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About xcelprinting.com

  • Birthday 01/16/1977


  • Location
    Spring Hill, FL


  • Interests
    Saltwater Reefing, and now TAG's


  • Occupation
    Own xcelprinting.com & JR Credit Repair

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  1. Her nose was dry all day yesterday soon after.....dry today all day, I peek every once in a while. She did tonight sneeze, firsr time in days, iactually dont remember the last time she sneezed, then I looked and one nostril seemed wet inside, then 30 minutes later dry again.....must not be anything serious as she is perfectly normal, just 1 sneeze....I still keep an eye for anything out of the usual.
  2. she's not sneezing or anything, and I cover her up at night with i nice thick sheet, and the vent above her and any other neighboring vents are closed. I'll keep a close eye on it and her for a day or two and see.
  3. I just noticed today she shook her head and her beak had a tiny droplet, and I thought hmm, so i looked up close and I could see both her nostrils were wet inside, one more than the other, it wasnt water because she was perched on my monitor for a while. So, what am I potentially looking at?
  4. Ok, I just want to make sure its not bad to let them do this, in case it caused any changes in behavior....loads of fun to watch though. I'll see if i capture a clip with my phone and upload to youtube.
  5. I have a toy that is usually inside her cage, but she doesnt play with it, so i hung it from the ladders on her playtop where she usually spends time, the toy is just 5 small wood beads and a medium size plastic ball with a noise thingamajig inside.....well she will get the ball with a foot and chew on it, and rub it on her face and neck as she does with most things even food, she has a habit of rubbing them on her neck.....but thats not the issue, she will start striking the ball repeatedly as if she were fighting with it, then suddenly she will grab it and play with it, then she lets go, ad moments later she will attack it again, its super funny to watch, but wondering if this is ok to let her do it. She does the same thing to paper towels or toilet paper if she sees me try to clean anything near her with it, she will attack it and take a piece and play with it or shred it. If I try to touch her beak when she's like this she's fine with me, its the paper or this toy she does this with. there is a toy that came with her, that every night on her way to where she sleep in her cage, she will go buy this other toy and strike it once and keep going about her business, she doesnt fight with it, but its ritual every night she does it because i hear the bell ring and ive watched her do it.
  6. I actually moved her away from there and put her near my livingroom so when im watching tv she's only a few feet away, but I usually put her on her perch next tome or shoulder her for a while. Last week I gave her a Tostitos tortilla chip, and wow now she goes crazy for them, if she hears me with the bag from a distance she starts pacing waiting for me to bring her one, seems to be her favorite treat so far.
  7. Hey Jon welcome to you and Meggie. I am delighted that you have decided to join the Grey family! I look forward to hearing more about how yours and Meggie.'s relationship continues to grow. Janet

  8. These are the only pictures I have so far: http://picasaweb.google.com/abcogroup1/TimnehAfricanGreyMeggie# She's been on my shoulder while I been on here for a while, I looked over my shoulder and on several ocassions she's been leaning over with her neck bente and her nech feathers all fluffed trying to rub on my cheek trying to steal a nech scratch, so cute....I'm sooo happy/excited to have finally been able to get to this point with her. It's a special feeling to be able to have this kind of bond between human and bird.
  9. I am reading and responding to these 1 at a time, and just got to this one, so here's my "rightful" response in my defense: Do you know me? Have we ever met? Have I called you a MORON as you call me? You call me a Moron and in the same sentence say "sorry if I offended you"...? Then you go on to say "Jeez..sometimes I don't know what gets into people on this forum", you should be banned for your ignorance and behavior, not sure why mods didnt do so upn reading your IGNORANT response. whats worse, my ignorance with birds, or your IGNORANCE and acting childish with insults? Why didn't this guy get banned?
  10. I laughed so hard almost knocked Meggie of my shoulder when I read this......I'm a guy (Jon)
  11. I have decided I will remain a 1 bird person....I have been enjoying how my relationship with Meggie has been turning out.
  12. You dont "have" to read my threads, its not "required reading"....I'll be fine if you dont read them. I don't need/care for hostility.
  13. what is that suppose to mean? Is this "personal" attempt at getting directly offensive towards me? Do you know me as a person? Have I offended you personally or anyone in here? So is that what this forum is about, someone disagrees with something an individual does so go and offend them and be judgmental? If thats what this community is about, then I don't want any part of it. At least some have been polite enough to pm me with concerns and follow up, in a respectful concerned manner, those are the type of people I try to align myself with.
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