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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. Wow they grow so fast dont they! Happy half hatch day Issac! I am glad Issac has fallen into such good hands Stephen! He is one lucky lil guy!
  2. Awesome Spock!!! You have have a whole bum full of pretty red feathers soon!
  3. He will get used to the pellets...The transiton is so hard when they are used to eating just seeds thier whole life. But it isnt too hard to find a seed mix with no sunflowers in it and just mix that with the pellets, And hopefully he will start eating the pellets too. Glad I could help
  4. Here is another one by the same person....
  5. Ok, This one is one of my favorites! This isnt my video by the way, Just one I found on Youtube...I LOVE IT! He has a bunch of other funny videos of his Grey too.
  6. Oh yeah there are some GREAT ones, Hang on let me find them.....
  7. Caitlin, What a WONDERFUL thing you have done rescuing this little gem...Quakers are so much fun...I love thier little voices too, too sweet. What an AWEFUL person for saying she was going to let him go, I would of rescued him and called animal control on her, lol Its a shame that so many animals fall into the hands of totally STUPID idiots that just dont care. I am so glad you found him soon enough. He will flourish in your home....How does Ecko like him? I mean I am sure he is quaratined right now so he doesnt get Ecko sick if he has anything...So I guess you wouldnt really know, haha, Stupid question I guess. My quaker doesnt touch fruits and veggies ethier, So I just put them in birdie bread and he LOVES it then, lol So maybe try that. Oh and I am sure you already know, But Quakers are prown to Fatty Liver Disease, So they shouldnt have any sunflower seeds in thier Diet Since they are so high in fat. But oh how they love them, lol....I will give my Quaker (kokomo) one every now and then for a treat. But thats it. Its good he is already talking in your home, He must feel very comfortable there Keep us updated on Sports Progress!
  8. Haha, Your certainly right, NEVER a dull moment! Isnt it so much fun though!?
  9. I am here because most people cant relate to me as a "bird person" normal people just dont get "bird people" LOL So I love to share my photos and new milestones in the raising of my Grey. I first joined though for help and Advice since I was handfeeding a 4 week old. I had knowledge of handfeeding, But not with Greys...So there were a lot of differances. And everyone helped me SO much and I am forever thankful to all that helped me in my adventure I also like to be able to give others advice...When I can, I am certainly no professional, But I have done scads of research on Greys, and love to help when I can. And also because I love to hear about others stories with thier birds, And look at everyones pictures, and videos. Because we can all relate to each other with most of us all being bird owners!
  10. Here is calypso's Cage... And here is the fids play tree...They all get to use it
  11. Great video! He speaks so good! The YEEHAW was ssssoooo Funny, I didnt expect that! What a great laugh he gave me!
  12. Yeah everyone else pretty much hit the nail on the head. Its so much fun to watch them grow and mature.
  13. Great pictures thanks for sharing!
  14. I wonder if it has something to do with the kind of pellets or food they are eating. Like maybe some dont have much moisture in them or something and just too dry. To the ones that said they DONT dip there food, What kind of food are you feeding??? I feed Zupreem to all my birds...And of course with a seed mix and there veggies and fruits and stuff. But it seems to just be the pellets they all dip. It will be interesting to find out if the ones that said thier birds dont do this feed the same food...If so I am switching to whatever kind of food it is, cuz they make thier water DISCUSTING, SO I change it ALL the time. haha
  15. Lol, That is classic. I loved it! Its funny at first he would go past that certain point in the hallway...I wonder what is going through there minds sometimes. Thanks so much for the great video and the laugh!
  16. oh yeah, Lets see pics! Congrats on your great find!
  17. All my birds do this, My Tiel, Love bird, Quaker and My Grey....The famous pellet soup!
  18. Congrats! I wish Calypso would wear one!
  19. Lol....Too funny! GO RANGI!
  20. Awe thats funny...You gotta get a video!!!
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