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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Hope the Twins are doing Grey't... Most important in raising babies is stability and their assurance that a meal is coming the same time each day, now that you've shone them they have nothing nothing to fear, it's training time. Their not to young to start, they just won't learn to much. I feel the most important command for a Grey is the step-up, step-down command. When your playing with these guys, whenever you put your finger in front of them, push it againest their chest, and say, "step-up", don't expect anything, your just getting them used to the words and sound. Now is also the time to socialize them, get as much daily outside contact with others that you can, others don't have to hold them, just be near them, touching them, and talking to them! Remember to change out their fresh food every couple of hours, same with water, and "Keep up the good Work....Jayd
  2. Grey't, always check Emma's vid's....Jayd
  3. That's grey't, keep up the fantastic job..... Jayd
  4. It's going to be ok, she'll take care of it, stay calm.......Jayd
  5. Were down to 24 fid's now, plus the ones we help. Up until this year we usually kept 40 plus. I won't even give a hint what Spock's cost the last 5+ months, it doesn't matter!!!Dave's right on!!!!!!! Jayd, Maggie and Spock and the flock......
  6. Thanks, Feed them when you go to bed, then 8 1/2 hours later in the morning, Example: If you go to bed at 10pm, feed them at 6:30 am, then again at 2-2:30 pm, 3 times a day, 8 to 8 1/2 hours apart. You'll be keeping this schedule for a few weeks, remember, you can't rush them..and always feed them before you go to bed. Try not to feed them any sooner or later then 8to 8 1/2 hours apart. Keep up the good work Mama. Jayd
  7. Hi, more info to store, You should soak your baby to the skin at least 1 time a week, then soak them with Aloe Vere Juice once a week, it helps keep the skin from drying out.I do it every 3 days, 1st water, 3 days later, Aloe, Ask Jilly nd Pearllyn what to get where your at. I feel the best reading is Maggie Wright's: African Gery Parrots.http://www.maggiewright.net/ this is a excellent site, http://www.africangreys.com/ and one more http://www.alexfoundation.org/ Jayd
  8. Hi Tanya, glad things are going good, If you'd like, try to put them back together, they can teach each other so much, if not, it's ok. They are siblings right? How many times are you feeding them now? How much are they eating each meal? Jayd
  9. Thank you. How bout we refer to these wee one as, "The Forums Twins" ? A day will come when you'll check plates, cups, bowls etc, for that famous 4 letter word! Poop.....Jayd
  10. How is the baby? Please let us know!!! Jayd
  11. Were all glad your Here........................Jayd, Maggie and Spock
  12. Dave, you didn't *Do or Say* Anything wrong..........Jayd
  13. A Vet or Country can't fly!!!! Thanks Jayd
  14. Spocks first molt, he cut most of his baby red feathers, now his molt he plucked or cut his 1st red feathers, it had stress marks as his 2nd one doe's. These photos are his 2nd red feather and surrounding area. He's 15 months old now.....Jayd
  15. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    Thank you, love you all......HaHaHha A honor......
  16. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    How's the babies this fine morning? Jayd
  17. Glad your here! These thread might interest you, their happening right now....Jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189710-phoebes-greys http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189696-phoebes-babys http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189705-scare..phoebes-greys
  18. Sad to say, this is a new feather, the 1st came or was plucked out. He does have some stubs coming in, I'll try to get a photo's. Thanks Jayd
  19. The threads are in "Grey Lounge"...Thanks
  20. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    Your doing so good, Good night my friend......Jayd
  21. Jayd

    phoebes greys

    Hope all's ok!!! talk to you tomorrow.....Jayd
  22. Question, Since the baby's fed 24/7 who doe's graveyard? Due you each due 12hr's? Jayd
  23. Greetings, everyone who hasn't seem these should like them... Jayd Grey's
  24. There is a number of us here who question the validity of your claim, yet we keep offering our help. You've answered none of my questions, could you please answer them? Talon is one of the most helpful people you'd ever want to meet, this isn't the first time you've made a comment about one of these good people! Take Jilly up on her offer, let her help, please. Last year I lost 3, 2-4 day old,s, died in my hands...Jayd
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