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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Glad to hear from you, it's quiet here on the weekends. Don't worry about you baby talking right now, They usually don't start to really talk untill around a year old on average. Just keep talking like your doing, and I know your doing good. One day you might write a thread, "How do I get them to shut up?" LoL Thanks Jayd
  2. Beautiful Babies!!!!!
  3. You said: #1.You tossed your bird! #2 You said he was injured! #3 You said said He fell like a rock! It doesn't matter what type of surface this occurred over, any number of injury's could have happened! On this forum you can find similar threads and post such as I made, which I made with out malice, only as a "FYI"! I even apologized! Lets move on, Our birds are all that matter!!!Jayd
  4. The fact remains, You tossed a injured bird #1, You new he couldn't fly,#2 That you said "fell like a rock! #3. These were your words! I offered advice that you can find on this forum in many thread and posts! with no malice intended, I even apologized. You've made your statement, let's move on, all that's important is our bird's. Jayd
  5. You tossed your injured Bird?, I'm sure you know she could have split her breast bone! Well, sorry I must be mistaken, my apology's to the both of you. Jayd
  6. Jayd


    Thank you for your reply, don't worry, all's ok.....Jayd
  7. The African grey parrot has got to be one of the most charming parrots. The African grey parrot has a wonderful character, a combination of intelligence and charm. African grey parrots have been kept as pets for over 4000 years. The Egyptians are thought to be the first to keep the African grey parrot as pets, as depicted in their hieroglyphics. The Greeks also highly valued the African grey parrot as pets, as did the Romans who kept these intelligent birds in highly ornate cages. The tradition of keeping the African grey parrot continued with King Henry VIII keeping one as a pet. :rolleyes:
  8. Jayd


    Hi...how are you? A Grey's first big molt usually starts around a year old and takes a long time...a couple of feathers at a time. On the red tail feathers you found, check and see if they are pulled out (nice smooth point) or bitten (which leaves a jagged edge). Please let us know... You should mist your baby with aloe vera juice (you can purchase it at Walmart) a couple of times along with your normal bathing. Feed your baby more protein, ie. tuna in water, salmon, chicken breast or turkey (all cooked). Molting is a high-stressed/nutritionally depleting time. Attached is an excellent article on molting which I'm sure you'll enjoy. Jayd http://www.2ndchance.info/molt.htm
  9. They can start to fly any time from no till the next 10 weeks, their flight feathers need to be longer! I's best to have them on the floor, when they start to fly. Jackson will probably cut down his eating to 40 or 50cc's, try to keep him eating as much as you can...Your friend Jayd
  10. Thank you, really nice Vids...Jayd
  11. Thank you for your responses. We've lost a few birds lately, No, a slight breeze is like a heavy breath, lift is created by air flowing over the top of the wing, not by the cup and flap motion, the more the bird cups [or cambers] his wing, the more upward lift he'll get, if things are right he can go straight up! Then you add to the fact that your baby jumps when frightened, Please don't take me wrong, there's been so much heart break on the forum lately. Thank you for being here, you know we have a rule!!! PHOTO'S PLEASE!!! Jayd
  12. Yes Lyn such a relief, It looks like a special diet for life, he's worth it...... Jayd, Maggie, ME TOO Spock and the flock
  13. Yes she's a most beautiful green. Amazon's play rough, not like Grey's LoL Thank you all...Jayd
  14. I believe "Can't fly away" threads are the most common. I'm sorry, but your bird can fly away very easy, "now he can actually sort of flutter down a bit" and you said ," When he is scared of something he will try jumping and flapping his wings". All it will take to lose your bird is a slight breeze, and he's gone, one jump, that's it! They usually fly some where high enough that if they try and jump down, they get hurt or kill themselves! Have you ever played with a glider? A clipped Grey might not get much lift from flapping, but if you could hold his wings open and give him a toss........Sorry, Jayd
  15. If you noticed, your twins body's are changing, they've lost their butter ball butt,[ that's what I call it] their looking more trim, you have to watch them, they're going to try and cut down on their eating, don't let them! they want to fly instead of eat!!! 2 times a day for a while. Jayd
  16. Spock Sliding Down! Video, not very good but you can see him do it!!! LOL...Jayd....From Spock's story....
  17. Salsa baby playing rough, loves on her back Jayd
  18. Thank you Judy, the 5th opinion is that of the vet!!! Just waiting on tests!!!!! Thanks so much US.
  19. Welcome To the Grey't Forum, it's grey't here Thanks...Jayd, Maggie,Spock and his flock
  20. Well, It seems like everything might be coming together finally. I don't think we'll ever know what the major illness was, the antibiotics took care of it, but the cause of Spocks condition might be solved. As you might remember, Spocks symptoms were[are], Tired, no weight gain, weight loss, no absorption of vital nutrient's and feather disorder. While on supplements, he improved, his weight increased as well as his energy. and his blood chemistry was better. When he was taken off the supplements, he started to relapse. We restarted his supplements and his weight has returned, as well as energy and general well being, and a huge appetite. So, Spock's diet should have warned us, as some of you stated, "he needs a 5th opinion!". Well, right-on. Spock eats no pellets, and very few seed, he seeks out and gobbles "CARB's", the word's "high metabolism" were said many time's. Any guess? Hypoglycemia!!!!!, low blood sugar!!!!! [pancreas] He seeks out carb's, carb's convert to sugar, sugar equals energy!!!!! Something is wrong with his pancreas. [Diabetes?] He has a resistance that is keeping his body from adsorbing nutrients and sugar. He's hyper all the time, from his diet, thank God for his diet, now we have to learn how to balance his diet!!!!! So all of the vet's were right to a extent, it took a 5th opinion! I'm diabetic and didn't see it.We have to wait and see, more test, he's opposite of regular diabetes, low blood sugar instead of high...Spock was raised on a regular diet of pellets and seed etc, it wasn't till he became sick that he sleeked out high carbs..... Love you all Jayd, Maggie and Spock NOTE: A question that has floated around is "What doe's a Grey eat in the wild if he's sick? Spock might show that a Grey can take care of themselves in the wild.....
  21. Thank You... In a couple of hr's, later today I'll do a new thread, very interesting...The title will be: Spock's Blood Sugar!", It answers a lot of questions... Thanks Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  22. THANK YOU !!!!!!!! Jayd
  23. Happy Hatch Day baby!!!!!!You don't look older then 2!!! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock
  24. We have the camera ready!!!!! Thanks all
  25. Here's Tanya's Twins, haven't they grown!!!!!!
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