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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. Hey caitlin! No They open at the top, So you can open them, put in nuts and stuff, and then close it up... I got it at Petco, It was like 5 dollars. Which isnt too bad depending on how fast they shred them, haha
  2. OH I bought them, I dont think I could ever make something that looked that good! well, they did look good before she had her way with them, lol
  3. Poor baby...So sorry to hear all of this...Hang in there and stay stong, we all know he is getting the best care he could ever get, and lots of love If anyone can make him better, its you guys!
  4. I am so sorry to hear your baby is sick, I had no idea... Thinking of you in this difficult time and hoping things go well with his new antibiotics.
  5. Thinking of you, and hoping all goes well...Stay strong
  6. Sorry, I have no clue...Just wanted to make some kind of reply, lol I am sure someone will know!
  7. Thanks guys! She did make such a mess! Of course you should see it now...All that is left is just the rope hanging, no more boxes or shredded paper, Just a rope, haha She is so crazy And just a thank you to all of you too, For helping educate me throughout these months, I started here at the grey forum before I got her, And then its cool cuz it is like you all have seen her grow from a little featherless baby penguin, To the pretty and sweet girl she is today at almost 11 months. <br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2010/01/29 20:47
  8. Well, I would say Calypso has officially learned how to forage, I hid nuts in the little boxes and she got them out alright, and I would say had a LOT of fun doing it, hahaha This is the aftermath She is 10 and a half months old, Will be a year March 9th
  9. OMG that is so funny and cute, We would love to see that on Video! Thanks for sharing, Our fids give us such a laugh dont they?
  10. I am so sorry to hear that you have to rehome your grey Do you have any other birds? just wondering how he got along with other birds. Does he talk at all? NOt that it matters Just wondering... I will send you an e-mail I guess instead of asking all my questions here, lol Have you had any prospective new homes for him yet?...Ok going to e-mail now
  11. OK great, Thanks guys, I dont care if she does it, I just dont want that to be ALL she learns, But even if it is I will still love her Yeah, I have a really small house, So even if I seperate them dave, She will still be able to hear him fine...So you say to try and distract her? Like with what? Like maybe say something else, or just talk to her or something? Should I tell her "no"? I have been trying that, And it works for a couple min's, I say no, And then I say "talk pretty" and then I say "whatcha doin" "are you being good" you know just trying to teach her other things to say. But good to know luvparrots that your does a crow and scream, but still speaks too I now have hope, lol
  12. Does anyone have greys here that DO talk but also scream like any other bird they may have? Right now my girl can say Hello, give kisses, the microwave beeping, whistle the spongebob theme, and make the sound of pouring a glass of water...So hello is her only actual WORD...But she is screaming like my Quaker SO much...I am worried she wont try to talk any further, just scream like him...Thats why I wondered if anyone else has a grey that talks, but also screams like another bird they have, Like conures, Quakers, Macaws, ect.... And what should I do when she screams like him? What should be my reaction? None at all? I just dont know...
  13. Awe, thats awesome, you guys are greyt together!
  14. Ok I see...I wasnt wondering about the ability to talk though, Just the time it takes them to learn from female to male...But that is probably just the particular bird too..Thanks for the replies!
  15. I was in a local pet store the other day, and one of the bird experts in there said that male african greys learn to talk sooner than females...Not any better or anything, Just learn sooner...Is this true??? Or False???
  16. Wowie! You have a great voice! I have GOT to ask you, DOes Alfie sing anything? Or try to mimic you singing? I sing too, and I sing around the house all the time, and my Quaker try's to sing now, lol, It is SO funny to hear him, I will have to post it if I can get on camera, And My grey, Calypso is only 9 months old, so she only says "hello" right now, But I wonder if she too will try to pick up a "signing" voice...Let me know, And post more videos!!! It was so fun to watch! You have great Talent!!! :cheer:
  17. OH thanks so much Dave! Thats perfect, I thought of cutting it but wasnt sure, Makes me nervous, But now I know I can! I am sure it will be much better than just leaving it, Cuz t hits all her toys and stuff, Like greywings said, So this will be much better. So then whats left of it will just eventually fall out?? If so thats great, Thanks again!
  18. Hi all! Hope everyone and thier fids are doing well... Ok, So here is my question, I am attatching a couple pics of Calypso, Her feather has been this way for about a MONTH now! I keep thinking she will fix it on her own, And she keeps picking at it, But to no avail, It just stays this way, She acts like it kinda bugs her, What should I do? Anything? Or just leave it??? <br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2010/01/14 17:16
  19. I dont know about male greys, I have never had one, but ecodweeb,and Char, My girl sounds just like yours, Very shy, and skittish, She doesnt talk yet, but she is only about 9 months old. She trusts me, and is EXTREMELLY lovey dovey, But if I am wearing something she has never seen before, She doesnt trust me anymore, and she is afraid, at least for about 30 min's, Then she realizes it is still "mommy" under there, lol, So its all good She is a real sweetheart
  20. Awe that is so cute!!! What a good flyer he is!
  21. Well Calypso my Grey chewed through the wires of my home theater system, YIKES, I am just glad she didnt end up like fried chicken, Or should I say Fried Grey. Anyway we fixed all the wiring so she couldnt get to it, And I put her in her house when I leave. And she was 6 months when she did it!
  22. Sorry to hear about you baby grey! Its a great thing that he wound up in good hands Karma to you for giving him a good life and working around his problem And Welcome to the forum! And we would all LOVE to see pictures and videos!
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