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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. Oh how exciting! you are going to do greyt! And we want picture too when you get him!
  2. Awe, what a sweetie! Guess she was just coming over to say hi! lol The hanging upside down sounds so sweet too, Calypso will do this in and on her cage, But not on my hand, Maybe someday!
  3. Haha, Thanks...I dont think its good luck, I have never said it around her before...She is trying so hard to make it clear though...Now I think it sounds just like Duck, only with an F instead of a D...Oh Dear...I have never said this around her ethier though so hopefully that isnt what it is...I think I did maybe once actually while playing my Wii...Oh I SO hope that isnt what it is. I swear I dont curse around her...I dont want her to be a Curser. Just that one time... BUT that might not even be what it is, Our dogs name is Jack, So maybe she is trying to say that and she just cant pronounce it clearly yet. I will keep everyone posted though! Keep your fingers and toes crossed that it ISNT the F word! lol
  4. Thanks And now I have much hope for her, Cuz Dayo talk so good too!
  5. Alfie sounded that way too? before she learned how to talk? Cuz she talkes so good now
  6. Oh my god, I just listened to it again, It DOES sound like she is saying good luck! lol I dont ever say that, so I dunno weird! lol
  7. Lol, Maybe she did! Thanks for the reply
  8. Great video! Thanks for sharing
  9. Here is Calypso making all her weird noises, That is me talking, and the Quaker Screaming. But listen to her funny little jabbers. lol Hopefully it is sign she is trying to talk!
  10. Awe I love it, And she is such a sweetheart
  11. I was just getting ready to say, WE NEED MORE VIDEOS FROM YOU! lol I would love to see videos of him Thanks for the updates and glad all is going well!
  12. I love it! " A is for CORN" LOL What a silly little sweet girl. I think my favorite part was the ants go marching song, that was awesome! It gave me a good laugh this morning thanks for sharing your sweet "Girlie" as emma would say, with us
  13. Thanks for the great advice, Hopefully when she grows her wings back things will go better this time, and I will take the neccesary precautions
  14. Awe, That is very sweet...She probably feels like she is WAY up high in a big tree lol What a sweetie pie she is! Thanks for sharing. Oh wait I was going to ask, I would love to have Calypso unclipped so she could fly. That was always my plan...And at about 11 weeks ahe started flying, and it was great, But then she started flying into things, like the back glass door and stuff, And finally I decided it was best to clip her wings, cuz she flew into the back door so hard one day I was afraid to go get her, I thought she would be dead, She was ok but had a red blood mark above her eye, I freaked and decided it would be best to give her a light clip. She can still flutter, just not fly around...So How do you manage having emma fully flighted? I always worry about hot stoves and stuff like that too. Any advice?
  15. Not really any reaction here ethier...I like it though! lol :lol: Thanks for sharing!
  16. Thanks everyone! So the palm tree they come from is called a Red Palm? So it isnt just a "nut" from ANY palm tree, But that ONE in particular? Am I getting this right? lol And your ultra positive Dan that I can give her queen palm fruit? I am just so paranoid, lol I can never be too sure! :blush: This is the link to the exact tree I am talking about, Abd I read it, and I know it says its fruits are edible and sought after by birds...But I know Greys are differant, so I just wanted to make sure! I feel like such a silly one, lol Anyway, here is the link... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syagrus_romanzoffiana
  17. Ok so I am a little embarassed about this question, Ok REALLY embarassed...But here it goes, WHAT exactly is a PALM NUT...I mean, What kind of palm are you getting the "nuts" from. There are so many differant palms that produce a sort of "fruit" or "nut" And has anyone know if you can feed your birds the "fruit" from a queen palm It is small and orange and I googled it and cant really find anything. I broke one open and it smells sort of like mango.
  18. That is really cute...Its nice they get a long so well!
  19. Oh isnt is so fun watching all the new things with these little guys! Sorry to hear about the quake...I am glad you and Issac are ok! I have yet to have success with the harness too, So dont feel bad...Calypso acted like I was trying to murder her...Thats how I got my first bite ever actually! Cant blame them though, I mean what if that was someone coming up to you and trying to put some weird thing around your neck, lol...:ohmy: I Imagine it is so great once they finally get used to it though. I have read many a post on here where people have been ultra successful with them, I guess it just takes time :silly: My calypso is still very very affectionate, And she is going to be 13 months on the 9th...So hopefully she will stay that way! And as far as Issac being sweet, He might stay that way forever too, You never know! I dont know if you do, But I always worry she is going to do the "favorite person" switch-a-roo on me, and hate me But so far so good Glad all is going well with your little baby!<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2010/04/05 20:24
  20. Oh my goodness, that is so funny! What a silly little one!
  21. Awe, I am so sorry to hear about your losses...Hang in there
  22. It is kinda weird, But I just think it is that they know our routine SO much, LIke I will walk in the kitchen every morning to shut the light off under the microwave, And you do this by pushing one of the microwave buttons, Well Calypso cant see me, but she will make the beep sound at the EXACT same time I hit it to shut the light off...I guess I am just too predictable. One really weird thing though, Sometimes, Not ALL the time, But sometimes, My Quaker will say "hello" like someone is answering the phone, RIGHT before the phone rings. He will be all quite, and then, all the sudden he will go "hello, hello, hello, hello" then followed by about a 3 second pause, then...The phone rings. And he usually only says "hello" in that tone when the phone is ringing, cuz he knows I am about to answer it. But before, the phone rings, I dunno, Kinda weird...
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