick,[eat the pop-cycle first] Hold their feet while playing with them, drag the stick across their nails like you were filing them, do this often, when they get older, you'll be able to file them! One of my favorite is to rub their ear with your finger tip saying, "ear" softly, when they get older, they remember it, cuddles and love... Jayd
  3. Jayd

    just asking

    Your doing Grey't, increase their food a little, cut back on a feeding if you think it's ok. Example: If your feeding them 30cc's 5 times a day, thats150cc's, if you go to 4 feedings a day, they need 150cc's at least. Hold them more, hold them on your chest, pet their ears. keep some seed and crumbled pellets in their cage, give them a Cheerio's or two, they'll waste it, It won't hurt to start socializing them. If you haven't, cet them a cage and a couple of perches, put the perches about a inch above the bottom of the cage.[screw on perch] Put your soft towel, stuff toy in with them. I don't put anything hard in the cage. Bars on cage must be close enough so they can't put their head though them...Your going to start, "Abundant Feeding" you'll put more food in their cage then they can eat, that way the'll never stress that they have no food..You'll do this till their on their own....Pick out a pellet, a seed mix and start keeping them in their cage. Check the forum therds and posts for pellet and seed advice. Keep up the good job. more to come later. Jayd
  4. Ohhhhh, so cute, Tango our 'TOO, dips crackers and bread, then eats them...[yck] Buddy our Conure makes soup like yours. Jayd
  5. Don't worry, his toe could be a little sore, He'll love you again, I promise.... Jayd
  6. Malikah, I'm sorry Really, the bleach to water ratio to water is 100 to 1, to be safe, 2 to 3 drops per gallon of water, no more. What most people use is Apple Cider Vinegar, this is used to clean and sanitize cages to veggies to toys. Im afraid if you soak any kind of rope, it will start to disintegrate. No matter how long you let a rope or porous object soak in the sun, all the bleach will never come out. Again, Malikah, I'm sorry. Jayd
  7. This is all normal, she hasn't lost her trust in you, it just might be she has chosen you husband, most Grey's favor one person over another. If this is the case, spend time with her when he isn't around... You mustn't let her see your upset. Sit by her cage and read her a book, sing soft songs to her, laugh when she makes a sound you like, she's a three year old, in a new home... You must touch, is she beaking you or biting you? Some Grey's play rough, when to Grey's play and beak each other, they get feathers, not skin! LoL Your doing Grey't, when you move her around, put a blanket on the floor! Remember, this is her home now, shes letting you just stay there....Jayd..........Here's some good reading...http://www.africangreys.com/
  8. Jayd

    just asking

    My personal feelings are you have to basically give up your life when hand-rasing a baby bird, this is my personal feelings, they need to be fed the same time every day, no exceptions...You have to arrange even going to the bathroom around their schedule.LoL....Luv You Jayd........[These are my feelings only]
  9. [QUOTE=luvparrots;194408] I look forward to seeing your quilt. It's very nice to hear from you. WELL????????????????????? Jayd, Maggie and Spock
  10. Yes, use it normal, it's ok!! Thanks Jayd
  11. Hi, the weekends are slow, you'll get reply's, Jillybeanz and Pearllyn, Joolesgreyuk, and others are from across the river to me...Jayd
  12. Love your family and your plans. Have a lot of respect for you for doing research ahead of time. We have both new and Re-home/Rescue, love 'em all, if you truly know the history of a re-home, it can be very rewarding, on the other hand you can more easily help mold a weaned baby to your future plans, [socializing] if the baby be willing, LoL, Grey's do have a mind of their own...Welcome.....Our flock writes under the tags of, Jayd [me] Maggie [my better half] And of course Spock [1 of our Grey's] and the rest of the flock.......
  13. Both Spock and Joey say,"Gimme a kiss" Joey also says "com-eer gimme a kiss" when you go to them, they both "smack" and kiss your nose. Salsa our Amazon can be corrected verbally , with some forcefulness, so when she's loud, we claped [no more] our hands and say "Shhhh". When Spock and Salsa do something that bothers Joey, he'll call their name, say "stop it" and make a loud clapping sound! LoL Today Joey said his wanna kiss, I didn't respond quickly enough, so he said disgustedly, "Gonna give me a kiss! Clap!", I guess he told me! Jayd .......... As a side note, I wish Spock had never learned "What". LoL
  14. Thanks Janet, I also included this thread. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?54297-HOW-TO-POST-PICTURES&highlight=upload+photos Jayd
  15. Amen..... Rear scattered red feathers are norm... Read all the posts and threads on Aloe Vera Juice...Thanks Jayd, Maggie and Spock.
  16. Including what Judy said, to me, after a year old they lose their "softness look", and as they get older they look "Regal" and "Proud"!!!!
  17. My sentiments again, don't stop holding her! Most Grey's "Don't like to cuddle", You must be firm and loving to gain her respect...Jayd
  18. After seeing your Photo's, has a vet checked her for plucking? Some Grey's have Red feathers on other parts of their body, a natural mutation. What was the Vet's diagnoses? You could have a rare baby...Jayd
  19. Thanks for the quick responses. She/he, hasn't even unpacked her bag's yet, you have a lot to come. I personally feel you should continue to do as your doing, to stop holding her now could cause problems in the future...Try and find out what she wants, ask her! Jayd
  20. How long have you had this baby? Only a suggestion, When perching this sweetheart, talk softly, she might be trying to get to the safety of her cage! Make sure theres always something padded so she doesn't split her keel bone of break her beak or leg....Ok "Members" your advice is needed!!!!! Keep calm around her, she can sense your concern! Jayd and Maggie and Spock
  21. Jayd

    just asking

    How you all doing Mama? Jayd
  22. Please keep us informed.........
  23. That's grey't, you can put a fan in a doorway or window blowing out, to help. The coating is the same [or similar] to "No-stick" pans, I don't mean this bad, but same as pans, I don't believe it wares off, I've been called to homes where a person is holding their Grey or Macaw or Parakeet, and I'll take one, and you rush outside hoping it will help, most of the time it doesn't, and if it doe's, their air-sacks are so damaged they suffer. 0ne time I watched a lady's 6 fid's die at once. Better safe than sorry, scrub, scrub, scrub... My opinion. Jayd and Maggie
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