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Everything posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. Nothing brings such joy or makes you so happy as a bouncing baby boy or girl in a nappy New word: drink
  2. Who could wish for, or even resist a favourite dish such as hot battered fish (groan) New word: Centipede (LOL just kidding) Friend
  3. More great pictures of Cocoa on her travels. Thanks for sharing them, we love to see them.
  4. I'm sorry for your Brother's loss, what a sweet little guy he was, lovely pictures.
  5. Hope you have a great day today Jude, you deserve it! xxx
  6. Emma's story has brought tears to my eyes but they are tears of joy. I'm so happy that this has all ended so well. Now you both take time to heal as you must be stressed out with it all. xxx
  7. Most breakfast cerials are a healthy tasty snack for birds much better than giving them chips or biscuits/cookies. As long as you read the box I can't see there being a problem either. I wouldn't give them as a whole meal or diet but offer as snacks.
  8. Oh boy was this thread needed around here. Thanks so much for that!
  9. Steve, Bernie left a while back, no one understood why but he made an announcement he was leaving, wouldn't say why and went. Having been away a while "someone" apparently talked him into coming back. Some members felt let down by the way he left and have been waiting for an apology or an explaination at least, it never came and so have been "cool" towards him.
  10. It may be a bad thing but it is very beautiful.
  11. Ok well if you are unhappy still why don't you pm Penny (Talon) but don't expect a reply just yet as she is away for the weekend. I'm sure it is better discussed privately at least until the final word has been spoken. As for the rest of us we have grown tired of this same argument droning on and on and I for one would like to move on.
  12. Oh my, PRAISE BE!! That has made my day, now I'm a happy bunny! Rejoice!
  13. What can I say except I have lost count of how many times I've read of this happening. Clipped birds can and do fly off all the time - even newly clipped birds. It just isn't worth the risk to take a unrestained bird outside and anyone who does so is taking a risk. No use telling you this though as you have learned the hard way. All I can say in addition to what's already been said is that the more people in your area who get to know about your missing grey the more chance you have of getting him back. You need to be puting up posters around your immediate area, post in doors, vets, pet shops, newspapers, local radio. The list is endless. Never give up and inform all your friends and family, work colleagues etc. GOOD LUCK!
  14. I think most of us have moved on now and put this episode behind us, it matters not who is right and who is wrong, Penny has laid down the law and that is that. Dan = the voice of reason.
  15. Haha that was quite brilliant Janet ;-) Great thread BTW Erm now let me see My Beau is a beauty in anyone's book if you don't believe me then go take a look New word; make
  16. Tomorrow is D day England will show US the door who says it won't be easy with them we will wipe the floor hee heehee ;-) New word; post
  17. I love looking at pictures of Cocoa and I love the scenery just as much as the subject. Another great set of pictures, Cocoa sure gets about.
  18. Oh great thread, mine has to be the hyacinths too followed by the greenwing macaw (yes I do love macaws) I also love sun conures and lovebirds. I don't know too much about amazons but I know there are lots of different flavours lol and those who have them adore and speak highly of them.
  19. Luv ya Jan, luv your greys at the bottom there too!
  20. I think Judy just means to be polite to othr members and give them the benefit of the doubt. I will miss Jill too, I didn't always agree with everything she said but she was good value for money, great fun and always entertaining. Being a moderator though I guess you have to be a little more guarded in what you say. I hope she comes back though because I think the forum will be all the poorer without her.
  21. In an effort to lift the mood of the forum from the gloom and doom of the last 2-3 days or so... Fred our new member touched on it as others have done so in the past and that is US, yes us the people owned by parrots and other birds here and elsewhere. We should hold our heads high and pat ourselves on the back because we are very special people, people say it to me often, usually other parrot owners but not always. We are different, special, slightly accentric maybe but SPECIAL. I mean, who else would: Put up with going without holidays year after year and if we do manage it fret all the time we are away, phoning home to check on our "babies." Tolerate being crapped on regularly. Put up with our furniture being "autographed" by our feathered friends. Hang around forums for snippits on keeping our birds happy. Have new hair do's "manipulated" as birdy finds himself a landing patch. Have a cleaner permanently attatched to our hands when in the house but keeping the "special" tail feathers just because... I am the mad bird woman and PROUD!
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