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Everything posted by she

  1. she


    I was a bit complacent thinking he would just accept it.He usually does but as its not your usual type of picture I will let him off.
  2. she


    No Problem hear is the dreaded picture <br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/17 17:24
  3. Hi, Alex is doing so well.I hope the time goes fast for you.
  4. she

    ***empty cage***

    If you have the means of looking after another bird I say dont have an empty cage.Just think it through.
  5. she

    Lucky bird

    She is a very lucky bird indeed.I have an out side aviery and although we dont have the same preditors you do I am always cautious of urban foxes and kestrals as well as domestic cats.
  6. I went to Kenya in November 2006 .It was the most amazing adventure anyone could wish for.Yesterday I was given a large canvas framed picture my nephew Adam had made from a photo taken when he went a year later.Charlie is usually ok about pictures being put up but I guess a large picture of lions drinking at a water hole was too much for him and he was totally freeked out,I had to remove it right away.It is now in a less prominant place in the house where Charlie is ok with it.I am now wondering if greys may have have an in bread fear of lions and african preditors.Charlie is hand reared and never seen any part of his native land,It is so strange though that this is the only time he has ever reacted to a picture on the wall.Is it possable that some wild instinct caused his reaction?<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/17 11:27
  7. Boesman looks like he will get up to no good given the chance.
  8. Great photos.You are in for a treat.
  9. One example of problem solving.Koko wanted the prize and worked out how to get it.
  10. Thats the best news ever.Poor little thing must be so relieved to be back home.
  11. It sounds like she does not recognise fruit and veg as food.Has she ever tasted any you offer?I would be very carefull of removing her normal diet.It can take months to get them eating healthy food.You have not had her long and she is still getting aquainted with her new home.Slow down with her and just let her learn to trust you for now.One thing you could try if she gets on your lap is to eat some fruit while she is there and give her tiny bits,Dont use the kabob if she is afraid of it,just keep trying.Try offering veg in diferent ways,raw cooked,chopped up, whole,hot,cold.
  12. Hi,you have had experience with a huge veriaty of birds and animals.Congratulations on venturing into the world of greys.Great name for your little girl.Sounds like she has already brought you luck.Keep us up to date on her progress.
  13. she


    My birds love millet,especially cracker.I have given them a reddish coloured millet,I am not sure if this is what you are refering to.If it is a product for birds it should be ok.
  14. Ecko is getting a big boy.Keep up the pictures and good work.
  15. It sounds as if you are doing the right thing and researching before you purchase.That is brilliant,I wish more people did this.Good luck in your search.
  16. Charlie can take weeks to accept new toys,some he never will.My tiel is fine and explores new toys almost right away.
  17. It is always wise to have a vet check for any medical reasons for plucking,once this is ruled out the birds environment needs looking at.How long has he been plucking?if it is a sudden onset have a think about what has changed,new toys,new household furniture,decorations,pictures.It is surprising what a grey can find stressing,things we take for granted.Are your dogs upsetting the grey?Also look close at the diet and bathing options.How old is He?A phone book for him to chew up instead of his feathers can be a good distraction.Leave a tv on as a change from the radio,first though I would get a full health check from an avian vet.
  18. Contact local vets and pet stores. Put posters in supermarkets,petrol stations,contact the link Caroline provided,they are very good.Dont give up.The local radio stations and papers are usually very good at advertising lost pets,contact them and ask the radio stations to broadcast an appeal.Last year a grey who went fly about in my area was reunited through the local paper making a plea for sightings,he was returned very soon after the appeal.I wish you luck.Please let us know what is happening.
  19. Happy first hatch day Jasper.I am sure mum is spoiling you something wicked.
  20. What a fantastic update.In only a month Sam has shown he is a wonderfull grey and you a wonderfull owner.I am so happy things are going so well, you deserve it.
  21. I think the pellet/seed debate could go on forever. Everyone has differing oppinions .I tend to agree with the breeder who feeds the pellet, fruit and veg diet,thats what I feed my grey.I think a low fat diet is best.After all they get very little exercise in captivity compared to wild birds.
  22. fantastic photos.They are growing up so fast.Not long now?
  23. Penny thats brilliant.You are never alone. I just wish I could get my mind round eating healthier.I was a five day a week gym junkie untill last summer and loved doing 5-10 k runs. At my best I could do 5k in 28 mins.Ok not Paula Radcliff but I loved it.Now I am eating like a pig and could not run to the end of the road.I had a fantastic instructor and he really got me motivated. Iworked at the gym on the weekend as a motivator and loved it.I could do with you over hear to get me back in shape.I am only 4ft10 so every pound looks like a stone.my bmi was 15 at one time now its 25 I am in serious self distruct mode.I guess when my mum is a bit better I can go back to the gym and try again.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/14 07:48
  24. Sorry Bonnie has these health issues.I am sure they can be treated so she returns to full health.It sounds like you are doing a great job of the quarantine so I am sure your other birds will be fine.Good luck and keep us up to date with the progress.
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