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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Good video!!! That's funny, Joey does that whenever he wants Maggie to sing to him.......Jayd
  2. Your doing good, when she get's this way, say "Thank You, I Love You, and walk away", if she's doing this to your husband, you can come over to her and give her a treat as your husband walks away,[vice-versa], then ignore her for a minute or two.....Jayd
  3. Jayd

    phoebes babys

    Abundant Feeding, Their going to waste almost all of what you give them,LoL. What your doing is teaching them "How to eat" and develop their taste's, your adapting them to solid food! As time goes on you'll stop giving them what they don't like, but for now, give-em all. Jayd
  4. Jayd

    phoebes babys

    That's Grey't.... Beans I like: chick peas[garbanzo], mung, adzuki, no navy or lima. Rice: Brown, Basmati. Not to much fruit, more veggie's, small amount of fruit. Beans must always be cooked! SAME WITH RICE, IT WILL EXPLODE IN THEIR STOMACH! Some Cherrio's, Rice Chex, and all the chopped veggies, give them some slightly cooked carrots. I'll ad more each day. Jayd
  5. Jayd

    phoebes babys

    No problem, go ahead and feed them....................Your ok...Jayd
  6. Hi, if you haven't done it, go to settings, General settings, Thread Display Options Show Signatures Show Avatars Show Images (including attached images and images in code) Try that first! Jayd
  7. Yes, your right...............................................................................Spock
  8. Jayd

    phoebes babys

    Do the crops look full like after a feeding? or not as empty as normal? Is this 1st feeding of the day? Jayd , right here
  9. Sorry, was only meant to make you aware..... Your Friend Jayd
  10. This is for reading only, ..........................Don't make any judgements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psittacosis Allergic Alveolitis Definition: This is not an ailment that your pet bird gets, this is an ailment that you may get. The name says it all. Allergic (caused by the Allergic reaction of the body to a specific substance or condition) Alveolitis (an inflammation in the inner part of the lungs). This ailment is also known as 'Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis', 'Parakeet Dander Pneumoconiosis' and 'Pigeon Lung Disease'. This occurs most frequently with people that are sensitive to feathers, feather dust, and/or fecal matter. Some people may be genetically predisposed to this ailment. Repeated and prolonged exposure is usually necessary to cause this ailment. Prevention: Preventative measures include cleaning cages daily, bathing birds frequently, providing good ventilation, and using an air purification system. Symptoms/Signs/Tests: The early symptoms due to low levels of exposure (sub-acute or recurrent) may include coughing, shortness of breath, sweating, sore throat, headache, and nausea. At this level of exposure, removing the source of exposure often eliminates the symptoms. After chronic long-term exposure symptoms worsen and include increased dyspnea (labored breathing) and permanent damage to the lungs. After chronic long-term exposure, an irreversible form may develop with weight loss and similar symptoms to the sub-acute symptoms. At this point, the damage to the lungs may be irreversible and could cause death. The doctor may prescribe x-rays, blood tests or lung function tests but these cannot verify this specific ailment. Usually the patient's history is used along with these tests to make a diagnosis. Cure/Treatment: Removing the source of the allergen will make the ailment go away after low level (sub-acute) exposure. However, after chronic long-term exposure, the ailment becomes irreversible. The doctor may prescribe medications to make breathing easier for those with chronic long-term exposure.
  11. Haven't said much about Spock's ordeal lately....He's active and learning a few new word, You've read his threads, that's pretty much how he's been. Problem is, his weight and appearance. He was holding at 440 grams, the Vets took him off his Vitamin/mineral supplement, after a few days his weight drop dramatically, down to 430 grams. I put him back on the supplement last night, keep your fingers crossed. here's some today photo's. Were just worried sick. Were getting new Vet's. Jayd and Maggie
  12. Just a note, a good sign that your baby is going to fly soon is, with wings folded on their back, the tips of the flight feathers reach the ends of their red tail.....
  13. Jayd

    just asking

    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=18158&d=1273603241 try this, sorry,,,Jayd
  14. Jayd

    just asking

    Tanya, here's a chart Malikah wrote, you might find it useful. Jayd
  15. No one could have worded it better!!!!!!! Thanks Judy........Jayd
  16. Greetings, welcome to the forums. I've been coaching Tanya through this ordeal along with Spinner and others. She has two 8wk olds. If you'd like to follow along and join in, it's....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189623-just-asking .Were here for you. Jayd... Note: One of our members [Malikah] wrote this up, might be useful to you. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189581-Weight-Recording-Chart
  17. Thank you, a few more and we can build us a bird.......Jayd
  18. Jayd

    just asking

    Get real warm water on a paper towel [soak], and hold it on formula spots to remove them around beak, it can cause sores......Jayd
  19. Jayd

    just asking

    Yes, and seeds and veggies...
  20. Jayd

    just asking

    Do it, put them in a cage, here's your babie's......Jayd
  21. Your baby's unpacking her bags, it takes a while, one of our rescue Grey's is just starting to come out now. The worst thing you could is stop the attention, let her have her space in her cage, but welcome her to her new home. A parrot won't attempt to fly unless she feels lift, and a parrot who's never flown before will hold her wings to her side if she starts to fall, we have some of each. Sit back and enjoy your baby, she's trying to talk to you, listen to her....Jayd
  22. Jayd

    just asking

    Thanks, they sound like they might be a little younger. here's Spock at around their age. Jayd
  23. Sit back, relax, enjoy, don't worry, be happy.......Jayd
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