Haha, Thank you all for the nice comments...I am glad everyone was ok too. And my dog was outside with me but ran into the "burning" house with me, He is the Greatest boy ever, and kept telling him to "GET OUTSIDE" but he stayed vagilant right by my side. Just thought I would let you all know that too :)
But yeah that is a really good idea to keep a pillowcase handy, I think I am going to have to do that!
We had a tornado warning here a couple weeks ago, and you should of seen me trying to do the "practice run" trying to get all the birds as quick as possible into the same bird carrier. Then I ran and put them in the closet, and threw some pillows around them, and me and the dog ran into the bathroom into the bath tub and threw my big down comfortor over our heads, LOL THAT was funny, Cuz my dog is 110 pounds...hahaha, Us trying to both fit into the bathtub. But like I said, this was just a practice, we never did have a bad tornado or anything, But you know, YOU HAVE GOT to be prepared and know what you are going to do in case of an emergency. In case of a real situation though, I dont know what I would do with the cat yet, I guess grab him and put him into the tub too, Oh and my Husband! lol...He wasnt home at the time, So I may have to rethink my safety route! Ethier that or put in a REALLY big bath tub for all of us to fit into! lol