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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Way to go Ecko!!! Congratulations Caitlin! That is so super exciting. He's really starting to talk young isn't he? I think you have a beautiful and very smart baby.
  2. Beautiful bird, I hope you are able to keep him, looks like he'd make a wonderful addition to your flock!
  3. Looks like Talon really enjoys playing in the Jollyball. I was thinking of getting one of those but I wasn't sure if my greys would like it or be scared of it. I was also thinking about a cargo net...I may need to get a second job just so I can afford all these great playthings...anything to keep my grey babies content!
  4. I love the second one, the look on your grey's face is so intense. Wonderful job!
  5. I really need to check out this site- those are AWESOME pictures, I really love them. Thanks for posting this! B)
  6. We have some talented birds on our forum. Makes me proud to be a member! I really love hearing these stories guys and gals so please keep them coming. :cheer:
  7. Hi Linda, welcome to the grey forum!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I bet you are so excited about your newly hatched baby- congratulations!
  9. Hello Carol, welcome to the forum. Cookie sounds like he brings lots of fun to your already busy household. I look forward to hearing more about him.
  10. Welcome to the forum Mary. Nickel is a beautiful grey and I'm glad you have both bonded to each other.
  11. Hello Bry, welcome to the grey forum. There are small differences between TAGs and CAGs but I'm pretty sure if you are wanting a grey, either one would make you very happy. Just let us know what questions you may have as you make your decision.
  12. Congratulations to you and Fred and Wilma. I hope you end up with some beautiful baby tiels! Will this be their first clutch?
  13. Oh, he's just beautiful. I didn't check out this room for a while and see what I've missed...I'm so happy you've given Sully a great new home and I can tell he is going to bring a lot of love to your life.
  14. Hi Nancy, welcome to the forum. Can't wait to hear more about your new baby and see some pictures when you get some. I highly recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker for any new grey owner. When you think of some questions just let us know!
  15. Welcome to the forum, I'm so glad you've joined us!
  16. Your babies are looking so beautiful and it really looks like they are getting lots of love and playtime from the breeder and her daughter. I just can't wait til the end of the month because I know your excitement is going to be overflowing here on the forum!B)
  17. Happy mother's day ladies! Hope all of you are getting the royal treatment today. :kiss:
  18. Hello Leon, welcome to the forum!
  19. These are all really great tips. I've been fighting with ants for two years now. I've tried using an ant killer called Terro that is supposed to be great- it is odorless and it's a clear sticky liquid that comes in little packs that you put out where the animals can't get to it. The ants go inside, drink the poison and take it back home with them. Well, the ants have been having Terro for breakfast, lunch and dinner for months now and just keep coming back for more. I see no decline in them, in fact they are worse now that it has been raining cats and dogs here for a few weeks. I'm going to try the cinnamon or vinegar and see what I think. Thanks to you all.
  20. I love it too- I wish my greys were at the point where we could have these fun conversations too. So far, Lyric says a clickie sound that I interpretted to mean "Cup". So, if I show him a cup he says it. But, if I show him something else and ask what it is, he says cup too. We're working on it. Sadie Grey still says "pretty birdie" and also Lyric's interpretation of cup- said just like he says it. She hasn't learned anything new besides that. It makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong and why my birds are not great talkers... don't get me wrong, I love them regardless, but I would be so beside myself if they could have conversations like some of yours do.
  21. Oh wow, you've had quite a time of it! You are doing the right thing by ignoring her when she is screaming- it's really the only answer and you just have to be consistant and hang in there. Does she have toys to keep her busy while she is inside her cage? I think she is pretty new to you and still settling in. Give it some time and see if things don't calm down in a few weeks time. Until then, I suggest ear plugs! (if she hears sirens a lot, she is probably going to continue making this noise no matter what, unless she just gets bored with it and getting no reaction out of you) Good luck-- if you need to, go to a different room and take a few deep breaths and focus your thoughts before you interact with her again.
  22. Sounds like you are really doing great with him already and are on the right track to getting him healthy and happy again. The raspy sound when he breathes will definitely need to be checked out, that could be a serious problem, but your vet will be able to figure that out. I think you are truly wonderful for taking on this challenge and helping out a bird that really needed you.
  23. Hi Pete, welcome here. Sounds like you have a busy life, but who doesn't nowadays? I'm sure you'll get the hang of this forum in no time. My timneh loves pasta too!
  24. Hello Dawn, welcome to the forum. We're always happy to have a new member. Let us know any questions you think of.
  25. I can't seem to ever catch a good picture of any of my birds flying. You've done a good job with yours, it's a great picture and Beau is a beauty for sure!
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