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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. No prob...I will check back this evening, If not I will for sure in the morning
  2. LOL Regieroo, Yeah, He doesnt complain at all
  3. Can you post a pic of what they look like right now, I can tell you wether they are rotting or not. They probably are not, They get pretty soft.
  4. Calypso Is VERY timid around other people, AND animals...she is ok with the animals in the household, and my husband, But if someone unknown walks in, She doesnt scream, but if they come near her cage she gets all blowed up like a blow fish. :mad: Oh and if I leave the house and come home, She is scared to death of me, untill I change into my "around the house" clothes which is just a tank top and cheeky undies, :eek: lol...So baisically when ever I am "dressed" she is very scared of me which sucks, BUT What are ya suppose to do. :confused: I figure, Oh well even if she never gets over it, Honestly I dont really care if she likes anyone else, Because we dont have a lot of company over ethier so, Whatever, If she doesnt like them, Fine with me. lol I am not a people person so Who am I to judge her if she isnt ethier. Just as long as she stays cool with me and my husband and other animals, Im cool with that. Anyway, Thats just my thoughts on the matter
  5. eeeeewwwwwwwwww Well hopefully that never happens again!
  6. Cute story! Thanks for sharing....But yeah I am assuming it was an african grey???
  7. 2 of my tree are getting ready to fruit right now! YAY! Finally ONE thing good for the bird I dont have to BUY! I should start a buisness, lol
  8. LOL, Sorry this happened, But a nice laugh I got this morning!....SO whats it taste like? lol
  9. Ok, You can keep them in the fridge till they turn orange...Once they are ripe you can freeze them and then thaw them out as needed. You Might want to take a nibble yourself! When ripe they sort of remind me of a mango when you peel them open. Glad to know I can give them to Calypso for sure now!
  10. That was great, I love it when they put their words together to make their own sentences, Like "take a salad" lol...My quaker will do this sometimes too, He will mix pretty boy and good morning, And say "Pretty Morning" it is too cute. And I love the red bum bum, To get her to say that you had to walk around the house saying "wheres my red bum bum?" haha Right? The things we do for our birds! lol
  11. Elven, are they queen palm nuts? Or from the red oil palm? If They are queen palm nuts, They will turn ripe on or off the tree. I know all about Queen palms, but not the other kind. But please let me know which they are! If it isnt too much trouble, and how Issac likes them when they are ripe You already know he likes em green! hehe
  12. Is it really Jayd???? I always wondered cuz Mine does this too....MOre when she was a baby, But she still does it occasionally, she is 14 months almost
  13. Thinking of you in your time of loss, I am so sorry and hope you feel better soon
  14. Those are nuts from a Queen Palm? Not a red oil palm from africa? Cuz I have Queen palms nuts coming outta the ears! I have about 10 Queen palms in my yard right now that fruit all the time. I could give them to Calypso...I know I started a thread a while ago about this, and Dan said that they could have queen palm nuts, I just wondered if this was the same nut that everyone was ordering online and stuff, The infamous "palm nut" is it just a Queen palm nut? I think Dan said the one that people are all the hype about getting for thier greys were from a red oil palm in africa? Am I right? Or wrong? lol, Just want to get this issue settled once and for all so I know what to give my little girl! And good to know about needing to ripen them first!
  15. What a cute video! She does sound just like you! Thanks for sharing this!
  16. Awe that is so wonderful! Glad we got to see her and hear her this time!
  17. Awe that is wonderful! How old is harvey? Calypso is almost at 14 months and still just one word "hello" and lots of immitations. Thats why I ask Her latest thing is going "whew" you know like the sound you would make if the coast is clear or something...Silly birdies arnt they?!
  18. That is so cute! "you see a crow?" lol I love it!
  19. I agree, There is no way...If my hubby asked if I wanted to go look at baby birds....It would be all over, I would be like, "UHHHH, What did you want me to think! We are so getting one now!" And then when he would say NO (which of course he would) I would just cry and ask him why he did something so cruel! lol
  20. Great update! Glad things are still going so well!
  21. Oh wow thats awesome! How old is Harvey now? I know I have asked, I just cant remember cuz I ask everybody, lol I am so happy for you and Harvey!
  22. I am so glad to hear this wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go!
  23. Thanks I do keep them underwraps, It was just that one time, But I know Judy, It can only take once, Oh well....Still havnt quite figured it out yet, Might not even be the F bomb! we shall see! haha
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