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Everything posted by casper

  1. Congratulations it is so sweet when they say there first word. Charlie can only say a few words but it is so cute.
  2. So glad your daughter is home, lets hope she wont have to wait to long for tests doing. Great to see you back with your second family again
  3. Hello and welcome Marty. Hope you will enjoy this forum, dont know if you already have a grey or finding out information. Look forward to reading more posts. Caroline
  4. Knight05, I wont tell you his reply as I am so not into bikes, only greys and yours is so cute:)
  5. My husband is a biker and was just eyeing your bike up! He said very nice but his zx6r looks better! lol. Chloe is so sweet
  6. Tracy, family come first and you have to look after your daughter. Everyone here will fully understand and will be thinking about your daughters well being, take care of your daughter and I hope she gets well soon. Caroline x
  7. Hello and welcome from Caroline and Charlie
  8. Congratulations on your new baby. Cant wait to hear more about her
  9. Tracy they are great pics. I think many of us get our babies fully weaned, I got Charlie when he was 12 weeks and you dont get to see what they look like before this. Unless like some of the members they are visiting the greys at the breeders and having contact before they come home. They are so cute, thanks for sharing.
  10. Hello and welcome to both of you. Char those couple of days will pass quickly then all the fun will begin. You will have to tell us all about Simon when he comes home. Coopersmom glad you like it here its a great place to be. Everyone is really friendly and are quick to give advice when you need it. Just ask.
  11. Great news,I am so glad you have found out what the problem is. Hope Booty gets well soon. I will say a prayer tonight for her
  12. Great advice for those who are bringing new babies home Tracy.
  13. This is a great idea. Cant wait for posts and lots of baby pictures.
  14. Hello Rex30 and welcome. Hope you enjoy it here.
  15. Glad to see you back Toni, get well soon
  16. Thanks Lyric I will do my best to enjoy. Weather really mixed here in the uk. Today we have had sunshine, rain, hailstone but not as cold as it has been. Typical April day.
  17. Hi and welcome to you and Smokey. This site is brilliant, I am sure you will find it really useful and learn lots of new things like I have.
  18. I had to remove Charlies mirror last week. He started being really aggressive and attacking it all the time. I never thought of him thinking it could be an intruder Tracy, just thought it was his rough playing getting a bit out of hand.
  19. They are both so cute! Thanks for those pics
  20. Mark you are so funny! I have two cats which would have Charlie for dinner if they had the chance. I have never let Charlie out when the cats are in the room it just isnt worth it. I let Charlie out at different times of the day. Your animals will soon get into the routine and you can share your time between the two of them.
  21. Do it properly Dave and you will get better results. Good luck and keep us all informed. I hope the conure will find a good home.
  22. Judy is right. He does need a routine. When I cover Charlie, he might not go straight to sleep but it calms him down and within half an hour he will take himself off to his perch. If you are still in the same room do you dim the lights down? Just a thought, thats what we do, it might help.
  23. HI everyone, its been how many weeks since that dreaded earthquake that caused much upset for us to do with Charlie losing his flights, but just wanted to let you know the good news, his flights have come back. They are not through completely yet but it wont be long now. We had to change Charlies routine to stop him going at certain heights, this was quite difficult as Charlie has always been fully flighted. Anyway just wanted to let you know and say thankyou to the people who were there when I needed help.
  24. Thats sweet Dave, keep up the good work. Now you can have two pooped on shoulders!:laugh:
  25. Welcome from Caroline and Charlie:)
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