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Everything posted by Char

  1. I hate to tell you this but eventually they become quite accomplished at getting them out and the time it takes them to empty it goes from hours to minutes. Better keep refills handy.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/31 21:33
  2. Yoshi sounds wonderful and perfectly normal. Whisper was also very quiet at that age. Hence the name "Whisper". She is 21 months now and a lot more vocal and outgoing. If fact sometimes I find it hard to watch t.v. for all the noise she is making.
  3. What a cutie! Looks so much like my baby DYH who is now 11 weeks old. What does your baby weigh at 4 months. My tango is a big boy at 11 weeks 394 gms.
  4. Happy hatch day Lyric! Nice photo.
  5. Whisper wiggles and crouches down so that is normal. If you have seen a change in Barney then he needs to go to the vet also. Is your vet an avian vet? Also, did the conure have a culture and sensitivity done to be sure the antibiotic was the right one for his infection. It is possible that you have transferred the infection to Barney. If any way possible I would get the whole flock checked out.
  6. SchroedersJen wrote: Thanks for clearing that up. Like I said.. The new baby is keeping me hopping. 2 bird are twice as much work also.
  7. Oh Pat how awful for both of you. I am confused. Is Darius the new Macaw you rescued and took to the vet and was very underweight or have I missed something. I thought that was Harley. I need to catch up. I have not been on as much lately since the weaning this DYH is keeping me soooo busy.
  8. Whisper in 20 months old. I have had her since she weaned. She has never once woke me up. She does not make a sound until I go in and uncover her cage. She sleeps in her own room and lights are out and cage covered. My work schedule varies a lot and it could be anywhere between 5 to 8 am.
  9. Did you let him watch you put them in? That should give him an idea.
  10. Looks like things are going well with Cocoa. Yes I keep a running list and we are up to 82 phrases. She is 20 months old.
  11. Char


    Ahh Adaya is so smart. I agree. Give her some apple. Whisper is like that too. She will drive you crazy with the new "phrase of the day".
  12. I too am constantly amazed by these birds and there intellect but also Whisper seems to be so intuitive.
  13. I would take him to the vet. No ifs ands or buts. If your child fell and hurt their arm wouldn't you have it checked out?
  14. I have the same keyboard problem. Whisper is now banned from the vicinity of the computer.
  15. Char

    a lefty?

    Oh and by the way..studies have shown that lefties are better talkers.
  16. Ahhhh What a sweet looking baby. Congrats. Don't spoil her too much,
  17. I buy Harrison's in the 5 lb bag. 1/2 goes in the freezer and 1/2 goes in airtight glass jars. I would not feed my birds infested food. The worms are in there because the something laid eggs in the product at some point in a warehouse before packaging and the eggs hatched into the larvae. Could be maggots. That is what makes Harrison's so special is the way it is handled and packaged. You know it is not polluted or contaminated.
  18. I'll take the one in the middle.
  19. Whisper beats the crap out of her toys all the while screaming and talking to it. It's perfectly normal.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/21 22:25
  20. I used to have a social life and freedom to come and go as I pleased. Now I hurry home to Whisper. She's worth it! Seriously, my husband and I separated 10 months ago. I cannot imagine what this time in my life would have been like or how I would have gotten through it without my Whisper girl. Without her I would have faced loneliness, boredom and depression. When I come home and she steps out of the cage saying " I love you, give me a kiss" it has been just what I need.
  21. Real cuties that's for sure. I like the name Biscotti. I also like biscotti with my coffee.
  22. Great new Pat. Was the vet able to help you with the underweight issue for the other birds? You had mentioned needing a statement from a vet for the officials to investigate the other birds that woman still has in her "care".<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/08/19 03:51
  23. Char

    New Babie Photos

    They are all truly beautiful!
  24. Very normal for Greys. They all do it. We call it the "chicken scratch" In the wild, greys also feed from the ground. When mine was a baby she would go to the corner and scratch when she wanted out of the cage.
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