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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Ah, shucks, thank you! I've been so busy, I find I'm meeting myself coming and going sometimes. I started my own little business selling my handmade jewelry designs on Etsy and it takes up quite a bit of my free time. If anyone is interested in seeing what I've been up to, check me out on Etsy at greygirldesigns. I also have a blog where I talk about my jewelry, my birds, art and life at random. I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link to a personal blog on here or not...anyway, it does take up most the time I have on the computer. Here's Lyric showing off at his birthday celebration:
  2. That's so cool! I've been wanting a grey feather tattoo for some time now. I have some cool pics of bird tattoos up on my pinterest board "tattoos" if anyone wants ideas, I am greygirldesigns on Pinterest if you want to find me!
  3. I missed Ana's hatch day, but here's a belated congratulations on your hatch day Ana Grey, I hope it was a good one! From Lyric and the flock!!
  4. Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and let you all know that Lyric is having a hatchday today. He still doesn't talk, but he is a joy to have in my life. I can still remember the day 5 years ago when I heard his first peeps coming from the nestbox. What an exciting time! Happy hatchday Lyric!
  5. I would say the toys for medium sized birds are perfect for a TAG. I think some of the toys designed for a macaw or large cockatoo might be a little intimidating to a smaller TAG. Of course some of my birds' favorite toys are not bird toys at all- for instance, they love to chew on plastic drinking straws. One of my timnehs just spent three nights in a row completely disassembling a rubber duckie. It is no longer recognizable as a duck!
  6. What a lovely post and I agree with you all whole-heartedly! I have been so busy lately that I haven't taken time out to stop in this forum and chat with my like-minded bird loving friends but I find that it's just like coming home. You all are still here and still standing for what I believe in. Thank you! Jennifer
  7. Great update! Sadie sounds like a real charmer. I hope the diet and environmental changes will be enough to solve her feather plucking issues.
  8. Hello Cathy, welcome to the forum! I used to have a small family of ringneck doves, I absolutely love them! I would love to see pictures of your flock as well...
  9. It's good you are so excited about bringing home this grey but I'm wondering, do you have any experience with parrots? You will need to give Gary some time to settle in to your home and adjust to you and his new surroundings before you even begin a training program. As Georgiesmum mentioned, can Gary be handled? Take things one step at a time and move at Gary's pace. If he seems uncomfortable or upset by a situation you will need to back off and move a little slower. As far as his relationship with your wife goes, there is no way to know how they will respond to each other. She will need to try interacting with him by offering treats and talking softly to him...start there and see how things progress. This forum is a great place to get advice and info regarding greys, keep learning all you can and ask questions any time you need help.
  10. So sorry to hear about your allergy problems. I hope it doesn't get so severe that you do have to rehome your grey. I think you should try looking into homeopathic remedies...I don't know if anyone makes one for African Grey allergies but it is definitely worth looking into. I started taking a homeopathic allergy med this fall and it really helped a lot. Best of luck to you.
  11. Good to see you back on here again. I hope all is going well with BoBo. My Sadie Grey just turned two so I know that can be a trying time! Hopefully you are both adjusting well to the changes in personality and little ups and downs that a bird goes through at this stage.
  12. Hi everyone, just wanted to celebrate with you all because Sadie Grey turned 2 years old today. I must say she has been going through her terrible 2's already so I am a little glad to see this day come. She has been quite a handful for the last couple of months! Maybe she will begin to settle down a bit now. Lyric and I will be celebrating with her tonight- having lasagna for dinner and lots of birdie playtime afterwards.
  13. Please keep in mind that a parrot is a prey animal. In the wild they have to be on high alert to survive. Something triggered this response in your bird and now it doesn't feel safe. I think the others have given you great advice, keep things as normal as possible, keep working slowly and at your bird's pace. Wait for your bird to calm down and try to have peaceful and calm thoughts when you are around her. Given enough time your bird should come to realize that it is once more safe and in a loving home.
  14. That's great news, I'm glad to hear everything went smoothly and you are both getting settled in comfortably!
  15. Ahhh, thanks everyone! You all warm my heart!
  16. Such words of wisdom, I love it. I think people in the United States have an attitude that their pets are their possessions to be treated as they like. If only more of us could see our bird companions as another of the world's creatures that happens to share a home with us. I feel honored each and every day to have the companionship of my feathered angels. I do my best to care for them and respect them and live in harmony with them. I only wish more people could feel this way about animals.
  17. How time flies! My sweet angel Lyric is officially 4 years old today. I can't believe it's been 4 years since I heard his first little peeps coming out of the nestbox. Happy hatchday Lyric- I love you so much!!! Here's a little pic of Lyric as a baby...
  18. How exciting for you! Just remember to do things for Echo first- always greet her first, feed her first, etc. She needs to know she hasn't lost status in your flock when you bring the new baby home. I hope you enjoy your new baby grey!
  19. I feed a mixture of TOPS and Zupreem. Some of my birds like the TOPS best and some prefer the Zupreem. This way they get to have a little choice in what they eat. I love that TOPS pellets are organic and don't contain artificial colors or preservatives. The only problem for me is the shipping costs- there isn't a close distributor to me so I pay a lot to have it shipped in.
  20. Good luck with your move. I think you have things under control, just remember to calm your mind and try to be as stress free as possible when dealing with your grey. He is still very young and should adapt to the changes well. I hope you both enjoy your new home.
  21. Welcome to the grey forum and keep up the good work with your new friend. It sounds like you have developed a good relationship with him so far. Just let us know what issues arise and any questions you may have.
  22. What a transformation! You have done an excellent job and I can see how happy you have made Gunner.
  23. Great observations on life. My birds have a mirror bird too and they have found it quite fun to watch it parody their every move. I hope you continue to live each day to it's fullest and enjoy every minute of it. Take care Spock!
  24. I know what you mean exactly! If I can find anyone halfway interested in talking about greys with me I am so excited about it. I've had birds for years and my love for them hasn't diminished at all. That's one cool thing about this forum, finding other people that understand your passion and share it.
  25. My older bird, Lyric, doesn't talk. He'll be 4 at the end of this month. Sometimes I think he got too much attention and had no need to talk. My other grey, Sadie, will be 2 in October. She talks up a storm. I really think part of her desire and learning to talk had to do with competing for my attention with Lyric. I don't repeat words endlessly to them but I talk to them about what I'm doing, and play games with them. I'd rather them talk because they are trying to communicate and use words they know, not just mimic things they have heard. Sometimes I think Sadie talks just to get my attention but sometimes she uses words appropriately and seems to use them in the right context- I truly believe she is learning to communicate with me and make her desires known.
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