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Everything posted by Char

  1. Tube feeding is used to force feed birds who are not able to eat on their own. Why would you be tube feeding a 9 month old bird?
  2. Just google Petsmart and you will find a lot of terrible things about how they treat the animals and how they are warehouse raised before they ever get to the store. I would caution you about handling animals in a pet store but I have done the same thing. Some are so pitiful. Just be sure that you wash you hands and arms good and if possible change your clothes before handling your bird.
  3. That is terrible! What kind of person would steal someone's pets?:evil:
  4. I notice this in Whisper sometimes too. I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. Those are really pretty. Reminds me of cross stitch.
  6. I do not have a second Grey but I do have a young Amazon that I was hoping would be a good companion for Whisper. Whisper hates the amazon and it is very difficult to always supervise them. She is also jealous and it is difficult to divide my time between the two. I always feel guilty when giving the amazon attention because Whisper (2 yrs old) gives me jealous looks across the room.
  7. spookychick13 wrote: How many hrs a day does your bird get complete darkness? If she does it all the time it could be that her days are too long thus triggering her hormones. A bird needs 10-12 hrs of DARKNESS per day. Lengthen that gradually to calm the hormones down.
  8. I realized that you rescued this baby so to return it is probably not going to save it's life. It sounds like you are in over your head though. Please get it to an avian vet asap. Crop infections are very common in these situations. Also if the formula is not proper temp it will take too long to empty from the crop and will sour. The crop should be empty after a few hours of feeding. The vet might be able to put you in touch with some local rescue people who might be able to take over the hand feeding. It sounds like you are in over your head. Please take it to the vet immediately. It could mean the life of this baby. Please keep up posted.
  9. This is an old thread from back in May. I found her a home long ago. Auntphibian: Your info is good to know. Why don't you start a new thread in this section. It will get more attention that way.
  10. luvparrots wrote: Same here. Whisper recently lost 3.
  11. Well I never thought of blowing on Whisper before so I thought I would give it a try. I can't tell if she likes it or not..She keep trying to stick her beak in my mouth as if to see where that air is coming from.
  12. Ahhh I know how you feel. Whisper often greets me when I open her cage by running up to me and saying "I love you, give me a kiss" and then she kisses me.
  13. It is mating behaviour. Ignore it and do not do anything to encourage it such as petting anywhere other than the head and neck. Petting anywhere else will only stimulate the bird and make it worse. Wiping the beak on the cage is normal.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/10/19 00:42
  14. She really does look **ssed off. I have said it before but will say it again...She is a gorgeous bird. Makes me want a Pionus.
  15. Rhoniie I know this has been very scary news for you but I will echo what the others have said. Wait until after you talk with the urologist before you think the worst. As a phlebotomist with a major laboratory for over 20 years I have seen a lot of prostate patients because they have a test called a PSA drawn regularly. The patient's keep coming back. Which is good thing!
  16. I am trying to figure out what good it does for you to have our email address. Just giving out that does not tell you where we are located or register us in anyway but lists of emails could be sold to spammmers. You see where I am coming from? I am waiting until you go live and your site is more than just asking for emails. Be sure to let us know when it happens.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/10/17 17:35
  17. That is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing the happy ending with us.
  18. Way to go Ceasar! Now your adventures can really begin.:laugh:
  19. Storm_2007 wrote: Yeah I don't think my husband realizes the consequences.:laugh:
  20. Whisper was just like Yoshi too. Now you literally can't shut her up. I am not kidding. One day she talked non stop for 8 hrs straight. I am not kidding. I have a baby DYH Amazon who is trying to talk too. The breeder of the Amazon said he believes he will talk early. I told him I really don't mind if he never does because Whisper never shuts up. I cannot imagine what it is going to be like with both of them going at it. I really don't see how the Amazon will manage to get a word in.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/10/17 15:47
  21. Good deal about the leg band. Hopefully that will help the baby get home.
  22. Oh no! Not another one. I will be praying that this baby is found soon.
  23. Well I gave her the paper and she LOVES it!
  24. Oh my God. That is the saddest think I have heard today. I heard something sadder yesterday ( a true story) but I can't share it at this time.
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