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Everything posted by casper

  1. Not clipped but still waiting for the return of primarys after earthquake, so poor Charlie not flighted at moment.
  2. He is so cute. I also have a grey called Charlie:)
  3. Hi Gail, welcome from Caroline and Charlie:)
  4. casper


    Hi kelly, thats what I do with Charlie. I put a bowl in the bottom of his cage with a couple of his toys in. If I am lucky he will have a bath then I give him a misting as well. He only likes to get his underneath wet so I mist the rest of him. They are funny little things.
  5. At the moment I am trying to get Charlie to eat the Harrisons. He wont eat them out of his bowl, but will be hand fed them instead kind of like having a treat. It just takes time I will keep trying and hopefully wean him on to them properly soon. At least he eats fruit and veggies as well as his seed I am not over concerned about his diet just want to give him the best I can.
  6. I work as a part time dispenser in a pharmacy. I am thinking of finishing my job to spend more time at home helping my husband with his new business. Will also give me more time at home with Charlie.
  7. I am so sorry to hear about this terrible accident. My thoughts will be with Toni and her family. Caroline
  8. How exciting! How will you sleep tonight? Cant wait to hear about your new baby when you bring them home. It will have been worth the wait. Caroline
  9. Hello and welcome to you and your baby grey. Caroline and Charlie
  10. Hi there and welcome from Caroline and Charlie
  11. No its a hard plastic bowl. He lays on his back with his feet sticking up its funny now but it scared me the first time he did it! Looks really weird. He also loves to put everything in his water dish, food toys etc does anyone elses do this as well? Will try and get a pic next time he goes in the bowl:)
  12. Hi and welcome from Caroline and Charlie
  13. Tracy I will come and pick you up and let you do it for Charlie, I would love to find out. Just dont want to hurt my baby. You know how soft I am
  14. Charlie has started a new game by laying on his back inside his food bowl. How mad is that? The first time I saw him I thought he had hurt himself, but no just a new game.
  15. Welcome from Caroline and Charlie
  16. He is beautiful. Makes me want to get another baby. Keep us posted with more pics with that super dooper camera
  17. Hi Michelle and welcome. Portugal is such a lovely place. Caroline and Charlie.
  18. I am a big softie. I got the kit for Charlie and was to scared to pluck the feathers! If anyone would like to come and do it for me......:laugh:
  19. Hi Nick, glad you joined. Im sure you will enjoy it here
  20. Congrats Judy, thanks for the great advise youve given since I joined this forum always great to see your name up there when I log on. :) {Feel-good-000200BB}
  21. I feel so sorry for you, I wish I was nearer to help but in the uk. Hopefully there will be another member who can help.
  22. It is really sad how people can just get rid of their pets this way. I was on another forum and a lady advertised her grey for sale because he wouldnt talk!!! He was good natured, loving, never had any probs with him yet she didnt want him because he didnt entertain her! She said this was the only reason she bought him. Think its a good job she wasnt a member of this forum. I hope he finds a good loving home
  23. Thanks Tracy, found that really intersting as I dispense daily in a pharmacy. Karma from me and Charlie
  24. Hi Dave, welcome, you sound like a right laugh! Look forward to hearing about you and your baby grey
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