In an effort to lift the mood of the forum from the gloom and doom of the last 2-3 days or so...
Fred our new member touched on it as others have done so in the past and that is US, yes us the people owned by parrots and other birds here and elsewhere. We should hold our heads high and pat ourselves on the back because we are very special people, people say it to me often, usually other parrot owners but not always. We are different, special, slightly accentric maybe but SPECIAL. I mean, who else would:
Put up with going without holidays year after year and if we do manage it fret all the time we are away, phoning home to check on our "babies."
Tolerate being crapped on regularly.
Put up with our furniture being "autographed" by our feathered friends.
Hang around forums for snippits on keeping our birds happy.
Have new hair do's "manipulated" as birdy finds himself a landing patch.
Have a cleaner permanently attatched to our hands when in the house but keeping the "special" tail feathers just because...
I am the mad bird woman and PROUD!