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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. What guests experience when entering our bird house When you enter our mobile, you have the kitchen on your right and the living room, hall, bedrooms and bathroom on your left. There is a five foot high bar divider, separating the living room from the kitchen. The living room is about 12x25'. Off the living room, the hall extends to the back bedroom. Next to the living room is our "small birds" room. In the living room, when you enter the front door, on your left is Tango (our large 'Too) in a large cage. Next to him is Freddy, 'Too, (our plucked wonder). Against the far wall, you will find Salsa and Spock. Next to our couch is Joey in his community cage. Spock starts off with "Hello" and "Good Water". Then he swoops in front of you with a blood-curdling Tyeradatycl yell and perches on the top of the fridge, looking like he will attack any moment. Tango, to your left is bobbing up and down and saying "Whatcha doin'?" Freddy's standing with his wings wide open, showing all his pluckness wonder, yelling "Freddy's here!!!" Salsa is on top of her cage, crouched over, looking like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, yelling "Step up!" Then there is Joey, perched proud and tall, saying "Spock, Salsa, Shut up!" And from the small birds room, over the sweet murmur emminating from there, you hear Buddy saying "Wanna get some crack?" At this time, the guest usually leaves and we don't ever hear from them again....hhhhmmmm.... Jayd
  2. Once again, post a picture so Dan, Dave and Spinner can look at it...Thanks Jayd
  3. Keep up the grey't work , your on your way to being a grey't paront...All the people on the forum are fantastic, I promise you'll get a answer for anything you ask, remember it will be to the point and sometimes something you might not want to hear....Jayd
  4. Thank you, great job your doing. Wish you ll the best. Jayd
  5. Welcome, she either loves you, or gets car sick! Don't pet her anywhere but head and neck and beak, they love their beaks rubbed. Don't bother her in her cage, shes being cage territorial, let her come out on her own.[that's when you clean her cage.] Remember she comes with baggage, let her unpack at her own pace, observe her, her likes and dislikes. Thank you for taking a older Grey. It will take more than a week or two. I'm sorry to say this, they bite and it hurts. If you get bit, stay calm, stay quiet, set her down and pretend nothing happened, if you can say" don't bite and pet her beak, they usally won't bite a second time, then walk to another room where she can't hear you and yell. Jayd ,Maggie, Spock and the Flock.
  6. Aaaawwwww!!! The baby loves you!! Welcome to the "Greyt" Grey Forums. Your new Grey has chosen you for your Mating potential...SOP; You must not pet the baby anywhere but the head and neck. When your baby starts to do this, say "I love you. Thank you!" and walk away...This is very common so be careful where you touch your precious one. You have to let them know you are NOT available. Again, say it happily, "I love you and thank you!" and walk away. As they say, "Birds of a feather......" Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock welcomes you!!
  7. Welcome to the Grey't Grey Forums!!! Without seeing your baby, it's possible it might have mites. I am going to refer some threads to you at the end of this that will be helpful. Going to the vet is great!! We've taken on a number of rescues...please remember they come with baggage. Take everything at your Grey's pace, be it slow or fast. Let your Grey set the pace. Always remember you must be calm around your baby. I'm recommending you read recent posts by Dave007 about aloe vera gel and juice. Don't push the feeding right now. Along with the diet he is receiving, go ahead and add a few pellets, keep fresh veggies for his choosing. After his problems are taken care of, you can worry more about his diet. Clean his cage by scrubbing down with organic apple cider vinegar. Throw away anything porous and check and clean his wood perches. I would discard rope-type toys (hiding places for bugs). Give your baby a bath. You can saturate him with distilled water with a misting bottle or take him in the shower with you if he will tolerate it. Looking forward to hear about your recent "Love of your Life";) Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189248-The-other-aloe-vera-gel http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189388-plucking&highlight=aloe
  8. Thanks Dave, Peanut butter will have on the label whats in it...Dave's advice is good......Jayd
  9. It's ok to spray your bird all over, if she will let you, lift her wing and spray.[hard to do] No safflower oil, canola, palm oil are ok. Do they have a store that sells "American food" for tourist? You might find "Peanut butter or Canola oil there. Give me a day or to and I'll see what I can find....Jayd
  10. Aloe juice is fine, remember to soak the baby 2 to 3 times a week. Rapeseed has to much fat. Canola is a cooking oil. We give all our fid's "Organic Peanut Butter", it has "Palm oil" in it...Skippy's, Laura Scudder, etc...Jayd
