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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Greetings and Happy birthday...Jayd and Maggie

  2. Happy Birthday, must be nice to be young!!! Jayd and Maggie

  3. This weeks Amazon is yet another almost ex-stink bird. Red-spectacled Amazon Parrots or Pretre's Amazons Natural habitat: South East Brazil from Sao Paulo to Rio Grande, North East Argentina and occasionally in Uruguay and Paraguay They usually congregate in family groups or flocks of between 5 and 150 birds. Some times large gatherings can be seen in roosting places. During the breeding season, pairs usually separate to prepare for the task of raising a family. The average clutch size consists of 3 to 4 eggs which are incubated for 26 to 27 days. They tend to be quiet during breeding seasons and difficult to detect. Outside these times, they are conspicuous and noisy, and they can frequently be seen flying over trees. They often fly great distances and seasonal migration has been noted depending on availability of food sources. This parrot is now very rare and close to extinction due to habitat destruction and trapping for the pet trade. This parrot averages 12.4 - 12.5 ins. (31 - 32 cm) in length. The plumage is generally green; with exception of wings all feathers with distinct black edging and some sparse red spots on head, variable extent of red on forehead, lores (the regions between the eyes and bill on the side of a bird's head) and around the eyes,. The forehead, lores, crown, eye area, lower thighs, bend, edge of wing as well as feathers in between are green and the primary wing feathers are red. The primaries (= longest wing feathers) are green with blue tips. The under-wing and under-tail coverts as well as underside of wings are green. The upper-side of the tail is green with yellowish-green tips and red to base of inner webs of three outer feathers. The periophthalmic (eye) ring is whitish. The bill horn-colored / yellowish and the irises are orange-yellow. The feet are pale yellowish-gray. Female look alike, but they have less red on the bend of the wing (up to six red primary wing feathers). The remainder of the primary wing feathers are green. The edges of the wings are often green. The feathers between bend and edge of wing are green. Immature s look like females, but they have dark brown irises and some green primary wing feathers. There is less red to the plumage. Interesting fact: Red Spectacled Amazons are now a rare sight, to encourage them to nest some reserves are supplying artificial nest boxes in the hope they will eventually use them. They nest in hollows in trees, normally Eucalyptus or Acacia, and a normal clutch is 3-5 eggs. may not attain the full adult coloration until they are four years old. http://www.parrots.org/index.php/parrotgallery/category/C224/ http://www.parrotlink.com/cms//index.php?page=red-spectacled-amazon---newRed http://www.avianweb.com/redspectacledamazons.html
  4. I wish i had the time, such good work!!!!!!
  5. Greetings my loyal subjects, Spock here..As a few of you might remember, my pole dancing career had been brought to an abrupt ending by Maggie. She apparently hadn't appreciated the fact that I was testing my boundaries and my athletic abilities...I have since devised even more athletic endeavors. In our house (the one my flock graciously shares our parronts), we have a large sliding glass window behind our couch. My favorite new trick is to hang upside down from the curtain rod, attack the curtain and then grab the window divider and slide down it upside down, rather like rappelling down a cliff. I slide down to the last three feet and then I turn around and slide down the rest of the way. After doing this a few times, it is time to buzz the others and get them yelling their support of me..."King Spock-King Spock!! I then fly into the other bird room and converse with the others for a few minutes and then fly full out and land on Jay's head with a resting hook stop by grabbing the little bit of hair he has left. After hanging around upside down and rappelling down his shirt, I fly off to see what Maggie is cooking up.....Maggie got Jay a new text phone and if you think a keyboard is fun, you should try those little keys....Now when he tries to text, he uses bad words because he has missing letters and he keeps saying my name over and over....hhhmmm... Oh, got to fly...Maggie's coming and she will find that I cleaned the counter off for her.... SPOCK!!!!!!! WHAT THE.... (Spock)
  6. Hello again, This is a copy of my 1st reply. Greetings and welcome to the forum...When you get a chance stop by our Welcome room and introduce yourselves...Sometimes it's slow here on the week ends...The best thing to do is keep your conure and keets in a separate room.[sorry] Your conure was flock leader till Winston came along, you can try but I don't think it will work now, is to separate Winston from your other birds for a few days, then introduce Winston to your conure,This means your conure gets greeted first, spoken to 1st, 1st new toy, held 1st,etc, etc. Winston will always be 2nd. Unless they were raised together, chances are slim that Winston will leave them alone. I hope you don't clip anyone's wings, it could devastate either one of them...Thanks Jayd This is a common question, sometimes people feel a reply given is ok..Why don't you start a thread in the Welcome and introduction room, Tell us something about yorrself and your fids, and mention you made another thread in Cages & Homes!!! Welcome again...Jayd
  7. You will feel his love before you receive his full trust, at first, little signs, as time goes on, the signs will increase, maybe no cuddles, but you'll defently feel his love and trust. If there's a set back, like you have to towel him to go to the Vet, or remove him from chewing your curtains, it will only be a small setback, he'll return to his trust of you quickly. He'll show it in his eyes, in the sounds he coo's, in the way he watches you, but a cuddle might be a brief moment at best, but you'll know it, and it will be beautiful....... Jayd
  8. http://www.justanswer.com/pet/bird This cost's $15.00 Us, for 1 question...
  9. What ever your decision, Aoodi is extremely sick by your description. This has to be taken care of immediately!!! Poop should show some signs of distress to match other symptoms. WE CAN'T diagnosis this ailment, were not Vet's. We can't see or physically touch your bird to fully understand what's going on! Are you keeping him warm?etc. Please take him to a vet, he needs proper care, not talk!!!!!!! Jayd
  10. Welcome, we would love to see pictures of your flock!!!! Jaud, Maggie, Spock and the flock.....
  11. Hi, Thanks, this will save me enough money to buy Maggie and I some food!!!! Jayd
  12. Jayd

