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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. You just wait, you haven't seen "Bright Red" yet... Just wait till after a year old, you'll really smile.........
  2. When we got our new oven? We just had our old ones rebuilt instead, we have 2 spares in the garage.. Note: It's the "PTFE and Telfon" That kill's...
  3. HaHaHaHaH......................................................Good!!!! Thanks, I needed a smile..........Jayd
  4. I know it's been posted before, this is just a reminder, It's free, click them all!!!!! http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3&ThirdPartyClicks=ERA_051610_ARS_Html
  5. On self-Clean, it takes less 30 minute's to kill your bird!!!! They die in your arms, a older self-cleaning oven, takes a few more uses to do the trick....DON'T USE ON HIGH OR SELF CLEAN, get out the old soap and water....My opinion only.... Jayd
  6. We started our bird rescue work in 1976, we've worked with almost every kind of parrot you can imagine, we never had a Grey...After all these years, when things calmed down, we got a Grey, A Grey is unlike any other parrot, we needed advice, after trying other Groups, we realized the forums were the most honest, and trusting, which proved to be right.......Jayd, Maggie and the Flock...[Hey, thats suspose to be SPOCK, not Flock!!!!!]
  7. To "Rescue is to Save", Thank you with open heart, Jayd...... Mezmo and your whole flock is welcome here, please tell us about all your flock..........
  8. The Lilac-crowned Amazon is very special to us. Back in the 70's, Mr. B, a Lilac-crowned Amazon was our first large parrot rescue. Here a link to his story if anyone would like to read it. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?177077-1st-Amazon! The Lilac-crowned Amazon - also known as the Finsch's Amazon Parrot - is endemic to the Pacific slopes of Mexico. These birds inhabit wooded foothills and mountains, plains, grain fields, and banana plantations. The Lilac-crowned Amazon or Finsch's Amazon has been recognized for well over 100 years. It was documented as early as 1864 by Dr. Otto Finsch, who wrote well over 400 works on orithology. This amazon is named for him. The Lilac-crowned Amazon or Finsch's Amazon has green plumage though more yellow on the underparts. The feathers of the neck and upper sides are edged in black giving it a scalloped appearance that resembles an African Gray. The forehead and lores back to the eyes are a red brown. There is a blue mauve on the crown and neck making a half moon shape around the cheeks, which are a yellowish-green. The outer feathers of the wings are edged in a violet blue, there is a red speculum, and the tail is tipped with a yellow-green. The eye is orange, the beak is horn-colored, and the legs are greenish-gray. Juveniles are similar to the adults but their eyes are dark brown. Mature birds are about 13 inches (33 cm) long from the head to the tip of the tall. This dynamic little amazon is a fair talker and makes a fine pet. But though the Lilac-crowned Amazon is affectionate and clever, it is also very lively. It needs lots of activities and will do best spending a good portion of its time outside of its cage where it can climb, play, and fly for exercise. They do very well in an aviary which gives them more room on a regular basis. Amazons are probably one of the most independent of the parrots. They can entertain themselves for hours with the simplest of items or can do the perfect imitation of tarzan from the most complex toy. They will allow you to cuddle them when THEY want to be cuddled but if they are not in the mood, watch out. Like most amazons they are very social, enjoying the companionship of people as well as other amazons. They make a wonderful companion and will quickly form a strong bond with their owner. There are feral populations of this bird in several counties in southern California. It has been observed in residential and suburban areas, but also in native coniferous forest in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA. http://www.avianweb.com/lilaccrownedamazon.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilac-crowned_Amazon http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/profile/lilac_crowned_amazon/
  9. Know you wouldn't, everyone knows that!!!!! Jayd
  10. Your a good man!!!!



  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/tyne/8141040.stm
  12. Jayd

    Phoebe babys

    WELLLLLLL, Looks like your doing ok Mama!!!!!!!!! Cuddle them for me! Jayd
  13. A very wise person PM'ed me last night, they basically wrote one word "compassion", And yes, I'm guilty. I was not thinking of all the mistakes I made in my life or the wrong choices I chose, only about purchasing birds on a trial basses. For this ,please forgive me. Jayd
  14. I'd like to apologize to all who have had to give up a bird for any reason. My feelings and statements are only directed at this instances. I received a number of PM's during this thread which helped formed my opinions. It's appalling to me when people return a bird like a pair of pant's, their not "only birds", and "what do they know?....My feelings concerning this thread and only this thread stand. I've made my decision on facts not emotions, even though emotions are involved... And my offer to honestly help them, still stands..... Jayd
  15. Jayd

    just asking

    Good girl,, They don't need water, the formula has water in it...Get a Pyrex measuring cup and a bowl of hot water.. Mix your formula to 109 degrees and start feeding, when the tepm drops to 105, set cup in bowel of hot water and stir til 109 again... There playing is all. soon they'll start sleeping less and playing more. Cuddle them on your chest and baby talk to them after you fed them, and hold them as much as you can get little wood toys and 1/2inch beads to play with. Will keep you informed as time goes on. Grey't job mama.... Jayd
  16. I was one of the first to offer them help, I continued to offer them help as the thread progressed. I'm truly sorry, but I will always feel what they did is wrong. One of the posts states the have already posted a ad!!!!! Help, by all means, to ok what they did? I'm sorry Jayd, Maggie
  17. I feel you are more than welcome to stay on the forum. I'm sorry but the threads and posts speak for themselves. I turn my other cheek. But I don't believe I have anything to offer you. Good luck Jayd
  18. That's what you did to all at the forums. Please lock this down.......Jayd
  19. How dare you, these are good people, all of them. Thank God for freedom of speech. If you don't like a post, leave, don't ridicule others because they don't believe as you do,... Were here for you and you Grey, not you likes and dislikes, if you need help, I'll be the first to help you, anything else, your on your own!!!!!!!! Your Grey comes first to me, no matter what my other feelings are...I'm tired of all these disrespectful attitudes to all these great people, try walking a mile in any of there shoes.........Jayd Learn how to make a peace offer before you attempt it!!!!!
  20. No truce, I just stopped posting to this thread..... Jayd
  21. Please Thank you...Jayd Maggie and Spock
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