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Everything posted by Char

  1. So cute! Just like a girl. Can't make up her mind.
  2. Ahhhhh what a cute little baby. I like the name Yoshi.
  3. Drats! By then he will be a regular roly poly.
  4. That is loaded! I can't give Whisper toys that large. She freaks out.
  5. I was putting whisper to bed for the night. I perched her on the little door that opens down and said "time to go to bed". Sometimes she will go right in the cage and sometimes she won't. Well, this time she cracked me up! I said "come on Whisper time to go to bed" and she just hung on. I said again. "come on, time to go to bed." She ruffled her feathers, stretched out her neck (the way she does when she wants to tell me something important) and said "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" and took off like a rocket for the top of her cage. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. I swear I don't know what I did for laughs before her.:lol:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/14 17:08
  6. Whisper came home at 16 weeks. She was never particularly clumsy. She had high perches from the beginning because I did not know anything about putting a towel on the floor and didn't think about lower perches. She did fine. Every Grey is different.
  7. That is a great picture. Sure looks like he is having fun.
  8. Stazel is a beauty! It sounds like she is settling in well. Keep us updated on her progress. I am sure she will get over her shyness and will soon be talking with you in the room too.
  9. That is so funny. I liked your answer.
  10. What a great idea. I know that if someone in my area had a lost bird I would go help look for it and do anything I could to help. Karma to you for posting this link.
  11. I would keep her indoors during this time.
  12. Congratulations. She is a real cutie.
  13. I would keep it. You never know when you might have an expensive vet bill. With men there are always strings attached no matter what they say. That's his problem.
  14. Way too much trouble. I recommend buying a powder coated one. You won't believe the difference it makes in cleaning.
  15. I would report it. But unless it is someone who knows birds and what to look for they won't "get it". I would give Harley lots of nuts so he can get as much fat in his diet as possible. Macaws need a lot of fat.
  16. How exciting! I now have to turn the t.v. up full blast to hear it anymore. Yakkety, yakkety, yak. But I still love it!
  17. You know how our birds get stuck on a phrase and say it over and over? Well Whisper's favorite thing to say these days is "You're spoiled" and "You're a stinker". Truer words were never spoken!:laugh:
  18. My Grey is named Whisper because she was so quiet when we first got her and I would whisper in her ear. She sure isn't quiet anymore.
  19. Char

    Would you worry?

    No further episodes and she seems fine. It was the first time she had zucchini. Maybe it did no agree with her. Thanks all for your concern.
  20. judygram wrote: A agree Judy. Now that I live alone I can finally have the kind of life I want. If I want to walk around with bird poop on my shirt who cares. It is just me and the birds. They are the best companions possible.
  21. He is truly beautiful and looks very content to be with you.
  22. Char

    Would you worry?

    She seemed fine this morning. A littel quiet but somethimes she is in the morning. She is like me slow to wake up. I am sure it is nothing but will keep you updated.
  23. I found on the newspapers what looked like Whisper had regurgitated. Should I be worried about one upchuck? She seems fine and is eating fine.
  24. Char


    It is just like having kids. Stupid people still have children too:(
  25. It is Hilltop Aviary in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Still under construction. I will post pics when it is completed. www.Hilltopaviary.com<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/11 12:05
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