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Everything posted by Lyric
Hi Greymom, welcome to the forum. I'm glad you were able to give Rita a good home, she sounds like a neat bird and sounds like she is already feeling at home with you.
Hey Doodle, welcome here! Hope you enjoy the site. Is Shaggy going through his terrible two's phase right now? Can't wait to hear more about him and Scooby.
Beautiful! You really should be a proud mommy!
Congratulations! You have a very pretty baby there and I like the name Harley too! Hope you get lots of enjoyment from each other, and enjoy the baby stage.
Hi John, I'm excited for you getting a new baby grey and I'm very happy you are doing all the research prior to bringing it home. Yes you really do have to be careful with any kind of bird in the house, and watch anything that might be sprayed or anything with fumes. Sounds like you are on top of that issue already...I hope you or your roommates will not be smoking around your bird. Also, check out the Food room for lists of what to feed/what not to feed your new grey. If you socialize your baby from an early age and expose it to lots of new people/experiences/objects and change it should really help. Will you be able to visit your baby as it grows?
Ahhh, he's so cute! Don't you love it when they stretch their little heads up and show off those scrawny little necks? Looks like your baby will be in the middle of all the action very soon. I'm glad the others in your flock are showing interest but no aggression towards him/her.
Congratulations on your baby's first Hello! Now you'll have to remember not to panic when you hear a strange man talking in the next room!
Hi JungleDreamz, welcome here! I'm so happy for you to be realizing your dream of becoming a new grey mom! I have a 2 1/2 year old Timneh and he doesn't really talk. Okay he makes one sound that kinda sounds like "cup" so I taught him this means cup and he says it whenever he sees a cup. But in the typical sense of a talking grey, he really doesn't. I love him so much anyway though and he's really lots of fun and quite a character. Congrats on your new job too!
Very cute, that looks like something Lyric would like too, he really loves bells. Baxter is so handsome, those are great photos of him enjoying himself.
What a neat story! Pinky is a cute cockatoo. Thanks for sharing with us.
Way to go! Glad to hear it's finalized and now it's definitely time to celebrate.:silly:
Nice job on the cage, looks like Chimay should be a very happy birdie!
How exciting!! How far is he flying from to be with you? I hope he has a smooth trip and arrives unruffled and happy.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm so happy for Louie that he has a new life and someone who cares enough to help him overcome his issues and forget about his past. Please keep us updated on your progress with him!
Hi louiesdad! Glad you've joined the forum. I haven't read your other post yet but now I'm curious and I'll certainly be checking it out! I'm glad you gave an older grey a second chance.
Hello AceVentura and welcome to the forum. I'm sure it was a very unhappy day for you when you came home to find your mom had gotten rid of your grey friend. I really hope it turns out better for you this time around. Keep us updated and let us know when you find your new grey.
You are in my thoughts as well and I hope everything turns out like you want it too. Keep your head up- you deserve to be happy.
What a cutie, how exciting for you! I know you must be loving it so much. I'm sure name ideas will come to you once you get to know it's personality better, but here's some ideas to think over: Chance- because you decided to give this little one a chance! Star- I don't know, I just like this name for a grey, sometimes I tell Lyric I love him more than all the stars in the sky! Maybe something to do with the mountain you had to go over to get it or something to do with the snowy weather? Take good care of your new little one, it looks so sweet.
What a pretty picture of Adaya, she sounds like a joy to be around.
My Tag's name is Lyric Angel. I named him this because I wanted a musical sounding name and also something that I felt could work for a girl or a boy. I gave him the middle name Angel because that's what he is, my mischievous little winged angel boy. I think Miracle is a beautiful name for your baby and it is so precious in that picture.
My uncle has a budgie that he named Toby, thinking it was a boy. When I went to visit my Uncle and Toby I noticed that Toby has the pink cere that is typical of a girl budgie. I told my uncle that I really thought Toby was a girl so now we call her Tobie Sue! You could give Molly a more masculine middle name and keep calling him Molly or change the name if you really want. I bet Molly won't mind either way.B)
I think maybe their diet can affect the color of the feathers but it's just an opinion of mine. For instance, since I've been feeding my TAG red palm oil his tail feathers are a very brilliant and beautiful deep red with almost a shimmer to it. The color of his grey feathers seems to lighten a little as the feathers get older and as he molts and gets new feathers the new ones seem darker and sleeker, because they are brand new.
Hello Imrul2001 and welcome here. So glad you are doing your research before you bring your new grey home. You've gotten lots of great advice from the other members already so I'll just say congratulations and I'm happy you are giving this bird a chance. Let us know how things are going once you bring it home!
It is a very nice looking stand! Ash looks so pretty sitting up on top of it too. Have you tried rearranging the toys on it to peak her interest again? Or you could hang some foraging toys lower down so she'll have to go down to get her favorite treats. At least she isn't scared of it so that's a big plus!
It's a tough decision but so exciting that you have that opportunity too. I think you'd find the bond you'd have with a baby you raised would be very special indeed. As far as how Tyco would react? You'd have to wait and see. Maybe she'd love having another grey around but she also could be jealous or even frightened of it. I thought my 2 1/2 year old grey may like to have a brother or sister to play with but he's scared of my baby greys and will sit on their playstand to play but otherwise if the other bird is out he's just scared of it and flies away screaming. Many people have more than one and they get along fine so it really just depends on the individual. I'm sure whatever you decide it will work out just fine- keep us updated because we'll all be wondering!