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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. Lol, Evil green chicken, Thats the best! haha And I know it is so exciting when they say new things, I already have heard "I love you" out of Calypso today! It is like she has discovered she can talk and now she is trying all kinds of silly noises in effort to make words. Now granted the "I love you" was still very marbly but you could tell thats what it was for sure :)
  2. OH you doubt it very much huh Elven king, Well we shall see.....
  3. Yeah me too He is the love of my life, so he has to be safe too!
  4. Awe what adorable little ones!
  5. I agree Elven...I have nothing Against her, as I think she has done wonderful things, But I did feel very sorry for Alex...I think your right. I mean she would be gone from him for long periods of time and birds need structure, and it seemed like he was always in one place after another having differant students take care of him. And the "wanna go back" broke my heart! But I mean i know he recieved wonderful care and everything, Good food and clean area ect.....Just that he was just drilled all the time and like I already said, with differant people all the time and away from his "owner" quite a bit. Thats Just my Honest opinion as well.
  6. Yeah I didnt think it was something you would say, As I have never heard you say anything like that in any of your posts, Thats why I asked. It just sounded like it. What did you say?
  7. Congrats on the talking!
  8. Well thats a great little back ground story, Thanks for sharing it with us, Sounds like you have a one of kind little guy there He sounds really sweet!
  9. Glad you all enjoyed it!! Thanks for watching and replying! And Yeah I was SO very happy to hear this! She keeps saying it over and over today, She is getting SO good at it! Yay!!! Poor Bazil, He could never find the mystery Quaker He sounds like a real cuitie pie And yeah they can be foolish little things, But You gotta love them. Kokomo (my Quaker) can talk SO good, And he can be the sweetest little guy, And then he can be the biggest stinker in the world, lol
  10. Im sorry the perch didnt work, All I can think to say is, Just keep trying with it amd maybe it wont spook him anymore. I keep my birds cage open all day as well, All 4 of them, And then love it, So I think its a great idea!
  11. Haha, Thank you all for the nice comments...I am glad everyone was ok too. And my dog was outside with me but ran into the "burning" house with me, He is the Greatest boy ever, and kept telling him to "GET OUTSIDE" but he stayed vagilant right by my side. Just thought I would let you all know that too :) But yeah that is a really good idea to keep a pillowcase handy, I think I am going to have to do that! We had a tornado warning here a couple weeks ago, and you should of seen me trying to do the "practice run" trying to get all the birds as quick as possible into the same bird carrier. Then I ran and put them in the closet, and threw some pillows around them, and me and the dog ran into the bathroom into the bath tub and threw my big down comfortor over our heads, LOL THAT was funny, Cuz my dog is 110 pounds...hahaha, Us trying to both fit into the bathtub. But like I said, this was just a practice, we never did have a bad tornado or anything, But you know, YOU HAVE GOT to be prepared and know what you are going to do in case of an emergency. In case of a real situation though, I dont know what I would do with the cat yet, I guess grab him and put him into the tub too, Oh and my Husband! lol...He wasnt home at the time, So I may have to rethink my safety route! Ethier that or put in a REALLY big bath tub for all of us to fit into! lol
  12. Those are Wonderful pictures, What a sweet happy little Family And it looks like it was an awesome day!
  13. Yeah it is a good thing you knew the dangers already So yeah that is very sweet of him to want to be affectionate in that way with you. Calypso has tried to do this to me too, She has tried SO hard to pry my mouth open and finally I just have to put her back on her cage cuz she is relentlessly trying to get into my mouth Lol Crazy Greys! Thanks for sharing your cute story!
  14. OH we would love to see a video!
  15. Lol I got another pot, And started over with more rice. I REALLY was wanting some rice!
  16. Yeah with that food you showed it has some colored pellets in it, which will cause his Poo to change colors, No worries! And yeah Try the dowl rod or "perch" to get him to step up on to save your fingers!
  17. Thanks guys! @JJsHoney: You have a Quaker too? I can only imagine how yours went crazy hearing mine! LOL And thats cute that Rene was talking back to the video!
  18. Hope all is still well, And glad to hear his eyes are starting to open. He will get to see you for the first time very soon! You are defanitly Brave for taking in such a young baby, I am not going to say you should of or shouldnt of...I personally wouldnt just becuase I would be too afraid. I did get my Grey young too, Just not quite THAT young, She was 4 weeks... I am glad it feel into the hands of someone who cares enough to ask questions and try the best to take care of it though, And not some idiot who just wants an "african Grey" and knows nothing about them and could care less, just as long as they can say, "Hey I have an African Grey" And then the poor thing ends up dead. So Ask all the questions you need, Dont be afraid, I have had to ask some very seemingly DUMB questions too, lol And everyone here has been SUCH a great help. Give pictures please! Cant wait to see little Amigo!
  19. Here is Calypso saying her first "sentence" lol "Hi Baby"
  20. Hahaha...You never know what your going to hear!
  21. Awe! That is too cute! Congrats!
  22. Did you say "Hi b*tch?" I am not sure, It sort of sounded like you said it right before she flew onto your camera...LOL, If that is what you said maybe thats why she divebombed you, lol Very funny video, Its like the blanket is alive, lol
  23. Yeah maybe he was trying to give you a message with the letters from the keyboard, lol
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