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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Lyric

    My New Fids

    Beautiful! I love the colors- can't wait to hear that you have babies on the way! Thanks for sharing with us Toni.
  2. What adorable pictures of Shady- he looks like a cuddle bug.
  3. I love Ahjari's Easter pic! Too cute!
  4. Stella is so cute! And I love her name too. Congratulations on your new baby!
  5. I just love to see people so excited about their new birds that they have it spoiled before it is even home! They are little feathered angels and they deserve all the love and attention we can give. Thanks for sharing all your stories!
  6. Shady is really a beautiful bird and he's getting so big! Thanks for the great update on Shady and how he's getting along with your other birds. I'm so glad you are enjoying him so much!
  7. Congratulations on your egg!! What eggciting news! Hee hee, I couldn't resist writing that, sorry.
  8. I think one thing that may influence your opinion in this is whether or not the bird will be exposed to other birds a lot. Do you plan to have him out and about in public or socializing with any other parrots? I would definitely talk to an avian vet as Dave advised for a good opinion on the topic. I personally do not vaccinate my birds but I do not allow any other birds in my house or around them. I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you and Ahjari!
  9. Glad to hear you are taking her to an avian vet. They should be able to tell you whether or not the feathers need to be pulled. Do you give her new toys to distract her from plucking/chewing when you are not at home? If you are stressed, your bird can easily pick up on this and feel stress itself. Try to remain calm and do not show a reaction whenever she is chewing her feathers. She may take any kind of reaction as a form of attention and it may encourage her to pluck more. I'd also try to give her some more time-out of cage each day if at all possible. Spray with aloe vera juice until she is soaked- this will make the skin and new feathers less itchy and less irritated. You may need to do this every day or every other until the problem is better. Do it early in the day so she has time to dry before bedtime. I hope these ideas might help!
  10. Hi Kyle, welcome to the forum. It's very troubling whenever a grey begins to pluck- there are so many causes and sometimes it can be easy to solve the problem and sometimes not. I hope you'll find lots of useful info on this site and hopefully something that will help with Sabian.
  11. Hello Farrah, welcome to the grey forum! You should be congratulated on your accomplishments and the gift of a grey is certainly a wonderful way to celebrate what you have achieved. I look forward to hearing more from you and hope you'll keep us updated as you bring Dr Pepe home!
  12. And a more current one, 5 months old. Sweet Sadie Grey....
  13. What great pictures of all the new babies! I figured I would add some pics of Sadie Grey to this album since Lyric has his pics in here too. It wouldn't be fair to leave her out! Here she is with her brother at 3 weeks old!
  14. Very cute! I wish you had video of that, I'd love to see her telling him "No don't!" Maybe he was telling her something naughty he'd like to do and she was trying to talk him out of it! I am real interested to see how these two get along as Shady gets bigger.
  15. What a precious baby Ahjari is- he's so cute and cuddly looking! Thanks for sharing your baby photos with us Carol, I love seeing happy baby greys. You are going to have so much fun watching him grow in the following weeks! Before you know it he'll be weaned and on his way to you...
  16. Lyric

    Which Bird!?

    I agree with Ralph, you are going to need a new cage for whatever new bird you get. You'll have to keep them apart at first anyway to quarantine the new bird and be sure it is healthy before you allow the birds together. I personally like Timneh greys (but I admit I'm biased! :silly: ). They tend to be more active than a Congo and generally a little more laid back but still with a grey personality! Read all you can about the different breeds you are interested in and even visit a breeder if you can to see them and interact with them personally. Make sure you have enough extra time to give a new bird adequate attention and keep giving your current grey the amount of time and attention he is used to. Always do everything for your first grey first so he doesn't feel he has been replaced as the top bird in your flock. Good luck in your decision!
  17. Lyric

    Picky Eater

    Greys can tend to be quite picky. Try different ways of presenting the veggies like shredding them, chopping, sometimes serve cooked and warm, sometimes raw. Have you tried spoon feeding warm baked sweet potato? Most greys love this, also oatmeal is usually a big hit. Keep trying new things even if the bird doesn't eat it right off- eat some in front of him and don't offer him any til he is begging for it- this makes it more like a game and makes it intriguing to them. Sometimes it will take a while but eventually they might try something and decide they love it. Good luck and don't give up!
  18. Hi Sue- how's Ollie doing now? I imagine he's actually eating but just not when you are watching him. He thinks throwing the food out of the dishes is great fun, probably to see what reaction he'll get from you when he does it. I think the best thing to do is try to ignore the behavior when he throws the food out. Eventually he'll figure out that it gets him no attention and he'll move on to something else that DOES get attention. Let us know how things are going...
  19. Yea! Congratulations on bringing home your baby grey. Did you get a chance to watch the breeder interact with the bird? You may try using the same commands and tone of voice she used to get the baby to step up. Perhaps your baby is just a little confused because you don't do things the same way it is used to. Move slowly around the bird and talk gently and offer treats. Sit outside the cage with the door open and ask if it wants to come out and step up. Usually they will lift up their foot when they are ready to step up willingly. Your bird will come around very soon because it will be wanting to be your friend and have interaction with you. Keep up the good work!
  20. Ecko is very pretty! As far as the bacterial infection goes, I think it is common in young birds. They can pick it up from anything in the environment-there are bacteria everywhere and young birds do not have a well developed immune system. This is why you should wash hands well before handling young birds and also keep the environment and toys, food dishes etc very clean. I think you are doing a splendid job with him and enjoy this time while he's little!
  21. What a beauty Pepper is- you took some really great photos of her. I love the sky as the background behind her in the 6th pic- the first one is really great too.
  22. Hurray! I'm so excited for you and Beau as you start your new life together. Did you ask the breeder what his favorite treats are? I'd offer him some tonight before bedtime so he feels extra loved! Some warm baked sweet potato would be a nice treat for a baby on his first night home if you don't know what his favorites are. Have fun with your new companion.
  23. It's official, congratulations on your baby boy birdie!!
  24. Thanks to both of you! Sadie is now 5 1/2 months old. Amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? I'm pretty sure Sadie will be staying with me- I don't think I could bear to part with her now (some bird breeder I am, huh?) By the way- I've talked to Sterling's momma and she says he's doing just great too. I need to get over for a visit real soon.
  25. Here's an updated pic of my little Sadie Grey. She is very vocal- still says "pretty birdie" a lot and seems to be working on more but nothing I can make out yet. I think she's a very smart birdie. Lyric is still scared of her when I try to let them out together but he sits on top of her cage and interacts with her there sometimes so we are working on it.
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