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About Toran

  • Birthday 12/02/1989

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. actually thinking about it you might be right just because i was talking to her the other day and was playing peekaboo and she sounded like she was trying to say peekaboo. but from everything i read they dont typically do that for a few years so im not sure. she atleast certainly seems like she trys to mimic me.
  2. She finally started doing it on camera tonight fully. thats a video of her doing it loud and clear. i dont think its a growl cause she came in growling this is different and it doesnt stop unless im cuddling her a lot
  3. ok this is my bird luna listening again its more of a burping sound but she does it non stop i pulled out the camera and she froze a bit but still managed to make the noise. now she will growl but i understood those this is a short burp sound that strikes me odd
  4. Its actually not like those hmm i will take a video tonight when i get home and post it. so long as shes still doing it.
  5. She was growling but its hard to explain cause ive never heard a noise like it from any of my other birds buts its as if shes whistling while she growls but when i pull her close she will stop for a bit throw her head under my chin and my neck and be silent for a few minutes and then start doing it again almost as if shes cold.
  6. Hi I just recently received my Beautiful Grey Luna. its been about a week and about a day ago she started making kinda of a growl-ish chirp in and out of the cage normally i wouldn't be concerned cause my conure makes some funny noises but this noise doesnt stop when i pick her up she keeps doing it. only when i pull her in close to me does she seem to calm down. My question is has anyone else seen this happen with their grey and if so is it a cry for attention or should i take her to the vet. I will note when i pull her close it doesn't stop it just seems to happen less. i try and keep my house around 73 degrees but i wouldn't think that temperature should bother her shes been eating regularly, taking treats, and playing around.
  7. Yea Getting it to come out of its traveler was fun. but im glad he eventually did after and hour of talking to him and it licking my fingers. i also found out that the bird was raised near a dog so far cause in the cage it was making a nice dog bark
  8. So i posted a few months back about getting an African grey and after a lot of waiting the time Has finally Come!!! i finally received my baby Bird! i picked him/her up last night at 11 pm due to a delayed flight. its adorable and very curious about everything going on. only thing i have to do now is bond. after i brought the bird home i opened the cage and just sat in front of it coaxing the bird out eventually he came out of the cage after i put some food and water out. I'm still working on names but I'm waiting on the DNA results. If its a female it her name will be Luna but i haven't decided if its a boy. Picture will be soon to come!
  9. My name is Christina I have an Indian ringneck Toran told me to come here for help but I can register. My little boy Izzet is just now 6 months old and is already molting he has been for about two weeks now and it looks like he has started to pluck a little on his belly. Could this be because hes molting or do you guys thinks its gonna turn into a problem I need to look into. Help me please
  10. My name is Christina I have an Indian ringneck Toran told me to come here for help but I can register. My little boy Izzet is just now 6 months old and is already molting he has been for about two weeks now and it looks like he has started to pluck a little on his belly. Could this be because hes molting or do you guys thinks its gonna turn into a problem I need to look into. Help me please
  11. and about the eating im not sure on cause my sun conure hates fruits and veggies so i have to mix and match pellets to make sure he gets what he needs as instructed by my vet to do.
  12. If he's anything like the Congo African Grey I use to baby sit it will take some time for him to warm up to you. what i did for the grey a was watching was i took his favorite treat and sat down next to him just talking and feeding him through the cage and eventually he started letting me pat his neck and hold him when he chose to come out on his own. if your new to him he needs to be reassured that he can trust you. in perspective you wouldnt want some stranger you just moved in with to start patting you right off or maybe even touching you. so no fear he will get there!
  13. Toran

    New Bird Incoming

    Thank you all for you input i really Appreciate it i hope all goes well! July really cannot get here quick enough!
  14. Speaking of pictures how do i post them?
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