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Everything posted by carolz7

  1. I have really been busy trying to come up with a bunch of new toys and new ideas. I still have soo many but there just seems to not be enough time or energy anymore to get it all out there. lol Here are some of the cool new items . Enjoy and as always if you have any questions just email me or message me. Been in the hospital twice in the last few weeks but am hoping to be back and in full swing again.
  2. So far yes the pumpkin seeds are a hit and the whole anise. Have not tried the sweet potato as of yet.
  3. New Treats Added by Golden Feast Healthy Treats for your birds. We have Anise Whole Star, Pumpkin Seeds and Diced Sweet Potato. Only $3.00 each per package. Under Food and Treats @www.crazyforbirdtoys.com
  4. How can i get my old lady amazon 32 years old to move around a little and play. She is over weight from a seed diet only. I have taken her off the seed and is now on pellets and fruit and veggies and home cooked meals. She will sit in one place and play with a toy but mostly just a couch potato. I have been forcing her to sit on a swing at least and get out of her cage. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Of course i take her out and have her on my shoulder etc but that is still sitting in one spot.
  5. I am so happy with these new items. Just had to share with you all.
  6. Yes and all i could think of was my babies at home. I have boys at home but its not the same. They dont really no there schedule. I was running around all day doing my chores, getting stuff mailed etc etc. Had a couple more stops to make and then home to finish what i had started that morning. Everything was left in chaos. Thanks for reading my post and your response. Appreciate.
  7. I had the scare of my life that week. Have had high blood pressure most of my adult life and never really took it seriously. I try and take my meds daily and watch the numbers every so often. About a week ago i went upstairs like a i do a million times a day and when i got to the top i was so out of breath i could barely breath. I assumed it was something but not too worried. Called my cardiologist on Monday to make an appointment to get checked out and renew my prescriptions. Went in for my app and the next thing i was sent to the ER. They did the normal EKG which i am used to but this time there was a problem. I could not believe i am having problems and that being heart related. I was admitted to the hospital and monitored for the next 24 hours every 3 hours drawing blood, blood pressure and EKG. This has scared me half to death. We always talk about tomorrow it not promised but a person really is just saying it. This was a true eye opener for me. Enjoy today one never knows. Needless to say i am fine or at least i think for now. So far nothing has showed an actual heartache. I will be going for a stress test this week and just hoping that is fine. Thanks for listening just wanted to put it out there since i feel like all my bird friends are like family to me. Enjoy your day and i mean it.
  8. Oh yes it was only for a few days. It was so very hard i so want to just keep him. Will get to baby sit next month for a week. You will be seeing more pics for sure.
  9. I have totally died and gone to heaven. Why do these birds have to be so darn expensive. This guy is amazing. He is 5 years old but acts like a baby.
  10. It says June Packages Offered Now.
  11. Sorry that would have been great if you could have stopped by. That is the wrong package thing you went under. I am such a goof could not correct it. Will have it fixed within the hour. On the homepage you have to scroll all the way down the second last i think it is. Let me no if you dont see it.
  12. Crazy for bird toys is now offering monthly bird toy packages at reduced pricing. Every month i will put together several toys for a specific species of birds at a great price. This month you will receive 6 fabolous toys for your birds for $75 plus shipping of $10. Hope to see you all there its on the front page under Package deals fro June. Thanks for letting me post.
  13. Awww thank you for sharing. Such a beauty. I love foraging stuff. It is so fun for me to just sit and watch my birds eat always add the foraging to it and i am just amazed at how they find it and can get to it.
  14. These are awesome pretend candies and loli pops, total of eleven large toys for your toy buckets/ Only $8 each plus shipping. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com
  15. How many pet birds do you have? I think we all have been in this or will be in this situation. One just cannot stop at one. Once you are hooked you are hooked. I wish I could have one of everything and almost ended up with that many.
  16. Just added new calcium treats and edible calcium perches for your birds. Great selection and best prices always. And free toy included with each order. Come take a look would love to be your number one stop for all your bird needs. Calcium treats and perches are under new items on my website. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com
  17. Fast and easy and loved it right away. Made this for my Rosie.
  18. Like i said my macaws love these. I have just added a new page to my site with just foraging toys. I cannot say enough about these toys. They are all just wonderful. They make something for every size bird.
  19. Turn 'n learn logs. I just have to write about this product which i now have on my website. I purchased this a couple of years ago, and figured it would be one of those items that i should not have purchased. Please explain to me how a bird will be able to unturn or dismantle these logs. Well i tell you what this is one of my macaws most favorite foraging toy. They go crazy to get to it every day. Now look at the new cool clear colors. I have the old solid green colors. If you have not tried foraging with your birds you have to try some of these products. I own each and everything that comes out with my birds and they love them all. Just had to share.
  20. How old are your girls? I sure hope this wont be every year thing. Poor baby looked awful.
  21. Thanks. I hope this wont be every year. I thought she was sick at first. Then while trying to figure out what is going on here comes egg number 1.
  22. Anyone else going threw the egg laying with there birds. I have a 19 year old that just completed laying 5 eggs. Looks like she is finally down. No more sitting at the bottom of the cage. I was told to leave the eggs until she lost interest in them. I wonder if it would be safe now or if i should wait. I sure dont want to trigger this hole cycle again.
  23. Be sure to check new items and also the daily deals. We have also added a lot of new items for smaller birds for those of you that own more than one bird and species. http://www.crazyforbirdtoys.com Bowls and perches and new food items have been added.
  24. Thank you i was in shock at first but then figured it is natural and knew the eggs were not fertile. I have been watching her and she seems to be done laying eggs for now. Had a total of 4 or 5 but she looks normal again and is talking up a storm. I did change her diet and all is well.
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