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  1. Well.....you have it. The Government declare that Friday is now officially the weekend as well. They name you as the person who contributed most to the campaign. Unfortunately....now all the banks are closed for three days a week as well and those people who always got paid on Fridays have to wait until Monday. You become very unpopular as the shops takings at weekend is halved. You are unable to leave your house as the shopkeepers are protesting outside. You end up having to leave the country and arrive in a country where you have to work seven days a week to earn enough to eat!! I wish that my diet was working.
  2. You wake on Sunday morning and on going down stairs everyone greets you wih a smile. It seems that whatever you say makes them laugh. You head off to the park and everyone that passes you is laughing. You begin to think your skirt is caught in your knickers or something. By the time you arrive at the park everyone walking their dogs is laughing....in fact, even the dogs are laughing. You can't stand it any longer and cover your ears and run back to the house. All your family are screaming with laughter....you run upstairs and cover your head with the duvet. When you wake.....hooray....it's Monday and sanity has returned. I wish I could go on a holiday tomorrow.
  3. Well done for taking on an older bird. I think you have a long road ahead of you, but perhaps sit by his cage doing different things or even eating nice things while making yummy noises. Greys are naturally quite inquisitive so he may well begin to move down toward where you are sitting. If you don't take any notice of him he will eventually, hopefully become comfortable sitting closer to you. Good luck with him.
  4. I didn't need to pee until I read this....I've got to {Communicate-00020117}
  5. Hi Rob and welcome to you and your family. Bella is a beautiful name for a beautiful CAG. I hope to hear more about her as she settles in with you all. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together.
  6. Hi Lisa, I got one of those for Ollie and he didn't stop until he picked every piece of wood out. The nut fell to the bottom of the cage and he lost interest in it then, but still chews at the wood pieces. :lol:
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum. Your baby looks beautiful and I look forward to hearing more about her escapades in the future. You will find lots of lovely people on here and a mine of useful information.
  8. Well, you have had the worst week you could imagine. If it could possibly have gone wrong it did!!! You are so fed up that you decide to polish your ornaments. After breaking your favourite piece you wish that you could turn the clock back. Suddenly, you find yourself back at the beginning of the week. Unfortunately, too late, you realise you can't change anything and you have to live the whole darned week again. When you start polishing the ornaments, to your horror, you wishe the same wish and it starts all over again!!! You live for ever reliving the worst week of your life. I wish my car hadn't broken down today.
  9. You wake up and realise you are in a beautiful palace. Your dream came true....you are the Queen. You look around and find a bell pull....ding dong. Up comes your lady in waiting and tells you the prime minister is waiting to see you.......not even time for breakfast. You go down to your library where the prime minister is pacing the floor. You spend the whole morning trying to solve a political scandle. Just as you are about to take lunch, you catch sight of a newspaper. Oh no!! What has your cousin been up to now. You have to sort it.......afternoon gone and just when you think things couldn't get any worse you get a call from the French president and spend 4 hours attempting to prevent a security breach. You realise that it is midnight and you need to go to bed...... not quite the job you thought!! I wish Ollie hadn't bitten me today.it hurt!!
  10. I have had the same problem with Ollie for 5 years. I was his favourite for the first six months and then he chose my partner( strange bird...lol). It was really hurtful, but there is very little I could do about it. I try every day and spend a lot of time with him, but just can't handle him. You may just have to accept what he gives.....but don't give up trying.
  11. I've been offered the part of the cow in Jack and the bean Stalk........I ask you......do I look like a cow?
  12. Everyone on the forum decides that it is time they met. After long discussion we decide on a time and a place to meet. We all decide that we have to bring our feathered friends along as well and we are all thriloled as we get on so well together. The great day arrives and one by one we arrive at the venue. Things seem to be going swimmingly, but suddenly you hear an argument on the other side of the room. Baxter'smom and Judygram are arguing over who has the best looking grey.......everyone starts to put in their opinion and before you know it there is a terribble argument going on. Food is being thrown and Toni gets caught with a jelly. Dave looks good wearing a quiche and luvparrots seems to have a cucumber in some oriface or other.......... Maybe we should just carry on talking!!!! I wish I could take my computer when I work away.
  13. sue09

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    John Lennon What is your favourite band of all time?
  14. You go to bed and you are thinking how nice it would be to have a fish pond in your garden. You drift off to sleep, waking to this crazy noise. You look out of your bedroom window and see that your whole garden has become a huge fish pond. You cannot believe your eyes.....or your ears. There are hundreds of frogs, toads, birds, voles, otters...every type of pond creature you could imagine. The volume of noise was almost more than you culd stand. You hear a police siren coming along the road and find that the neighbours have complained and you are carted off to the local police station and charged with disturbing the peace! I wish pretty flowers didn't die.
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