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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. If I may? These books are excellent general parrot books, they don't address the special need's of the Grey. These sites might help you a little better. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock P.S.Remember, a book and hands on experiences. are to different things! http://www.maggiewright.net/ http://www.alexfoundation.org/ http://www.africangreys.com/
  2. Such a beautiful baby, Happy Hatch Day...Jayd and Maggie
  3. :rolleyes:With all our own fids and a infinite number of others passing through our house at any given time, why did we pick a Amazon to join our flock? Well,for one thing, you can feed them almost anything, and in return they'll eat, almost anything! You only have to offer them something new, one time, they'll eat it or they won't. You do have to be careful with fat, especially saturated fat, as you know their prone to "Fatty tumors". They can devour a chicken bone as well as a finger or two. A Amazon is very opinionated, they don't argue, their always right, if they say something, or want something, it's there's.[or so they think!] Unlike a Grey, or some other birds, they can be left alone to their on devices, they'll still be there when you get back! Boy, do they know how to play and climb and get into things they shouldn't, their whole life is centered around playing and eating... These guys can not only climb and hang, and jump and cling on with one foot, they can run, fast!!! They look like a Vela-Raptor, and if they get over excited, the can bite like one. Give them a branch or a rope, and you'll see them get into the most awkward un-heard of un-believable position you can imagine!!, and laugh, I believe laughing[after screaming] is one of the first sounds they learn! Sounds, singing, a lot of them rival opera star's, no joke, some of these baby have a vocabulary larger then 650 words, and they learn this on their own. These easy going clowns are wonderful companions, their not Grey's, and I never would give up my Grey's, but if you don't have the time for the needs and demands of a Grey or TOO, or Macaw, and you can't spend the time needed for these other great birds, than look into a Amazon, they still need the same attention and care as these other bird's, but not quite as often, and they require a lot less maintenance!. Opinionated, grouchy sometimes, and arrogant, these Amazons are one wonderful companion to share your life with, and the come in different colors!!!!! Okay, tell us about your Amazon???????????
  4. Well, what We have posted on face book is us, nothing more, everyone's welcome! it's: Jay Sheppard. Jayd and Maggie We clicked the button!!!
  5. :rolleyes::p:cool: MARK THIS DAY, this is because of the great care you have given them.:D:D:D:D Jayd P.S. Now the fun begins!!!
  6. Jayd

    Spock's Back!

    Spock's food came up after breakfast! his weight was down to 430 grams!!!
  7. I'm glad you have a vet, you have to decide what you feel is best. Keep trying all kinds of food.
  8. Welcome, no where can you get better advice or suggestions then these Grey't people have given you. Jayd, Maggie and Spock and the flock
  9. Hi Mama, It's your decision, your babies should be fed 2 times a day for the next 2 to 3 weeks! Is he a bird Vet? They will stop completely on they're own when they're done, you can't rush this. You have to decide to feed or not, I can only advise you. Get a emery board, your styptic powder and file them a little. Good job! Jayd
  10. Hi Jack, and Rickm, what a fine looking bird I'm sure your answers will come very soon, we have some really knowledgeable people here. Our Spock is missing his tail feathers to.. Welcome!!!
  11. There so wonderful aren't they, when babies, we call them "Q-tip".
  12. What a wonderful story and welcome to this wonderful forum, These good people will be able to offer you help in any way you need.
  13. Thank you, your a good Mama...Jayd
  14. Here's the Babies!!!Their doing great, try to get Cricket out of the cage, Good Mama!!
  15. I hold so much respect for Dave and you and Dan Judy etc, Lambert, Janet, and everyone else, I'm sorry, just to much disrespect going around lately...It's just not funny to me...Jayd
  16. How does that go,"Let me count the ways" Now, multiply your 7 by 4, that times daily weigh-ins, plus 34 years, plus things you have never heard of in raising, plus the birds at the rescue, daily house call emergency's, [this is all volunteer of course], oh ya, bites, you don't want to see my arms and hands.. and trying to offer help on this forum as Dave and Dan and others do, with out blowing it like I do. Yes, as was said to you, What advice do you have? Jayd
  17. Hi Mama, the last weight you gave me was: 525 and 527...When you put the seeds in, also keep the pellets to, put more pellets and less seed, maybe a tablespoon of seed and a bowl full of pellets. You might have to try a different brand of pellets. Luv Jayd
  18. Good morning, Jackson should be eating more in the morning, are you weighting them before they eat and after they poop? By your scale, which is pounds instead of grams they weight :Cricket=almost 570 grams, and Jackson over 600 grams, which is big! You really need to get a gram scale, these weights don't seem right. Thanks Jayd, I'm sure every one can't wait for pictures...
  19. Welcome from Bullhead City!!!!! Jayd, Maggie and Spock and the flock
  20. Spock! your grounded!!!!!
  21. Such a bad day today, another love gone, so many tears and prayers. Jayd and Maggie
  22. :oThis week's Amazon is the :Tucumán Amazon (Amazona tucumana) Tucumán Amazon (Amazona tucumana) which is found in the provinces of Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy as well as Southeast Bolivia. They inhabit the woodland areas and they prefer forested quisaca and Tarija.areas between 3,400 and 7,300 ft; but they may migrate to lower altitudes in autumn and winter (1,000 ft). They are rare and endangered due to habitat destruction and trapping for the pet trade. Threat Summary: Habitat loss, local trapping for wild bird trade. The medium-sized Tucuman Amazon averages 10 - 12.4 ins (25 - 31 cm) from head to tail. Its overall plumage is green and all feathers have a pronounced black edging, except for the wings. There is red patch on the forehead and fore-crown, and the red does not extend around the white eye-rings. It has red primary wing feathers and there is no red at the bend of the wing. The thighs are partly orange-yellow and the primary wing feathers are green with blue tips. The underside of the wings are olive-green. The upperside of the tail is green with yellowish-greenish tips and there is red at the base of the tail. The bill is light horn-colored, the irises orange-yellow irises and the legs are pinkish-grey. Female as male, but with six red primary wing feathers at most; usually less. Remainder of primary wing feathers are green. Occasionally all primary wing feathers are green. Immature s look like females with partly green primary wing feathers. They have less red on their head; their thighs are green and their irises are dark brown or dark grey. http://www.parrots.org/index.php/encyclopedia/profile/tucuman_amazon/ http://www.p-pp.tv/articles/tucuman_amazon/index.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tucum%C3%A1n_Amazon
  23. :)Good Info!!!!! Jayd http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/amazons.html
  24. YOU DON'T NEED TO GO! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOUR BOAT RUN YET!!! Jayd, and Maggie!!!!!!!
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