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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. You would think my dogs never get fed the way they beg food from the birds. They both love it.
  2. My thoughts are with you in this sad time. You gave Zahzu the very best life you could and lots of love and care. She knows you loved her and she will be waiting for you on the other side when you leave this life. I wish you peace, as she is peaceful now.
  3. Lyric


    What do you feed Beau as his main diet? Greys can have trouble with not enough calcium but if you are very worried you can have your vet do a simple blood test at his yearly exam to determine if he is doing okay in this regard. I'd offer broccoli as Pat suggested, and also dark leafy greens. I sometimes crumble the egg shell (after washing it thoroughly) into my birds scrambled eggs and this can also offer extra calcium to them. You can also give small amounts of non-fat plain yogurt- mix it in with some other food your bird likes.
  4. Sounds to me as though Adaya is weaned- congratulations! Usually weaning coincides around the same time as fledging. They do lose weight prior to fledging. If she is refusing the handfeeding and eating well and holding her weight on her own, then you have done a brilliant job and she is weaned. Generally I've heard if the baby holds it's weight on it's own for a week then you can safely consider it weaned. You can still offer the handfeeding formula from time to time if you like, I've found that mine get quite excited about it and I think it's a nutritious meal if offered now and then.<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2009/04/22 23:22
  5. Hey, it was me who had birds freaked out by an earthquake that happened hundreds of miles away! I didn't feel anything but heard on the news the next morning that there had been one at approximately the same time that they freaked out! It was weird for sure. Chimaysmommy, sometimes a beam of reflected light from outside the window will cause my Lyric to freeze up in fear- or if he sees something floating in the air like a piece of a feather. Little things I might not even notice, he picks up on everything. He's more paranoid the older he gets and easily spooked. I just tell him everything is okay and give him a little time to figure it out for himself. Good luck with your ghost!
  6. You'll both be in my thoughts! I am hoping for a speedy recovery for your baby and after this-- good health and much happiness.
  7. I'm glad to hear that Pepper is okay! I know you must have been worried...did your mom notice what part of her the blood came from? I'm just curious. Just keep an eye on her the next few days and if you notice anything strange about her behaviour, take her to your vet.
  8. It's great your breeder is sending these little videos of your twins- you can watch them grow up before they are home with you. They are just adorable aren't they?
  9. Mesa is very cute- does she like her little birdy tent?
  10. Ben is a very pretty healthy looking grey. Your furniture on the other hand....:laugh: Ben thought it needed a new look.
  11. Mesa is beautiful, no doubt about it! As far as the eclectus goes, what I always think is if it was meant to be then it will be. Perhaps the lady just hasn't gotten a chance to contact you back yet? Fate has a way of taking care of these things I really believe, so if this bird wasn't meant to be yours then another one will come along in time. Thanks for sharing the pics of your lovely TAG!
  12. Way to go!! What fun- I just can't wait til they are home with you and the adventure begins for real. By the way, I love their names and they are just adorable together. I'm so happy you made the decision to bring them both home to you. :laugh:
  13. Welcome to the forum. I love the picture of Gracie. She may never be fond of your wife or wish to have contact with her but in time perhaps she will. I'd have your wife continue to offer her treats and sit near her and talk softly.
  14. Hello TaMarah, welcome to the forum, I'm also happy to hear you've given a home to an older grey. It can really take them some time to adjust to a change like a new home or even a new toy in their environment. Take things slow and let him go at his own pace. If you try to rush things you take the risk of losing his trust.
  15. Lyric likes straws and newspaper. Sadie Grey likes baskets.
  16. You did a very nice job on that stand and swing and it appears that Zzero thinks so too!
  17. It looks really nice! What kind of tree did you use? I keep thinking I'm going to make a tree stand but time rolls on and I still haven't done it... Great job!
  18. Wow! How exciting! Carol, you have enough love to share for Ahjari and his little sister...I'm so excited for you just thinking about it. And yeah, I agree they do better if you have more than one. Whenever you are gone for a day you won't have to worry about your little baby being all alone. Plus, it's better if you are going to end up with two of them to get them together. That way you know right off they are going to get along with each other and you won't have an issue like I'm facing with my Lyric and Sadie Grey. Lyric is scared of Sadie and I can't have them out together at the same time. You won't have that issue which will be a big plus! These babies are going to be such lucky little greys!
  19. Good luck with him! I hope it turns out to be nothing major. Will keep my fingers crossed for you...
  20. Hi Lori, welcome here! I'm glad you've joined the forum!
  21. Hi SamsDad, welcome to the forum! I look forward to hearing more about Sam, and thanks for sharing his picture with us.
  22. Hey JillyBeanz- welcome to the grey forum! Yeah, we all get a workout everyday cleaning up after and keeping up with our little grey companions. They are so worth it though! How long have you had Harvey?
  23. Hi MrsB and Mesa! Welcome to the grey forum. Sounds like Mesa is quite adored and lucky to have a mom like you to care for her.
  24. Hi Andrea, welcome here! You have beautiful birds, the quakers look like they could really cause some mischief!
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