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Everything posted by carolz7

  1. I just wanted to share with you all the success i have had as of lately with my green wing macaw. Plucking started in 2007 and there is nothing we have not tried. From tests to medication to you name it. He has a huge play room, lots of toys, radio, tv, movies, treats in foraging cups everywhere and mommy home 7 days a week. What more can one ask for????? I recently switched avian vets after 10 years and it seems like this doctor is onto something. I will show picture 1 and then the next picture is week 2 and then week 3. Look at the amazing new growth. Now i only pray that this will stay.
  2. Guess what you all???? We have officially turned one year old at Crazy For Bird Toys. I want to thank each and every one of you, who have supported me and help me build my little home based business in the past year. Thank you so very much!!!! http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com
  3. Sorry i missed your messages, have not been on the forum for a while. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com

  4. But i have been posting under classifieds and seems like not to many people are viewing my posts. I have been on this forum for a while and was hoping people would like to see what is new on my website. I know we all need new bird stuff. Stop by and take a look if you would. I have added so many new items. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com and for african greys look under medium size birds. Hope to see some of you visit me. Thanks in advance.;lol
  5. Yes i do agree with the central heat in the homes our birds definitely need humidifiers.
  6. I just got Soother topical spray from my vet and it seems to be helping a lot. Sometimes just plain water is not enough, especially when there is a problem, like feather picking. I do believe the new growth makes then itchy and uncomfortable to the point where they will re-pluck all the new feathers. I have been trying this for a while now, am on my second bottle and so far so good. I even just added it to my website if anyone would like to give it a try. The only thing i have noticed is you have to do it every day. Dont stop halp way threw. It is safe and my avian vet swears by it.
  7. I just got a bunch of favorite toys for african greys. If you need anything do stop by and come and say hello. I have not yet uploaded these items but wanted to share with you all. The colors are beautiful and the green bird is absolutely amazing and 20 inches long not even counting the chain. http://www.crazyforbirdtoy.com
  8. I already signed it and added all my Facebook friends to the list. That is awful. People don't make devises to train children to stop yelling or screaming. You know when you have kids there will be noise. People should no the same when purchasing animals or birds in this case. Just awful/
  9. Thank you and i will post more often i promise
  10. I found a place that sells plexi glass only here locally in Houston. They have a section where they sell their scrap for pennies per pound. I measured my cage and went and picked out what would work for it. I drill holes in the inside and either attach a perch to hold the plexi in place, or just screw and washer and nut. I will see if i can get a close up picture but so far it really is not showing. White cages and clear plexi you cannot see the plexi. But i will post a a close up once my babies wake up. They sleep til 9am.lol
  11. Now these are a must for little african grey guys. Big big favorite. You can stuff more foot toys or treats in either one of these. The greatest part is that they will last for a very very long time. The vine balls might not but you can re-thread new balls or something else once destroyed. Java wood will not be destroyed. Not even my macaws can rip those apart. The second item is also a big favorite and that's the bamboo hanger look inside so many different materials to shred and again don't forget to hide some rewards in there. The robot rotan measures an entire 25 inches long. Place your orders soon, these wont last.
  12. AHAHHAHA it is still so very hot in Texas. Took the birds out this morning just for a little bit and they started panting immediately. We managed to stay out for about 30 minutes so i feel at least they felt the sun on there wings. Cannot wait for cooler days.
  13. I too use carpet runners i guess it what its called. You buy it at homedepot in rolls and they sell by the ft. I guess these are used in hallways or where you have a lot of traffic. Mine has a rubber back but not the cheap ones that smell like rubber. I am EXTREMELY sensitive to smells. I cannot stand the smell of rubber products. Anyone so i have the runners under the cages and then i buy butcher paper by the roll and cut pieces and tape it to the floor. Masking tape works well to hold the paper in place so when they fly around or flap wings you dont have paper going everywhere. Every second or third day i replace paper and start all over. The runners are vacuumed but i have attached plexi glass around my cages where the food bowls are so the food spills back into the cage and not on the floor. Hope this is not too confusing.lol
  14. This is a super super favorite of my birds, order yours this weekend. This will last for a while and the java wood is indestructible. Just replace the vine balls etc. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com Measures 24 inches long what a deal.
  15. Kevin yes you are right and the problem with these birds are that in the wild they are constantly working and looking for food and having to stay safe etc etc. Just had a talk with my vet last month and it is so complicated with these birds. I too have done the birdie Prozac, cant even spell it sorry. But like you said as soon as we stop the drugs the problem comes back. Also ever thing is provided for them, so they get bored just like we would if we sat around 24/7. I always say whomever finds the cure will be a millionaire instantly. We all try and read so much from lighting, to air quality to food to who knows what. I just wish there was a way we could resolve the plucking. Every time my guy starts plucking i feel like a failure and blame myself. And we all no that is not the problem also.
  16. Funny i like the bark sounds. Mine just call the dogs by there names but no barking as of yet/lol
  17. I would not use that on my bird or in its water. There are plenty of safer stuff you can buy. I personally have had a lot of success with pluck no more from Kings cages. My greenwing is on the cover page of there website. Also someone has shared a secret with me and i was also doing the hormone shots i think is what its called. If your bird has been vet checked and is fine as far as any health issue, the best and cheapest thing to do is make sure you thoroughly soak your bird daily. You all wont believe the results i am getting from this. Whether it be let him take his shower daily or just you spray him really good once a day. I could not believe this when a friend told me this. Here i am spending a fortune on potions and vet bills and this is all it takes. Birds need water and a good soaking daily if you can try it and let me no. Ofcourse dont do this when its cold. I usually do it and then take them outside in the sun to dry and pick and preen themselves. Hope this helps.
  18. Oh that is too funny with the soup pot. I have been teaching my blue and gold macaw that i am going to make bird soup out of him. He is only 2 years old but you all have to hear him try and say the whole story. I start with first we gonna take a pot and fill it with water blah blah blah. My goal is that one day he will tell the whole story too funny i love it
  19. Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh lucky you it is always so much fun to bring your new baby home. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!
  20. carolz7

    Colored pellets?

    I do prefer zupreem for my birds but that is a personal preference. I dont really think it matters if you feed the natural pellets or the colorful pellets. And yes once you introduce the colored pellets some birds will only eat a certain color. So in my case i would give them a bowl of pellets and then switch bowls to the other birds. It always so happened to work out that the one color the one likes the other does not so there never was a waste issue. Might have to get a second bird if you only have one currently,lol
  21. Just thought i would post a pic of my baby who is now 11 years old. He is no longer with us but is with a friend and was such a cute little boy.
  22. Boings are so fun. My guys love anything rope or fleece also
  23. Would anyone be interested in purchasing some of these wooden pots with lids. I just purchased a case of them and you can do so much with them. hese are 4 inches wide x 2 1/2 tall. Turn into fun toys for your birds. You can also color these or use natural. Great for small birds hide toys and treats in and also medium size birds. Price is per one Pm, me if you would like more info thanks
  24. Oh my goodness did i go overboard or what but i found this wonderful wholesaler that i was able to purchase from locally, so i did not have to pay shipping. The deals are supper sweet and amazing toys. If anyone needs anything please pay me a visit. I have from tiny birds to macaw size. Also for those that make there own toys check out the toy part section. I am still adding but i really have to say there are some very nice things. This is just a fraction of what i received. lol
  25. I never thought in a million years that i would own a green wing macaw, but i tell you what it is a long story but i will never regret bringing him into my house. He is the love of my life i tell you. Most amazing bird and personality. I sure hope that one you will own one of these. It sure is worth every penny.
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