  11. Thank you all!!!!, and thank you Greywing for the site link,Check it out....Jayd
  12. "The breeder first told us we could wait and leave a deposit, but she said it would be a few hundred dollars more". I must apologize, I didn't realize your Grandfather was a "expert", and yes, the price of a life should always be taken into account, its always good to save a few dollars...Last year I bought 3 babies that the people bought to young and was having trouble with, I even paid them more than they paid, good deal for them, bad deal for 2 of the babies, I couldn't save them.... These good people of the Grey Forums have offered there help, all they've asked of you is a few questions so they can offer you good advice. My prayers are with you and your baby......Jayd
  13. Dave, I agree, I've been trying to explain little thingy's for years....Jayd
  14. All our fids love the souffle cups. Tango, with the amount of food she eats and the cost, is being trained to stand on the corner with a cup and accept donations...hahahahaha...Jayd
  15. Welcome, you can use 5 or 6 drops of Canola oil a day. Would love to see picture!!!! Use "distilled water" every 2 or 3 days, make sure you really wet him...Jayd
  16. To give you some background for the question; Is Joey Fledging at 3?...Joey was never allowed to fledge. He has always been clipped until we let his feathers grow out while we have had him. When a young bird gets ready to fly, he will go on a self-imposed diet to lose weight so he can prepare to fly. Flight is the only thing on his mind... Maggie and I have been sitting here discussing the birds and I have been commenting about the fact that Joey has cut down on the amount of food he has been eating in the morning :confused::confused:. He looks great, his poop looks good, he is eating what he eats every day but he eats a lot less in the morning. His feathers are beautiful and he talks non-stop. Every morning after breakfast, when everything calms down, Joey makes his one to two flights. His evening feeding is normal...Maggie mentioned, "Do you think Joey might be fledging again?" "Is he re-living his puberty?":p Today's flight was beautiful...a GREYT success for him. He flew around the normal obstacles, made a sharp right at the window, back-flapped to slow himself down and touched down lightly with no forward momentum. Boy, was he proud!:rolleyes: So, the question is ....Is Joey fledging????...a second time?:confused: Jayd and Maggie
  17. For correctness, this young man stated that his grandfather has experience with young birds. It doesn't state what kind of birds. The way the young man worded the question, and seeking others advice was aware this baby could be problematic. I believe this to be legitimate. If not, it is a very sad joke. This young man just recently made a post "So happy I have my African Grey" and if you notice his avatar, it is an older Grey of which he just recently applied. I give you this plea...please respond to our deep concerns. If you do not wish to respond to me, Jayd, Dave007 or Danmcq, please respond to one of the others who have posted here and they can pm one or all of us and we can relay information back and forth that way. We are all willing to do anything to keep this young Grey alive and give you something that will last a lifetime. Sincerely, Jayd
  18. Laker4life24: Hows your Grey doing????? Jayd
  19. We all hope all is ok! We all hope you'll answer our question? Jayd
  20. Welcome Billy and Vinnie, what a fine looking CAG!!!!!. We love photo's here some of us can't read but we can look!!!!!More photo's and story's.....Jayd
  21. I'll be polite, is this poor baby still alive? Could you please answer our questions so knowledgeable people like Dave who answered your question can answer it more to your liking. This worry's me, his simply answer "post a picture" you might not have understood? What else about keeping this poor creature alive might you not understand?????? Dan, Dave and all the rest know far more than you might guess, and deserve your respect, even jf you don't like the answer!!!When are you taking him to the vet for his checkup????It's due now!!!! Mr Jayd Sheppard!!! Can you read this? http://www.greyforums.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=213&catid=5&Itemid=4
  22. Dan, as you and others on this Grey't forum know, that's why Maggie and I stop. You remember all the joy, but never forget the loss....... Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock...
  23. Welcome, Glad you have a experienced person to help you. Are you keeping the baby in a brooder or fish tank at around 95 degrees? I guess your feeding the baby around 5 or 6 times a day. I hope your baby is at least 21 days old! What are you feeding him and how much? Is his crop filling and emptying? Some people think 105-109 is to hot, but that's the right temperature for they're formula....Jayd I hope Dave007 or Dan or Spinner reads you thread.
  24. Another beautiful baby getting old, yes pictures pleases. Happy Hatch Day and many more.... Jayd and Magg
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