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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Gotta stop crying, each time I of a loss, it takes something from me, today is good, more prayers to the both of you...Jayd and Maggie
  2. We pray for a quick find!!!! Jayd,Maggie, Spock and the flock
  4. Just keep trying, it can take time, his poop sounds ok, some green string, some whitish paste and some liquid! LUV Jayd
  5. Janet is right on!!! water and alternate with Feather-In Thanks to dave, this is great stuff, I PMed girltron this info a few days ago, and recommending it here a few posts back, letting her know it was dave who started me on it:ohttp://www.avitec.com/Feather-In-AntiPick-Treatment-p/fi.htm Jayd
  6. No ,not complicated, just Luv...:rolleyes:
  7. :(No, only bird safe rope is safe!! :DLoL Jayd:cool:
  8. Don't worry, these babies will cut down on their eating, to lose weight, to make it easier to fly! Yes please, currant weight so we can compare! Please describe his poop in more detail!!! jayd
  9. My Friend, I have no doubt of your success with feather plucker's or any bird you care for. My concern with over bathing is the drying effect of to much water on the skin, which could cause skin irritation. It would seem to me that doing the opposite, using more Aloe Vera Juice,[which has water in it] and less water,would lessen the drying effect. I believe your statement: " good nutrition, sunshine" plays a far more important role then frequent bathing! Other things to consider in your case is, humidity, food, temperature etc. ;)Thank you for all the help you give to these feathered friends!!!! Jayd Midwest Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital :Another thing to consider is bathing. How often does he get baths? Try leaving a bowl of water on top of his cage for him to bathe himself with about once a week if you don't already. Sometimes they pluck because they feel dirty and their skin is irritated. a good soaking down to the skin once a week will prove beneficial. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww21e.htm
  10. :)Your birds shouldn't come in contact with your mouth in any way! Have separate plates, silverware, etc and no mouth or kissing! Thanks Jayd:D
  11. :)Welcome Thank you for taking care of your mom and this Grey't Grey, and we can't for get the Zon!, Pleas tell us more and share photo's.....Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock, And please visit our Amazon Room!!!
  12. This looks like a "Red Lori" [Eos bornea cyanonothusto] me! jayd
  13. Thank you so much, that was great!!! Jayd and Salsa:p
  14. These are Indian Ring-Neck parakeet mutations Jayd
  15. Remember " shell pnuts." NEVER!!! and very few sunflower seeds, only 2 or 3 a day! A s they get older, it still can happen. I still hand feed Spock, and it scares me each time I do it...Luv Crop burn - Improperly heated formula can have hot spots. Babies will eat scalding hot formula which can burn away the esophagus and/or the crop. If the burn is very serious, the baby will die. Some burns can be treated by implanting a feeding tube in the crop, but the esophagus must be intact for the bird to live after the tube is removed. Some crop burns will make a fistula to the outside of the body. If the burned area is small, the baby often can be saved by cutting away the dead crop area and stitching it together, leaving a smaller but functional crop. This has to be watched very carefully by an avian vet as the flesh often continues to die. Crop stasis - Formula that sits in the warm environment of the crop can sour or become contaminated from the small number of impurities in the handfeeding formula. The formula powder is not sterile. Often the body will draw on the fluid in the formula to hydrate the body and the food can get compacted in the crop. Delayed emptying of the crop is very serious and needs immediate attention. Bacterial, fungal and yeast infections can also cause a crop to stop emptying. Everything that touches or is in contact with a baby must be clean. Babies pick up gram positive bacteria from the environment - the handfeeder's responsibility is to make sure they don't pick up gram negative bacteria, yeast or fungal spores. Babies don't have the reserves, or a fully competent immune system, to be able to ward off these contaminants. Aspiration - This occurs when large or small amounts of formula enter the baby's lungs. When the babies aren't given time to swallow or the mouth is flooded, aspiration is a real possibility. Care must be taken with the very liquid formula/water mixtures required by neonates. If a small amount of formula is aspirated, the body may be able to encapsulate it and wall it off from the rest of the body. If the amount of formula aspirated is large, the baby will die immediately - there is no treatment.
