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Everything posted by casper

  1. My grey Charlie used to do fly or climb up on top of my head as well. He was probably about the same age as yours. Like lovemygreys and Judy have said it will just take time, keep lifting her down and place her where you want her to be. Do you already have a playstand? If not these are a great idea and will give your grey somewhere else to focus on as a play area if you put favourite toys and things on there to keep her interested.
  2. I leave the tv on for Charlie when I go to work music channels for him! No xxx material yet, he is a bit young, maybe when he is a bit older! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  3. Okay Judy, the drinks are on me! Did I say Simon? I meant to say Simone. Lol. Whisper is a great name, congratulations on your baby girl
  4. I have been following this thread and cant believe how much she has grown! She is soooo cute
  5. Carol I am so pleased for you, I just rushed home from work to find out how Bobby is and that has just made my day! We all think the world of each others greys on here and as grey owners can only imagine some of the upset and worry you have been going through. I will still keep Bobby in my prayers tonight. Lets hope he will be home with you soon. Caroline x
  6. Carol, You and Bobby are in my prayers. I hope he keeps up his fight to get through this. I am sure everyone on this forum feels the same way, sometimes its hard to find the right words but just wanted to let you know. Caroline x
  7. You are really lucky, I tried to take Charlie out just in his cage as it was a nice day and he freaked! Mind you the last time he was out will have been 8 months ago so its like he has forgotten what its like! Great pics, thanks for those.
  8. If you think that is squealing You want to take a visit to my house! I think your grey is really quiet compared to mine, especially the tea time screeching session whilst he is hanging from the top of his cage by one foot! I dont think you have any problem.
  9. Siobhan you need to get that framed that is such a cute picture. Good for you Johnny, we need more men like you. Say what you think! Caroline.
  10. Hi Bruce I used to enjoy reading your posts and you helped me out a couple of times. Just wanted to say its nice to see you back:) Caroline.
  11. I am really sorry to here this Dragoneyes but you must feel a lot better knowing what the problem is and that she is now in the right place to get better. I hope she will recover soon, keep us informed of her progress. Caroline
  12. I would still keep a close eye on her and give the emergency vet a ring for an appointment if there is any change at all. When is your usual vet back open again? After the weekend? Monitor everything, eating, drinking, poop etc. Dont hesitate. If there is any change get help. Caroline;)
  13. Welcome Calvin. You have come to the right place for information about greys, this forum has so many experienced members who are always here to help and support when needed. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have. Caroline
  14. For the sake of a few days I wouldnt get your grey clipped, like Dave said, He will be fed up for a few days but will get over it. Enjoy your holiday and keep your grey flighted if thats what you are happy with and suits you, only think of clipping if that is what you want long term. Good look.
  15. Hello and welcome Jackie, hope you will enjoy it here and cant wait to see those pictures. Caroline:)
  16. Dave, thanks for the tip, I spend a fortune on cleaning products. Do you use just normal vinegar?
  17. Awww that these are such great pictures, I think I am getting all broody now.
  18. They are great pics of Corkey. Charlie hates to be misted but for his own good I make sure I do this a few times a week. Try to get one of the fine misters which wont be to harsh. I also put a dish of water in the bottom of his cage to bathe. You never know she might like it. Good luck.
  19. Well done everyone. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  20. Have you tried hand feeding or are you just putting food into a bowl? The only reason I ask is that some days Charlie will just tip his bowl over and leave his fruit, veggies, but if I hand or spoon feed them will eat most of them. He is about the same age, I think it must still be the baby in them lol
  21. They are so funny. I have two cats and he has started to make cat noises now, he is very vocal, I have heard a big difference in the last couple of months.
  22. Hi, I agree with Tracy, my grey is the same age as yours and makes some really weird sounds which I have no idea where they came from. He has only started saying a few words at the moment, and can maybe put two words together. He babbles on and whistles all day long! Cant say I have heard a water trickling sound though. Maybe that is yet to come.
  23. casper


    Hi Mark, just wanted to let you know I am still thinking about you and your family. I am sure Max will soon come round. Dont be worrying about him. Take care and will speak soon. Caroline x
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