    Training Help

    This might interest you! Jayd...http://www.birdsnways.com/articles/amazonyn.htm
  13. Thank you, It's hard to keep him off the computer, Glad he can't Drive!!!!! Maggie
  14. That's not normal! It should be some Green string, some white paste and clear fluid!!! Jayd
  15. What does his poop look like? Jayd
  16. Here's the last thread on Spock, He's the guy that asked you to send him your cage! lol jayd http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189694-Spock-update-today/page2
  17. Your a Good Mama, Don't stop doing what your doing!!!!!Jayd......[Poop sounds good, thanks]
  18. I wish every one would do as your doing! We'd have less rescues and re-homes. Thanks Jayd
  19. I can't tell you! The first vet was wrong, what the second vet said is true, Parrots don't get cancer sores, BUT, they could get the same virus[?] You have to decide what you feel in your heart. I'm Sorry, Call a third or forth Vet till you feel right! Jayd
  20. Thank you, Spooks our sick little boy.....
  21. That's Grey't, Sacrifices we must make in the name of "Bird".....
  22. What is? Its an easy thing, you just need bills for the thing the bird have it? Canker sounds like "Canker Sores" A human Herpes sore we get on and in our mouths, I've never heard of a bird getting it!!! It sounds like a fungus, I'm no Vet, but Aoodi needs one!!! Jayd
  23. Thanks, As you know, Grey's are "Dusty" birds, they have lots of dander,it leaves counter tops etc, dusty! It's not good for a dusty bird to be in a sleeping room because of this. The sleeper inhales this dust which can led to respiratory problems and allergies! Jayd:cool:
  24. They'll rest but not sleep. May I ask you a question? Will their cage be in your sleeping room? Thanks Jayd
  25. Here's a Video with Joey,Salsa,Tango,Spock. Joey's dancing, Tango and Salsa's eating a pine cone, and Spock's hanging around Maggie's head while she cleans their room and cages!!!!LOL Jayd
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