  16. Leave nice big bowls of food, leave the pellets all the time, fresh food , please remove after 2 or 3 hours, and seeds leave afternoon till bedtime! Please let Cricket Mama read this to!! Jayd Crop burn - Improperly heated formula can have hot spots. Babies will eat scalding hot formula which can burn away the esophagus and/or the crop. If the burn is very serious, the baby will die. Some burns can be treated by implanting a feeding tube in the crop, but the esophagus must be intact for the bird to live after the tube is removed. Some crop burns will make a fistula to the outside of the body. If the burned area is small, the baby often can be saved by cutting away the dead crop area and stitching it together, leaving a smaller but functional crop. This has to be watched very carefully by an avian vet as the flesh often continues to die. Crop stasis - Formula that sits in the warm environment of the crop can sour or become contaminated from the small number of impurities in the handfeeding formula. The formula powder is not sterile. Often the body will draw on the fluid in the formula to hydrate the body and the food can get compacted in the crop. Delayed emptying of the crop is very serious and needs immediate attention. Bacterial, fungal and yeast infections can also cause a crop to stop emptying. Everything that touches or is in contact with a baby must be clean. Babies pick up gram positive bacteria from the environment - the handfeeder's responsibility is to make sure they don't pick up gram negative bacteria, yeast or fungal spores. Babies don't have the reserves, or a fully competent immune system, to be able to ward off these contaminants. Aspiration - This occurs when large or small amounts of formula enter the baby's lungs. When the babies aren't given time to swallow or the mouth is flooded, aspiration is a real possibility. Care must be taken with the very liquid formula/water mixtures required by neonates. If a small amount of formula is aspirated, the body may be able to encapsulate it and wall it off from the rest of the body. If the amount of formula aspirated is large, the baby will die immediately - there is no treatment.
  17. :(Greywings, I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you.. :)A normal Grey needs no more than one bath a week! Our pluckers no more then one every other day, I distilled water, next one Aloe-Vera juice, next water!!! To much bathing isn't good for them. Here is a product Dave007 recommended, I use it on all my Bare birds! It works. The whole trick with bathing is "Soak-em".:rolleyes: Thanks Jayd
  18. Jayd


    Dandelion, Carrot tops, Beet tops, a lot of waste, you just have to keep trying!!!, Try them Chopped, stuck in the bars etc.....Thanks Jayd
  19. It's ok to put a outside perch, good idea! Has your friend feed cricket yet? I'm really worried! Have pellets in the cage all the time, put a separate bowl of seeds in the afternoon then remove them at night! Let her read this: Hi Crickets Mama, It's very unsafe to take your baby home right now, you should wait till Cricket has flown, even if your going to clip her, and she should be eating only one feeding a day of formula! It would take only one wrong feeding to aspirate cricket and cause death! You also should feed Cricket the exact same food as Tanya has, seed's alone are bad, They need more pellets then seed. Please reconsider and wait a little longer to take cricket home! I speak the truth that Cricket won't bond any better by you hand feeding her. Many people have been told that the bond between bird and owner will be deeper if the pet owner handfeeds his bird. This is not true. A deeper bond may occur on the part of the owner, but the disadvantages and the risks are too great. A mature and educated buyer will have no problem bonding with a tame, responsive, weaned baby bird. A baby bird can and will bond to a human he can trust after the weaning period. Many birds have bonded with second and third owners. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww7eii.htm Thank you Jayd
  20. What ever you do , don't by from Lowe's, Walmart, or a hardware store, it's treated, you can smell it!!! Here's 1 location, http://www.cabirdnerds.com/shin.html Ask Judygram, she posted a list of places where you can get it...Jayd
  21. :)You can search the forum, get both PRO and Con, But you won't find more truthful or honest answers then these two good people have given you!!! Experience speaks!!!
  22. :DYour doing so good. Yes, it sounds like time to cut out the lunch formula, try to keep his formula on the thick side. Sounds so good! Jayd:cool:
  23. Were here with our prayers!!! Jayd and Maggie
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