Calypso Is VERY timid around other people, AND animals...she is ok with the animals in the household, and my husband, But if someone unknown walks in, She doesnt scream, but if they come near her cage she gets all blowed up like a blow fish. :mad:
Oh and if I leave the house and come home, She is scared to death of me, untill I change into my "around the house" clothes which is just a tank top and cheeky undies, :eek: lol...So baisically when ever I am "dressed" she is very scared of me which sucks, BUT What are ya suppose to do. :confused:
I figure, Oh well even if she never gets over it, Honestly I dont really care if she likes anyone else, Because we dont have a lot of company over ethier so, Whatever, If she doesnt like them, Fine with me. lol I am not a people person so Who am I to judge her if she isnt ethier. Just as long as she stays cool with me and my husband and other animals, Im cool with that.
Anyway, Thats just my thoughts on the matter