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Everything posted by casper

  1. Welcome dan_erobbo and Tiah. Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  2. Great idea about the mesh to cover the cage, does anyone in the uk do this to protect from wasps and bees?
  3. I agree, I think you will pick a name when you get to know your baby. There are so many to choose from! Welcome to the forum, Im sure you will enjoy it here.
  4. Charlie is more spoilt than my human children! I couldnt begin to tell you how much I spend on him a month. I cook him special meals as well and the rest of the gang have to fit around Charlies activities. Vacations, ( should I even go there ) We booked a holiday for a group of us to go on before I bought Charlie, well I have decided I cant go and leave him as I dont know anyone experienced enough to leave him with. My husband, children and friends are still going and I will be at home with my baby. Thats spoilt! But he is worth it
  5. He is so cute. Another great addition to your flock.
  6. That's a brilliant picture you have there. He will get better in time, lots of practice is all thats needed.
  7. Hi Lesley and welcome to the forum. Wow what a lot of birds! Do you manage to get any time to yourself? Cant wait to read your posts, your experience will be most welcome here. Caroline
  8. casper


    NO tea or coffee, or alcohol. When I am having a cup of tea Charlie always wants to have a taste, so I just put some water in a cup for him so he doesnt feel left out. The things we do for our greys!! Welcome here from Caroline and Charlie.
  9. Tracy he is such a cutie. A wonderful new addition to your family.
  10. Great pictures,maybe she is trying to tell you she wants to do flower arranging?
  11. No electricity needed Judy, cattle prod works fine :laugh:
  12. Hello and welcome to both of you. Scotland is such a nice place. Hope you enjoy it here
  13. Such a cutie! Thanks for that:)
  14. Sorry cant help with this one. My dishwasher is called Dave and I have been married to him for 15 years! He doesnt give off to many dangerous fumes lol:laugh: Dont think I would worry to much about this though.
  15. Tracy, Charlie is 10 months old and is social to the point that he will sit on his stand with the rest of the family in the room and not be bothered, but has only been handled by myself. I would love for my husband to be able to do this. Charlie will sit on the same chair as him and gives him a nudge if he pays no attention lol, lets him put his food in his cage etc, do you think its to late to start this with them both? Any suggestions?
  16. casper


    Lyric, Charlie was freaked for quite a while afterwards. He lost all the flights out of one wing when it happened to him. I now leave 2 night lights on for him and found this helps. Hope yours are ok and will settle down. It also makes you quite nervous for a while afterwards. I found I didnt sleep to good listening out for him, not that it will happen again but just being a worried mummy lol:)
  17. Hope you get an appointment soon Tracy and try to move things along. Send her my best wishes and keep us updated . Some get well flowers for her {Love-00020116}
  18. Thats great news you must be really pleased. Cant wait to hear the results. I will go with Simon.
  19. Hi James, welcome to the forum. Its a great place to be, you will get lots of help and advice from everyone. Look forward to hearing more about Corkey and maybe see some pics. Caroline:)
  20. Ok, aprons out pans to the ready.Gordon Grey is back again! You should do a grey cookbook Tracy. lol Thanks Siobhan, will give this one a try.
  21. Hello hjcruzer. Congratulations she is one cute baby. That is a really sweet name as well. Welcome here and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. Caroline
  22. Hello and welcome Fairymyst. What a great bday present, It will def be worth the wait. I hope you will enjoy it here, and you have plenty of time to read and learn before you bring your baby home. Cant wait to see some pics. Caroline
  23. Hi Johnny, welcome to you and Monster! That is an unusual name! How did that come about? You will have to explain that one.lol
  24. Knight, do as the others have said, I have had this happen a couple of times and I have put them in the room so Charlie can see them, then moved them nearer to the cage. I bought a new playstand which sat next to his cage for about 7 weeks before he would go on it. They are funny things when introducing anything new.
  25. Charlie is the same, he hates it when I mist him but like you said its something that we have to do wether they like it or not. I always put a bowl in the bottom of the cage still and add some toys to try and get him interested, I think he only has used this a couple of times but I will keep trying.
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